Circuit IR Compilers and Tools

'verif' Dialect

This dialect provides a collection of operations to express various verification concerns, such as assertions and interacting with a piece of hardware for the sake of verifying its proper functioning.


verif.assert (circt::verif::AssertOp) 

Assert that a property holds.


operation ::= `verif.assert` $property (`if` $enable^)? (`label` $label^)? attr-dict `:` type($property)


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
label::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


property1-bit signless integer or LTL sequence type or LTL property type
enable1-bit signless integer

verif.assume (circt::verif::AssumeOp) 

Assume that a property holds.


operation ::= `verif.assume` $property (`if` $enable^)? (`label` $label^)? attr-dict `:` type($property)


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
label::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


property1-bit signless integer or LTL sequence type or LTL property type
enable1-bit signless integer

verif.bmc (circt::verif::BoundedModelCheckingOp) 

Perform a bounded model check


operation ::= `verif.bmc` `bound` $bound `num_regs` $num_regs attr-dict-with-keyword `init` $init `loop` $loop `circuit`

This operation represents a bounded model checking problem explicitly in the IR. The bound attribute indicates how many times the circuit region should be executed, and num_regs indicates the number of registers in the design that have been externalised and appended to the region’s inputs/outputs (these values are fed from each circuit region execution to the next, as they represent register state, rather than being overwritten with fresh variables like other inputs). The circuit region contains the circuit (alongside the verif property checking operations) to be checked.

The init region contains the logic to initialize the clock signals, and will be executed once before any other region - it cannot take any arguments, and should return as many !seq.clock values as the circuit region has !seq.clock arguments, followed by any initial arguments of ‘state’ arguments to be fed to the loop region (see below).

The loop region contains the logic to advance the clock signals, and will be executed after each execution of the circuit region. It should take as arguments as many !seq.clock values as the circuit region has, and these can be followed by additional ‘state’ arguments to represent e.g. which clock should be toggled next. The types yielded should be the same, as this region yields the updated clock and state values (this should also match the types yielded by the init region).

Traits: IsolatedFromAbove, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<verif::YieldOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
bound::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute
num_regs::mlir::IntegerAttr32-bit signless integer attribute


result1-bit signless integer

verif.clocked_assert (circt::verif::ClockedAssertOp) 

Assert that a property holds, checked on a given clock’s ticks and enabled if a given condition holds. Only supports a single clock and a single disable.


operation ::= `verif.clocked_assert` $property (`if` $enable^)? `,` $edge $clock
              (`label` $label^)? attr-dict `:` type($property)


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
edgecirct::verif::ClockEdgeAttrclock edge
label::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


property1-bit signless integer or LTL sequence type or LTL property type
clock1-bit signless integer
enable1-bit signless integer

verif.clocked_assume (circt::verif::ClockedAssumeOp) 

Assume that a property holds, checked on a given clock’s ticks and enabled if a given condition holds. Only supports a single clock and a single disable.


operation ::= `verif.clocked_assume` $property (`if` $enable^)? `,` $edge $clock
              (`label` $label^)? attr-dict `:` type($property)


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
edgecirct::verif::ClockEdgeAttrclock edge
label::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


property1-bit signless integer or LTL sequence type or LTL property type
clock1-bit signless integer
enable1-bit signless integer

verif.clocked_cover (circt::verif::ClockedCoverOp) 

Cover on the holding of a property, checked on a given clock’s ticks and enabled if a given condition holds. Only supports a single clock and a single disable.


operation ::= `verif.clocked_cover` $property (`if` $enable^)? `,` $edge $clock
              (`label` $label^)? attr-dict `:` type($property)


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
edgecirct::verif::ClockEdgeAttrclock edge
label::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


property1-bit signless integer or LTL sequence type or LTL property type
clock1-bit signless integer
enable1-bit signless integer

verif.concrete_input (circt::verif::ConcreteInputOp) 

Declare a concrete input for formal verification


operation ::= `verif.concrete_input` $init `,` $update attr-dict `:` type($result)

This operation declares a concrete input that can then be used in the reasoning surrounding symbolic inputs, allowing for a form of concolic reasoning to take place in a verif.formal block. Concrete inputs are defined by an initial value and an update SSA value. This is equivalent to a register with the parent verif.formal’s implicit clock, which is initialized with the init value and obtains a new value every implicit clock tick from the update value.

