CIRCT  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- IMDeadCodeElim.cpp - Intermodule Dead Code Elimination ---*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "PassDetails.h"
13 #include "circt/Dialect/HW/HWOps.h"
15 #include "circt/Support/Debug.h"
16 #include "mlir/IR/ImplicitLocOpBuilder.h"
17 #include "mlir/IR/Threading.h"
18 #include "mlir/Interfaces/SideEffectInterfaces.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfoVariant.h"
21 #include "llvm/ADT/PostOrderIterator.h"
22 #include "llvm/ADT/TinyPtrVector.h"
23 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
25 #define DEBUG_TYPE "firrtl-imdeadcodeelim"
27 using namespace circt;
28 using namespace firrtl;
30 // Return true if this op has side-effects except for alloc and read.
31 static bool hasUnknownSideEffect(Operation *op) {
32  return !(mlir::isMemoryEffectFree(op) ||
33  mlir::hasSingleEffect<mlir::MemoryEffects::Allocate>(op) ||
34  mlir::hasSingleEffect<mlir::MemoryEffects::Read>(op));
35 }
37 /// Return true if this is a wire or a register or a node.
38 static bool isDeclaration(Operation *op) {
39  return isa<WireOp, RegResetOp, RegOp, NodeOp, MemOp>(op);
40 }
42 /// Return true if this is a wire or register we're allowed to delete.
43 static bool isDeletableDeclaration(Operation *op) {
44  if (auto name = dyn_cast<FNamableOp>(op))
45  if (!name.hasDroppableName())
46  return false;
47  return !hasDontTouch(op) && AnnotationSet(op).canBeDeleted();
48 }
50 namespace {
51 struct IMDeadCodeElimPass : public IMDeadCodeElimBase<IMDeadCodeElimPass> {
52  void runOnOperation() override;
54  void rewriteModuleSignature(FModuleOp module);
55  void rewriteModuleBody(FModuleOp module);
56  void eraseEmptyModule(FModuleOp module);
57  void forwardConstantOutputPort(FModuleOp module);
59  /// Return true if the value is known alive.
60  bool isKnownAlive(Value value) const {
61  assert(value && "null should not be used");
62  return liveElements.count(value);
63  }
65  /// Return true if the value is assumed dead.
66  bool isAssumedDead(Value value) const { return !isKnownAlive(value); }
67  bool isAssumedDead(Operation *op) const {
68  return llvm::none_of(op->getResults(),
69  [&](Value value) { return isKnownAlive(value); });
70  }
72  /// Return true if the block is alive.
73  bool isBlockExecutable(Block *block) const {
74  return executableBlocks.count(block);
75  }
77  void visitUser(Operation *op);
78  void visitValue(Value value);
80  void visitConnect(FConnectLike connect);
81  void visitSubelement(Operation *op);
82  void markBlockExecutable(Block *block);
83  void markBlockUndeletable(Operation *op) {
84  markAlive(op->getParentOfType<FModuleOp>());
85  }
87  void markDeclaration(Operation *op);
88  void markInstanceOp(InstanceOp instanceOp);
89  void markObjectOp(ObjectOp objectOp);
90  void markUnknownSideEffectOp(Operation *op);
91  void visitInstanceOp(InstanceOp instance);
92  void visitHierPathOp(hw::HierPathOp hierpath);
93  void visitModuleOp(FModuleOp module);
95 private:
96  /// The set of blocks that are known to execute, or are intrinsically alive.
97  DenseSet<Block *> executableBlocks;
99  InstanceGraph *instanceGraph;
101  // The type with which we associate liveness.
102  using ElementType =
103  std::variant<Value, FModuleOp, InstanceOp, hw::HierPathOp>;
105  void markAlive(ElementType element) {
106  if (!liveElements.insert(element).second)
107  return;
108  worklist.push_back(element);
109  }
111  /// A worklist of values whose liveness recently changed, indicating
112  /// the users need to be reprocessed.
113  SmallVector<ElementType, 64> worklist;
114  llvm::DenseSet<ElementType> liveElements;
116  /// A map from instances to hierpaths whose last path is the associated
117  /// instance.
118  DenseMap<InstanceOp, SmallVector<hw::HierPathOp>> instanceToHierPaths;
120  /// Hierpath to its users (=non-local annotation targets).
121  DenseMap<hw::HierPathOp, SetVector<ElementType>> hierPathToElements;
123  /// A cache for a (inner)symbol lookp.
