Circuit IR Compilers and Tools

Random Test Generation (RTG) Rationale

This dialect provides types, operations, and interfaces modeling randomization constructs for random test generation. Furthermore, it contains passes to perform and analyze the represented randomization.


This dialect aims to provide a unified representation for randomized tests, more precisely the parts of the tests that encode the randomization constructs (e.g., picking a random resource from a set of resources). This means, this dialect is only useful in combination with at least one other dialect that represents the actual test constructs, i.e., the parts that get randomized. After all the randomization constructs are fully elaborated, the resulting test will only consist of those dialects.

Examples for tests that can be randomized, and thus candidates for companion dialects, are instruction sequences of any ISA (Instruction Set Architecture), transaction sequences over a latency insensitive (ready-valid) channel, input sequences to an FSM (Finite State Machine), transaction sequences for potentially any other protocol. Albeit, the initial motivation is ISA tests and will thus be the best supported, at least initially.

While it should be valid to add constructs to this dialect that are special to any of the above mentioned use-cases, the dialect should generally be designed such that all of them can be supported.

Interfacing with the RTG dialect 

The RTG dialect is only useful in combination with at least one other dialect representing the test. Such a dialect has to be aware of the RTG dialect and has to implement various interfaces (depending on which parts of the RTG infrastructure it intends to use).

A test can be declared with the rtg.test operation which takes an ! type attribute to specify requirements for the test to be able to be generated and executed. In addition to the target having to provide an ! typed value that is a refinement of the required target type, the test can specify additional requirements using the rtg.require operation.

Targets can be defined using the operation. Certain operations are only allowed inside the target operation but not the test operation to guarantee that certain resources (specifically contexts) cannot be generated on-the-fly.

The RTG framework will match all tests with all targets that fulfill their requirements. The user can specify which targets and tests should be included in the test generation process and how many tests should be generated per target or in total.

Currently, there are three concepts in the RTG dialect the companion dialects can map their constructs to:

  • Instructions: instructions/operations intended to be performed in series by the test, such as ISA instructions, or protocol transactions
  • Resources: resources the instructions operate on, such as registers or memories in ISA tests, or channels in hardware transaction tests
  • Contexts: the context or environment the instuctions are performed in, e.g., on which CPU and in which mode for ISA test.

To express their mapping, the companion dialects must implement the the interfaces as follows.


They implement InstructionOpInterface on all operations that represent an instruction, transaction, or similar. Those operations are intended to be statements and not define SSA values.


Operations that create, declare, define, or produce a handle to a resource instance must implement the ResourceOpInterface interface and define at least one SSA value of a type that implements the ResourceTypeInterface interface. (TODO: maybe we don’t actually need the ResourceTypeInterface?)

The RegisterOpInterface can be implemented in addition to the ResourceOpInterface if the resource is a register to become supported by the register allocation and assembly emission pass.


The ContextResourceType is used to represent contexts. Instructions can be placed in specific context using the rtg.on_context operation (Note: we might promote this to a type interface in the future). Operations that define contexts (i.e., create new contexts) must implement the ContextResourceOpInterface interface. Operations implementing the ContextResourceOpInterface interface are only allowed inside the operation.


This dialect aims to provide utilities that allow users to generate tests anywhere on the spectrum from directed tests to (almost) fully random tests (refer to fuzzing).

  • Constraints: allow the user to specify constraints to avoid generating illegal or useless tests, e.g., by
    • allowing to specify a sequence of instructions that always have to be picked in exactly that order and form (see rtg.sequence operation)
    • dependencies between resources or resource usages
    • etc.
  • Probabilities and Biases: allow certain tests (or parts of a test) to be picked more likely than others (can be seen as ‘soft-constraints’) (see !rtg.bag type and associated operations)
  • Enumerations: allow to enumerate all tests that can be produced by the current randomness constraints, possibly in a way that places the more likely tests to occur earlier in the enumeration

(TODO: expand here once these things are built out)

Main IR constructs to introduce randomness:

  • Sets: a set of elements of the same type; the usual set operations apply as well as uniformly at random picking one element of the set
  • Bags/Biased Sets: a generalization of sets that allows one element to occur multiple times and thus make it more likely to be picked (i.e., models non-uniform distributions)


This section provides an (almost) E2E walkthrough of a simple example starting at a Python implmentation using the library wrapping around the python bindings, showing the generated RTG IR, and the fully elaborated IR. This compilation process can be performed in one go using the driver script.