Traits: HasParent<verif::FormalOp>

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


initany type
updateany type


resultany type

verif.cover (circt::verif::CoverOp) 

Ensure that a property can hold.


operation ::= `verif.cover` $property (`if` $enable^)? (`label` $label^)? attr-dict `:` type($property)


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
label::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


property1-bit signless integer or LTL sequence type or LTL property type
enable1-bit signless integer

verif.formal (circt::verif::FormalOp) 

Defines a formal verification test


operation ::= `verif.formal` $sym_name `(``k` `=` $k `)` attr-dict-with-keyword

This operation defines a formal verification test. This should be written by declaring symbolic values that are then connected to a hardware instance. These symbols can then be used in additional assertions that are defined outside of the instantiated hw.module but inside of this region. Assertions/Assumptions defined within the instantiated module will also be used for verification. The region can then be converted into btor2, SystemVerilog, or used for verification directly in circt-bmc. The operations in this region are ignored during regular SystemVerilog emission. This allows for verification specific logic to be isolated from the design in a way that is similar to layers.

The attribute k defines the upper bound of cycles to check for this test w.r.t. the implicit clock defined by this operation within its region.

Traits: HasParent<mlir::ModuleOp>, IsolatedFromAbove, NoTerminator

Interfaces: RegionKindInterface, Symbol


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
sym_name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
k::mlir::IntegerAttrarbitrary integer attribute

verif.format_verilog_string (circt::verif::FormatVerilogStringOp) 

Creates a formatted string.


operation ::= `verif.format_verilog_string` $formatString `(` $substitutions `)` `:` type($substitutions) attr-dict

Creates a formatted string suitable for printing via the verif.print op. The formatting syntax is expected to be identical to verilog string formatting to keep things simple for emission. If we in the future would like to be less tied to verilog formatting, please ask your friendly neighbourhood compiler engineer to e.g. implement a FormatStringOp which itself may lower to a FormatVerilogStringOp.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
formatString::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


substitutionsvariadic of any type


stra HW string

verif.has_been_reset (circt::verif::HasBeenResetOp) 

Check that a proper reset has been seen.


operation ::= `verif.has_been_reset` $clock `,` custom<KeywordBool>($async, "\"async\"", "\"sync\"")
              $reset attr-dict

The result of verif.has_been_reset reads as 0 immediately after simulation startup and after each power-cycle in a power-aware simulation. The result remains 0 before and during reset and only switches to 1 after the reset is deasserted again.

This is a useful utility to disable the evaluation of assertions and other verification constructs in the IR before the circuit being tested has been properly reset. Verification failures due to uninitialized or randomized initial state can thus be prevented.

Using the result of verif.has_been_reset to enable verification is more powerful and proper than just disabling verification during reset. The latter does not properly handle the period of time between simulation startup or power-cycling and the start of reset. verif.has_been_reset is guaranteed to produce a 0 value in that period, as well as during the reset.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
async::mlir::BoolAttrbool attribute


clock1-bit signless integer
reset1-bit signless integer


result1-bit signless integer

verif.lec (circt::verif::LogicEquivalenceCheckingOp) 

Represents a logical equivalence checking problem


operation ::= `verif.lec` attr-dict `first` $firstCircuit `second` $secondCircuit

This operation represents a logic equivalence checking problem explicitly in the IR. There are several possiblities to perform logical equivalence checking. For example, equivalence checking of combinational circuits can be done by constructing a miter circuit and testing whether the result is satisfiable (can be non-zero for some input), or two canonical BDDs could be constructed and compared for identity, etc.

The number and types of the inputs and outputs of the two circuits (and thus also the block arguments and yielded values of both regions) have to match. Otherwise, the two should be considered trivially non-equivalent.

Traits: IsolatedFromAbove, SingleBlockImplicitTerminator<verif::YieldOp>, SingleBlock

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


areEquivalent1-bit signless integer

verif.print (circt::verif::PrintOp) 

Prints a message.


operation ::= `verif.print` $string attr-dict


stringa HW string

verif.symbolic_input (circt::verif::SymbolicInputOp) 

Declare a symbolic input for formal verification


operation ::= `verif.symbolic_input` attr-dict `:` type($result)

This operation declares a symbolic input that can then be used to reason about hw.instance inputs in a symbolic manner in assertions and assumptions. The result type must be explicitly marked. The resulting value is a new non-deterministic value for every clock cycle of the implicit clock defined by the parent verif.formal.

Traits: HasParent<verif::FormalOp>


resultany type

verif.yield (circt::verif::YieldOp) 

Yields values from a region


operation ::= `verif.yield` ($inputs^ `:` type($inputs))? attr-dict

Traits: HasParent<verif::LogicEquivalenceCheckingOp, verif::BoundedModelCheckingOp>, Terminator


inputsvariadic of any type