124  circt::hw::InnerRefNamespace *innerRefNamespace;
125  mlir::SymbolTable *symbolTable;
126 };
127 } // namespace
129 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::visitInstanceOp(InstanceOp instance) {
130  markBlockUndeletable(instance);
132  auto module = instance.getReferencedModule<FModuleOp>(*instanceGraph);
134  if (!module)
135  return;
137  // NOTE: Don't call `markAlive(module)` here as liveness of instance doesn't
138  // imply the global liveness of the module.
140  // Propgate liveness through hierpath.
141  for (auto hierPath : instanceToHierPaths[instance])
142  markAlive(hierPath);
144  // Input ports get alive only when the instance is alive.
145  for (auto &blockArg : module.getBody().getArguments()) {
146  auto portNo = blockArg.getArgNumber();
147  if (module.getPortDirection(portNo) == Direction::In &&
148  isKnownAlive(module.getArgument(portNo)))
149  markAlive(instance.getResult(portNo));
150  }
151 }
153 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::visitModuleOp(FModuleOp module) {
154  // If the module needs to be alive, so are its instances.
155  for (auto *use : instanceGraph->lookup(module)->uses())
156  markAlive(cast<InstanceOp>(*use->getInstance()));
157 }
159 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::visitHierPathOp(hw::HierPathOp hierPathOp) {
160  // If the hierpath is alive, mark all instances on the path alive.
161  for (auto path : hierPathOp.getNamepathAttr())
162  if (auto innerRef = dyn_cast<hw::InnerRefAttr>(path)) {
163  auto *op = innerRefNamespace->lookupOp(innerRef);
164  if (auto instance = dyn_cast_or_null<InstanceOp>(op))
165  markAlive(instance);
166  }
168  for (auto elem : hierPathToElements[hierPathOp])
169  markAlive(elem);
170 }
172 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::markDeclaration(Operation *op) {
173  assert(isDeclaration(op) && "only a declaration is expected");
174  if (!isDeletableDeclaration(op)) {
175  for (auto result : op->getResults())
176  markAlive(result);
177  markBlockUndeletable(op);
178  }
179 }
181 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::markUnknownSideEffectOp(Operation *op) {
182  // For operations with side effects, pessimistically mark results and
183  // operands as alive.
184  for (auto result : op->getResults())
185  markAlive(result);
186  for (auto operand : op->getOperands())
187  markAlive(operand);
188  markBlockUndeletable(op);
189 }
191 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::visitUser(Operation *op) {
192  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Visit: " << *op << "\n");
193  if (auto connectOp = dyn_cast<FConnectLike>(op))
194  return visitConnect(connectOp);
195  if (isa<SubfieldOp, SubindexOp, SubaccessOp, ObjectSubfieldOp>(op))
196  return visitSubelement(op);
197 }
199 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::markInstanceOp(InstanceOp instance) {
200  // Get the module being referenced.
201  Operation *op = instance.getReferencedModule(*instanceGraph);
203  // If this is an extmodule, just remember that any inputs and inouts are
204  // alive.
205  if (!isa<FModuleOp>(op)) {
206  auto module = dyn_cast<FModuleLike>(op);
207  for (auto resultNo : llvm::seq(0u, instance.getNumResults())) {
208  // If this is an output to the extmodule, we can ignore it.
209  if (module.getPortDirection(resultNo) == Direction::Out)
210  continue;
212  // Otherwise this is an input from it or an inout, mark it as alive.
213  markAlive(instance.getResult(resultNo));
214  }
215  markAlive(instance);
217  return;
218  }
220  // Otherwise this is a defined module.
221  auto fModule = cast<FModuleOp>(op);
222  markBlockExecutable(fModule.getBodyBlock());
223 }
225 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::markObjectOp(ObjectOp object) {
226  // unconditionally keep all objects alive.
227  markAlive(object);
228 }
230 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::markBlockExecutable(Block *block) {
231  if (!executableBlocks.insert(block).second)
232  return; // Already executable.
234  auto fmodule = cast<FModuleOp>(block->getParentOp());
235  if (fmodule.isPublic())
236  markAlive(fmodule);
238  // Mark ports with don't touch as alive.
239  for (auto blockArg : block->getArguments())
240  if (hasDontTouch(blockArg)) {
241  markAlive(blockArg);
242  markAlive(fmodule);
243  }
245  for (auto &op : *block) {
246  if (isDeclaration(&op))
247  markDeclaration(&op);
248  else if (auto instance = dyn_cast<InstanceOp>(op))
249  markInstanceOp(instance);
250  else if (auto object = dyn_cast<ObjectOp>(op))
251  markObjectOp(object);
252  else if (isa<FConnectLike>(op))
253  // Skip connect op.