# Define a test target (essentially a design/machine with 4 CPUs)[('cpus', rtg.set_of(rtg.context_resource()))])
def example_target():
  # return a set containing 4 CPUs which the test can schedule instruction
  # sequences on
  return [rtg.Set.create([rv64.core(0), rv64.core(1), rv64.core(2), rv64.core(3)])]

# Define a sequence (for simplicity it only contains one instruction)
# Note: not adding the sequence decorator is also valid in this example  but
# means the function is fully inlined at python execution time. It is not valid,
# however, if the sequence is added to a set or bag to be selected at random.
def seq(register):
  # ADD Immediate instruction adding 4 to to the given register
  rtgtest.addi(register, rtgtest.imm(4, 12))

# Define a test that requires a target with CPUs to schedule instruction
# sequences on
@rtg.test([('cpus', rtg.set_of(rtg.context_resource()))])
def example(cpus):
  # Pick a random CPU and schedule the ADD operation on it
  with rtg.context(cpus.get_random_and_exclude()):

  # Pick a random CPU that was not already picked above and zero out the stack
  # pointer register on it
  with rtg.context(cpus.get_random()):
    ra = rtgtest.sp()
    rtgtest.xor(ra, ra)

The driver script will elaborate this python file and produce the following RTG IR as an intermediate step: @example_target : !<cpus: !rtg.set<!rtg.context_resource>> {
  %0 = rtgtest.coreid 0
  %1 = rtgtest.coreid 1
  %2 = rtgtest.coreid 2
  %3 = rtgtest.coreid 3
  %4 = rtg.set_create %0, %1, %2, %3 : !rtg.context_resource
  rtg.yield %4 : !rtg.set<!rtg.context_resource>
rtg.sequence @seq {
^bb0(%reg: !rtgtest.reg):
  %c4_i12 = arith.constant 4 : i12
  rtgtest.addi %reg, %c4_i12
rtg.sequence @context0 {
  // Labels are declared before being placed in the instruction stream such that
  // we can insert jump instructions before the jump target.
  %0 = rtg.label.decl "label0" -> index
  rtg.label %0 : index
  %sp = rtgtest.sp
  // Construct a closure such that it can be easily passed around, e.g.,
  // inserted into a set with other sequence closures to be selected at random.
  %1 = rtg.sequence_closure @seq(%sp) : !rtgtest.reg
  // Place the sequence here (i.e., inline it here with the arguments passed to
  // the closure).
  // This is essentially the same as an `rtg.on_context` with the context
  // operand matching the one of the parent `on_context`.
  rtg.sequence_invoke %1
rtg.sequence @context1 {
  %0 = rtgtest.sp
  rtgtest.xor %sp, %sp
rtg.test @example : !<cpus: !rtg.set<!rtg.context_resource>> {
^bb0(%arg0: !rtg.set<!rtg.context_resource>):
  // Select an element from the set uniformly at random
  %0 = rtg.set_select_random %arg0 : !rtg.set<!rtg.context_resource>
  %3 = rtg.sequence_closure @context0
  // Place the sequence closure on the given context. In this example, there
  // will be guards inserted that make sure the inlined sequence is only
  // executed by the CPU specified by the selected coreid.
  rtg.on_context %0, %3 : !rtg.context_resource
  // Construct a new set that doesn't contain the selected element (RTG sets are
  // immutable) and select another element randomly from this new set.
  %1 = rtg.set_create %0 : !rtg.context_resource
  %2 = rtg.set_difference %arg0, %1 : !rtg.set<!rtg.context_resource>
  %7 = rtg.set_select_random %2 : !rtg.set<!rtg.context_resource>
  %8 = rtg.sequence_closure @context1
  rtg.on_context %7, %8 : !rtg.context_resource

Once all the RTG randomization passes were performed, the example looks like this:

// Two regions, the first one to be executed on CPU with coreid 0 and the second
// one on CPU with coreid 2
rtg.rendered_context [0,2] {
  %0 = rtg.label.decl "label0" -> index
  rtg.label %0 : index
  %reg = rtgtest.sp
  %c4 = arith.constant 4 : i12
  rtgtest.addi %sp, %c4
  // Is emitted to assembly looking something like:
  // label0:
  // addi sp, 4
}, {
  %sp = rtgtest.sp
  rtgtest.xor %sp, %sp

The last step to run this test is to print it in assembly format and invoke the assembler. This also includes the insertion of a considerable amount of boilerplate setup code to run the above instructions on the right CPUs which is omitted in this example for clarity.

Use-case-specific constructs 

This section provides an overview of operations/types/interfaces added with the intend to be only used for one (or a few) specific use-cases/test-targets.

ISA Tests 

  • Labels: Handling of labels is added to the RTG dialect because they are common across ISAs. Leaving them to the ISA specific companion dialects would likely lead to frequent code duplication (once for each ISA).
  • Register Allocation Pass
  • Assembly Emission Pass


Any dialect or entry point is allowed to generate valid RTG IR with a companion dialect. The dialect already comes with an extensive CAPI, Python Bindings, and a small Python library that simplify usage over the pure Python Bindings.


The RTG dialect does not have a backend itself. It is fully lowered by its dialect transformation passes that perform the randomization. The result will be IR consisting purely of the companion dialect and thus it is up to this companion dialect to define any backends.


rtg.bag_create (::circt::rtg::BagCreateOp) 

Constructs a bag

This operation constructs a bag with the provided values and associated multiples. This means the bag constructed in the following example contains two of each %arg0 and %arg0 ({%arg0, %arg0, %arg1, %arg1}).

%0 = arith.constant 2 : index
%1 = rtg.bag_create (%0 x %arg0, %0 x %arg1) : i32

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, SameVariadicOperandSize

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


elementsvariadic of any type
multiplesvariadic of index


baga bag of values

rtg.bag_difference (::circt::rtg::BagDifferenceOp) 

Computes the difference of two bags


operation ::= `rtg.bag_difference` $original `,` $diff (`inf` $inf^)? `:` qualified(type($output)) attr-dict

For each element the resulting bag will have as many fewer than the ‘original’ bag as there are in the ‘diff’ bag. However, if the ‘inf’ attribute is attached, all elements of that kind will be removed (i.e., it is assumed the ‘diff’ bag has infinitely many copies of each element).

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
inf::mlir::UnitAttrunit attribute


originala bag of values
diffa bag of values


outputa bag of values

rtg.bag_select_random (::circt::rtg::BagSelectRandomOp) 

Select a random element from the bag


operation ::= `rtg.bag_select_random` $bag `:` qualified(type($bag)) attr-dict

This operation returns an element from the bag selected uniformely at random. Therefore, the number of duplicates of each element can be used to bias the distribution. If the bag does not contain any elements, the behavior of this operation is undefined.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


baga bag of values


outputany type

rtg.bag_union (::circt::rtg::BagUnionOp) 

Computes the union of bags


operation ::= `rtg.bag_union` $bags `:` qualified(type($result)) attr-dict

Computes the union of the given bags. The list of sets must contain at least one element.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Commutative, SameOperandsAndResultType

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


bagsvariadic of a bag of values


resulta bag of values

rtg.bag_unique_size (::circt::rtg::BagUniqueSizeOp) 

Returns the number of unique elements in the bag


operation ::= `rtg.bag_unique_size` $bag `:` qualified(type($bag)) attr-dict

This operation returns the number of unique elements in the bag, i.e., for the bag {a, a, b, c, c} it returns 3.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


baga bag of values



rtg.context_switch (::circt::rtg::ContextSwitchOp) 

A specification of how to switch contexts


operation ::= `rtg.context_switch` $from `->` $to `,` $sequence `:` qualified(type($sequence)) attr-dict

This operation allows the user to specify a sequence of instructions to switch from context ‘from’ to context ’to’, randomize and embed a provided sequence, and switch back from context ’to’ to context ‘from’. This sequence of instructions should be provided as the ‘sequence’ operand which is a sequence of the type ‘!rtg.sequence<context-type-interface, context-type-interface, !rtg.sequence>’. The first parameter is the ‘from’ context, the second one the ’to’ context, and the third is the sequence to randomize and embed under the ’to’ context.

Traits: HasParent<rtg::TargetOp>


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
from::circt::rtg::ContextResourceAttrInterfaceContextResourceAttrInterface instance
to::circt::rtg::ContextResourceAttrInterfaceContextResourceAttrInterface instance


sequencehandle to a sequence or sequence family

rtg.embed_sequence (::circt::rtg::EmbedSequenceOp) 

Embed a sequence of instructions into another sequence


operation ::= `rtg.embed_sequence` $sequence attr-dict

This operation takes a fully randomized sequence and embeds it into another sequence or test at the position of this operation. In particular, this is not any kind of function call, it doesn’t set up a stack frame, etc. It behaves as if the sequence of instructions it refers to were directly inlined relacing this operation.


sequencehandle to a fully randomized sequence

rtg.fixed_reg (::circt::rtg::FixedRegisterOp) 