254  continue;
255  else if (hasUnknownSideEffect(&op))
256  markUnknownSideEffectOp(&op);
258  // TODO: Handle attach etc.
259  }
260 }
262 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::forwardConstantOutputPort(FModuleOp module) {
263  // This tracks constant values of output ports.
264  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, APSInt>> constantPortIndicesAndValues;
265  auto ports = module.getPorts();
266  auto *instanceGraphNode = instanceGraph->lookup(module);
268  for (const auto &e : llvm::enumerate(ports)) {
269  unsigned index = e.index();
270  auto port = e.value();
271  auto arg = module.getArgument(index);
273  // If the port has don't touch, don't propagate the constant value.
274  if (!port.isOutput() || hasDontTouch(arg))
275  continue;
277  // Remember the index and constant value connected to an output port.
278  if (auto connect = getSingleConnectUserOf(arg))
279  if (auto constant = connect.getSrc().getDefiningOp<ConstantOp>())
280  constantPortIndicesAndValues.push_back({index, constant.getValue()});
281  }
283  // If there is no constant port, abort.
284  if (constantPortIndicesAndValues.empty())
285  return;
287  // Rewrite all uses.
288  for (auto *use : instanceGraphNode->uses()) {
289  auto instance = cast<InstanceOp>(*use->getInstance());
290  ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder(instance.getLoc(), instance);
291  for (auto [index, constant] : constantPortIndicesAndValues) {
292  auto result = instance.getResult(index);
293  assert(ports[index].isOutput() && "must be an output port");
295  // Replace the port with the constant.
296  result.replaceAllUsesWith(builder.create<ConstantOp>(constant));
297  }
298  }
299 }
301 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::runOnOperation() {
302  LLVM_DEBUG(debugPassHeader(this) << "\n";);
303  auto circuits = getOperation().getOps<CircuitOp>();
304  if (circuits.empty())
305  return;
307  auto circuit = *circuits.begin();
309  if (!llvm::hasSingleElement(circuits)) {
310  mlir::emitError(circuit.getLoc(),
311  "cannot process multiple circuit operations")
312  .attachNote((*std::next(circuits.begin())).getLoc())
313  << "second circuit here";
314  return signalPassFailure();
315  }
317  instanceGraph = &getChildAnalysis<InstanceGraph>(circuit);
318  symbolTable = &getChildAnalysis<SymbolTable>(circuit);
319  auto &istc = getChildAnalysis<hw::InnerSymbolTableCollection>(circuit);
321  circt::hw::InnerRefNamespace theInnerRefNamespace{*symbolTable, istc};
322  innerRefNamespace = &theInnerRefNamespace;
324  // Walk attributes and find unknown uses of inner symbols or hierpaths.
325  getOperation().walk([&](Operation *op) {
326  if (isa<FModuleOp>(op)) // Port or module annotations are ok to ignore.
327  return;
329  if (auto hierPath = dyn_cast<hw::HierPathOp>(op)) {
330  auto namePath = hierPath.getNamepath().getValue();
331  // If the hierpath is public or ill-formed, the verifier should have
332  // caught the error. Conservatively mark the symbol as alive.
333  if (hierPath.isPublic() || namePath.size() <= 1 ||
334  isa<hw::InnerRefAttr>(namePath.back()))
335  return markAlive(hierPath);
337  if (auto instance =
338  dyn_cast_or_null<firrtl::InstanceOp>(innerRefNamespace->lookupOp(
339  cast<hw::InnerRefAttr>(namePath.drop_back().back()))))
340  instanceToHierPaths[instance].push_back(hierPath);
341  return;
342  }
344  // If there is an unknown use of inner sym or hierpath, just mark all of
345  // them alive.
346  for (NamedAttribute namedAttr : op->getAttrs()) {
347  namedAttr.getValue().walk([&](Attribute subAttr) {
348  if (auto innerRef = dyn_cast<hw::InnerRefAttr>(subAttr))
349  if (auto instance = dyn_cast_or_null<firrtl::InstanceOp>(
350  innerRefNamespace->lookupOp(innerRef)))
351  markAlive(instance);
353  if (auto flatSymbolRefAttr = dyn_cast<FlatSymbolRefAttr>(subAttr))
354  if (auto hierPath = symbolTable->template lookup<hw::HierPathOp>(
355  flatSymbolRefAttr.getAttr()))
356  markAlive(hierPath);
357  });
358  }
359  });
361  // Create a vector of modules in the post order of instance graph.
362  // FIXME: We copy the list of modules into a vector first to avoid iterator
363  // invalidation while we mutate the instance graph. See issue 3387.