Returns a value representing a fixed register


operation ::= `rtg.fixed_reg` $reg attr-dict

This operation creates a value representing the register given as the ‘reg’ attribute. This is always a concrete ISA register. The return type always matches the register attribute type.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, ConstantLike

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
reg::circt::rtg::RegisterAttrInterfaceRegisterAttrInterface instance


resultRegisterTypeInterface instance

rtg.get_sequence (::circt::rtg::GetSequenceOp) 

Create a sequence value


operation ::= `rtg.get_sequence` $sequence `:` qualified(type($ref)) attr-dict

This operation creates a sequence value referring to the provided sequence by symbol. It allows sequences to be passed around as an SSA value. For example, it can be inserted into a set and selected at random which is one of the main ways to do randomization.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface), SymbolUserOpInterface

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sequence::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


refhandle to a sequence or sequence family

rtg.interleave_sequences (::circt::rtg::InterleaveSequencesOp) 

Interleave a list of sequences


operation ::= `rtg.interleave_sequences` $sequences (`batch` $batchSize^)? attr-dict

This operation takes a list of (at least one) fully randomized sequences and interleaves them by taking the next batchSize number of operations implementing the InstructionOpInterface of each sequence round-robin.

Therefore, if only one sequence is in the list, this operation returns that sequence unchanged.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
batchSize::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute


sequencesvariadic of handle to a fully randomized sequence


interleavedSequencehandle to a fully randomized sequence

rtg.label_decl (::circt::rtg::LabelDeclOp) 

Declares a label for an instruction sequence


operation ::= `rtg.label_decl` $formatString (`,` $args^)? attr-dict

Declares a label that can then be placed by an rtg.label operation in an instruction sequence, passed on to sequences via their arguments, and used by instructions (e.g., as jump targets) by allowing ISA dialects to use them directly as an operand of an instruction or by casting it to a value representing an immediate.

The format string may contain placeholders of the form {i} where i refers to the i-th element in args. The declared label is uniqued by the compiler to no collide with any other label declarations.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
formatString::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


argsvariadic of index


labela reference to a label

rtg.label (::circt::rtg::LabelOp) 

Places a label in an instruction sequence


operation ::= `rtg.label` $visibility $label attr-dict

Any declared label must only be placed at most once in any fully elaborated instruction sequence.


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
visibility::circt::rtg::LabelVisibilityAttrvisibility specifiers for labels


labela reference to a label

rtg.label_unique_decl (::circt::rtg::LabelUniqueDeclOp) 

Declares a unique label for an instruction sequence


operation ::= `rtg.label_unique_decl` $formatString (`,` $args^)? attr-dict

Declares a label that can then be placed by an rtg.label operation in an instruction sequence, passed on to sequences via their arguments, and used by instructions (e.g., as jump targets) by allowing ISA dialects to use them directly as an operand of an instruction or by casting it to a value representing an immediate.

The format string may contain placeholders of the form {i} where i refers to the i-th element in args. The declared label is uniqued by the compiler to no collide with any other label declarations.

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
formatString::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


argsvariadic of index


labela reference to a label

rtg.on_context (::circt::rtg::OnContextOp) 

Places a sequence on a context


operation ::= `rtg.on_context` $context `,` $sequence `:` qualified(type($context)) attr-dict

This operation takes a context and a fully substituted, but not yet randomized sequence and inserts the necessary instructions to switch from the current context to the provided context, randomizes and embeds the given sequence under the given context, and inserts instructions to switch back to the original context.

These instructions are provided by the ‘rtg.context_switch’ operation. If no ‘rtg.context_switch’ for this transition is provided, the compiler will error out. If multiple such context switches apply, the most recently registered one takes precedence.


contextContextResourceTypeInterface instance
sequencefully substituted sequence type

rtg.random_number_in_range (::circt::rtg::RandomNumberInRangeOp) 

Returns a number uniformly at random within the given range


operation ::= `rtg.random_number_in_range` ` ` `[` $lowerBound `,` $upperBound `)` attr-dict

This operation computes a random number based on a uniform distribution within the given range. The lower bound is inclusive while the upper bound is exclusive. If the range is empty, compilation will fail. This is (obviously) more performant than inserting all legal numbers into a set and using ‘set_select_random’, but yields the same behavior.

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface





rtg.randomize_sequence (::circt::rtg::RandomizeSequenceOp) 

Randomize the content of a sequence


operation ::= `rtg.randomize_sequence` $sequence attr-dict

This operation takes a fully substituted sequence and randomizes its content. This means, no operations the returned sequence does not contain any randomization constructs anymore (such as random selection from sets and bags, or other ‘randomize_sequence’ operations).

It is useful to have this operation separate from ’embed_sequence’ such that the exact same sequence (i.e., with the same random choices taken) can be embedded at multiple places. It is also useful to have this separate from sequence substitution because this operation is sensitive to the context, but the substitution values for a sequence family might already be available in a parent sequence that is placed on a different context. Thus, not having it separated would mean that the substitution values must all be passed down as arguments to the child sequence instead of a a single fully substituted sequence value.

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


sequencefully substituted sequence type


randomizedSequencehandle to a fully randomized sequence

rtg.sequence (::circt::rtg::SequenceOp) 

A sequence of instructions

This operation collects a sequence of instructions such that they can be placed as one unit. This is effectively the way to impose a constraint on the order and presence of some instructions.

It is allowed to contain randomization constructs and invokations on any contexts. It is not allowed to create new context resources inside a sequence, however.

This operation can be invoked by the invoke and on_context operations. It is referred to by symbol and isolated from above to ease multi-threading and it allows the rtg.test operation to be isolated-from-above to provide stronger top-level isolation guarantees.

Traits: HasParent<mlir::ModuleOp>, IsolatedFromAbove, NoTerminator, SingleBlock

Interfaces: Symbol


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
sequenceType::mlir::TypeAttrtype attribute of handle to a sequence or sequence family

rtg.set_create (::circt::rtg::SetCreateOp) 

Constructs a set of the given values

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, SameTypeOperands

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


elementsvariadic of any type


seta set of values

rtg.set_difference (::circt::rtg::SetDifferenceOp) 

Computes the difference of two sets


operation ::= `rtg.set_difference` $original `,` $diff `:` qualified(type($output)) attr-dict

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


originala set of values
diffa set of values


outputa set of values

rtg.set_select_random (::circt::rtg::SetSelectRandomOp) 

Selects an element uniformly at random from a set


operation ::= `rtg.set_select_random` $set `:` qualified(type($set)) attr-dict

This operation returns an element from the given set uniformly at random. Applying this operation to an empty set is undefined behavior.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


seta set of values


outputany type

rtg.set_size (::circt::rtg::SetSizeOp) 

Returns the number of elements in the set


operation ::= `rtg.set_size` $set `:` qualified(type($set)) attr-dict

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


seta set of values



rtg.set_union (::circt::rtg::SetUnionOp) 

Computes the union of sets


operation ::= `rtg.set_union` $sets `:` qualified(type($result)) attr-dict

Computes the union of the given sets. The list of sets must contain at least one element.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Commutative, SameOperandsAndResultType

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


setsvariadic of a set of values


resulta set of values

rtg.substitute_sequence (::circt::rtg::SubstituteSequenceOp) 

Partially substitute arguments of a sequence family

This operation substitutes the first N of the M >= N arguments of the given sequence family, where N is the size of provided argument substitution list. A new sequence (if N == M) or sequence family with M-N will be returned.

Not having to deal with sequence arguments after randomly selecting a sequence simplifies the problem of coming up with values to pass as arguments, but also provides a way for the user to constrain the arguments at the location where they are added to a set or bag.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


sequencehandle to a sequence or sequence family
replacementsvariadic of any type


resulthandle to a sequence or sequence family (::circt::rtg::TargetOp) 

Defines a test target


operation ::= `` $sym_name `:` $target attr-dict-with-keyword $bodyRegion

This operation specifies capabilities of a specific test target and can provide additional information about it. These are added as operands to the yield terminator and implicitly packed up into an !rtg.dict type which is passed to tests that are matched with this target.

These capabilities can, for example, consist of the number of CPUs, supported priviledge modes, available memories, etc.

Traits: HasParent<mlir::ModuleOp>, IsolatedFromAbove, NoRegionArguments, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<rtg::YieldOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: Symbol


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
target::mlir::TypeAttrtype attribute of a dictionary

rtg.test (::circt::rtg::TestOp) 

The root of a test

This operation declares the root of a randomized or directed test. The target attribute specifies requirements of this test. These can be refined by rtg.require operations inside this operation’s body. A test can only be matched with a target if the target fulfills all the test’s requirements. However, the target may provide more than the test requires. For example, if the target allows execution in a user and privileged mode, but the test only requires and runs in user mode, it can still be matched with that target.

By default each test can be matched with all targets that fulfill its requirements, but the user should be able to specify more constraints on the matching procedure.

The body of this operation shall be processed the same way as an rtg.sequence’s body with the exception of the block arguments. The arguments must match the fields of the dict type in the target attribute exactly. The test must not have any additional arguments and cannot be referenced by an rtg.get_sequence operation.

Traits: HasParent<mlir::ModuleOp>, IsolatedFromAbove, NoTerminator, SingleBlock

Interfaces: OpAsmOpInterface, Symbol


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
target::mlir::TypeAttrtype attribute of a dictionary

rtg.virtual_reg (::circt::rtg::VirtualRegisterOp) 

Returns a value representing a virtual register


operation ::= `rtg.virtual_reg` $allowedRegs attr-dict

This operation creates a value representing a virtual register. The ‘allowedRegisters’ attribute specifies the concrete registers that may be chosen during register allocation.

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
allowedRegs::mlir::ArrayAttrarray attribute


resultRegisterTypeInterface instance

rtg.yield (::circt::rtg::YieldOp) 

Terminates RTG operation regions


operation ::= `rtg.yield` ($operands^ `:` type($operands))? attr-dict

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, Terminator

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


operandsvariadic of any type



A bag of values


  ::mlir::Type   # elementType

This type represents a standard bag/multiset datastructure. It does not make any assumptions about the underlying implementation.


ParameterC++ typeDescription


A dictionary

This type is a dictionary with a static set of entries. This datatype does not make any assumptions about how the values are stored (could be a struct, a map, etc.). Furthermore, two values of this type should be considered equivalent if they have the same set of entry names and types and the values match for each entry, independent of the order.


ParameterC++ typeDescription
entries::llvm::ArrayRef<::circt::rtg::DictEntry>dict entries


A reference to a label

Syntax: !rtg.label

This type represents a label. Payload dialects can add operations to cast from this type to an immediate type they can use as an operand to an instruction.


Handle to a fully randomized sequence

Syntax: !rtg.randomized_sequence

Sequences can contain operations to randomize their content in various ways. A sequence of this type is guaranteed to not have any such operations anymore (transitively).


Handle to a sequence or sequence family


  ::llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Type>   # elementTypes

An SSA value of this type refers to a sequence if the list of element types is empty or a sequence family if there are elements left to be substituted.


ParameterC++ typeDescription
elementTypes::llvm::ArrayRef<mlir::Type>element types


A set of values


  ::mlir::Type   # elementType

This type represents a standard set datastructure. It does not make any assumptions about the underlying implementation. Thus a hash set, tree set, etc. can be used in a backend.


ParameterC++ typeDescription



Elaborate the randomization parts

This pass interprets most RTG operations to perform the represented randomization and in the process get rid of those operations. This means, after this pass the IR does not contain any random constructs within tests anymore.


-seed : The seed for any RNG constructs used in the pass.


Elaborate the contexts of RTG

Emits all ‘rtg.test’s in the IR in a format understood by assemblers.

There are two options to specify lists of instructions that are not supported by the assembler. For instructions in any of those lists, this pass will emit the equivalent binary representation.

This pass operates on the InstructionOpInterface and folds constant-like operations to support downstream dialects.


-split-output                  : If 'true' emits one file per 'rtg.test' in the IR. The name of the file matches the test name and is placed in 'path'. Otherwise, path is interpreted as the full file path including filename.
-path                          : The directory or file path in which the output files should be created. If empty is is emitted to stderr (not allowed if 'split-output' is set to 'true')
-unsupported-instructions-file : An absolute path to a file with a list of instruction names not supported by the assembler.
-unsupported-instructions      : A list of ISA instruction names not supported by the assembler.


Inline and interleave sequences

Inline all sequences into tests and remove the ‘rtg.sequence’ operations. Also computes and materializes all interleaved sequences (‘interleave_sequences’ operation).


num-sequences-inlined     : Number of sequences inlined into another sequence or test.
num-sequences-interleaved : Number of sequences interleaved with another sequence.


Simple linear scan register allocation for RTG

Performs a simple version of the linear scan register allocation algorithm based on the ‘rtg.virtual_reg’ operations.

This pass is expected to be run after elaboration.


num-registers-spilled : Number of registers spilled to the stack.


Lower label_unique_decl to label_decl operations

This pass lowers label_unique_decl operations to label_decl operations by creating a unique label string based on all the existing unique and non-unique label declarations in the module.


num-labels-lowered : Number of unique labels lowered to regular label declarations.