364  SmallVector<FModuleOp, 0> modules(llvm::make_filter_range(
365  llvm::map_range(
366  llvm::post_order(instanceGraph),
367  [](auto *node) { return dyn_cast<FModuleOp>(*node->getModule()); }),
368  [](auto module) { return module; }));
370  // Forward constant output ports to caller sides so that we can eliminate
371  // constant outputs.
372  for (auto module : modules)
373  forwardConstantOutputPort(module);
375  for (auto module : circuit.getBodyBlock()->getOps<FModuleOp>()) {
376  // Mark the ports of public modules as alive.
377  if (module.isPublic()) {
378  markBlockExecutable(module.getBodyBlock());
379  for (auto port : module.getBodyBlock()->getArguments())
380  markAlive(port);
381  }
383  // Walk annotations and populate a map from hierpath to attached annotation
384  // targets. `portId` is `-1` for module annotations.
385  auto visitAnnotation = [&](int portId, Annotation anno) -> bool {
386  auto hierPathSym = anno.getMember<FlatSymbolRefAttr>("circt.nonlocal");
387  hw::HierPathOp hierPathOp;
388  if (hierPathSym)
389  hierPathOp =
390  symbolTable->template lookup<hw::HierPathOp>(hierPathSym.getAttr());
392  if (anno.canBeDeleted()) {
393  if (hierPathOp && portId >= 0)
394  hierPathToElements[hierPathOp].insert(module.getArgument(portId));
395  return false;
396  }
397  if (hierPathOp)
398  markAlive(hierPathOp);
399  if (portId >= 0)
400  markAlive(module.getArgument(portId));
401  markAlive(module);
402  return false;
403  };
405  AnnotationSet::removePortAnnotations(module, visitAnnotation);
407  module, std::bind(visitAnnotation, -1, std::placeholders::_1));
408  }
410  // If an element changed liveness then propagate liveness through it.
411  while (!worklist.empty()) {
412  auto v = worklist.pop_back_val();
413  if (auto *value = std::get_if<Value>(&v))
414  visitValue(*value);
415  else if (auto *instance = std::get_if<InstanceOp>(&v))
416  visitInstanceOp(*instance);
417  else if (auto *hierpath = std::get_if<hw::HierPathOp>(&v))
418  visitHierPathOp(*hierpath);
419  else if (auto *module = std::get_if<FModuleOp>(&v))
420  visitModuleOp(*module);
421  }
423  // Rewrite module signatures or delete unreachable modules.
424  for (auto module : llvm::make_early_inc_range(
425  circuit.getBodyBlock()->getOps<FModuleOp>())) {
426  if (isBlockExecutable(module.getBodyBlock()))
427  rewriteModuleSignature(module);
428  else {
429  // If the module is unreachable from the toplevel, just delete it.
430  // Note that post-order traversal on the instance graph never visit
431  // unreachable modules so it's safe to erase the module even though
432  // `modules` seems to be capturing module pointers.
433  module.erase();
434  }
435  }
437  // Rewrite module bodies parallelly.
438  mlir::parallelForEach(circuit.getContext(),
439  circuit.getBodyBlock()->getOps<FModuleOp>(),
440  [&](auto op) { rewriteModuleBody(op); });
442  // Clean up hierpaths.
443  for (auto op : llvm::make_early_inc_range(
444  circuit.getBodyBlock()->getOps<hw::HierPathOp>()))
445  if (!liveElements.count(op))
446  op.erase();
448  for (auto module : modules)
449  eraseEmptyModule(module);
451  // Clean up data structures.
452  executableBlocks.clear();
453  liveElements.clear();
454  instanceToHierPaths.clear();
455  hierPathToElements.clear();
456 }
458 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::visitValue(Value value) {
459  assert(isKnownAlive(value) && "only alive values reach here");
461  // Propagate liveness through users.
462  for (Operation *user : value.getUsers())
463  visitUser(user);
465  // Requiring an input port propagates the liveness to each instance.
466  if (auto blockArg = dyn_cast<BlockArgument>(value)) {
467  auto module = cast<FModuleOp>(blockArg.getParentBlock()->getParentOp());
468  auto portDirection = module.getPortDirection(blockArg.getArgNumber());
469  // If the port is input, it's necessary to mark corresponding input ports of
470  // instances as alive. We don't have to propagate the liveness of output
471  // ports.
472  if (portDirection == Direction::In) {
473  for (auto *instRec : instanceGraph->lookup(module)->uses()) {
474  auto instance = cast<InstanceOp>(instRec->getInstance());
475  if (liveElements.contains(instance))
476  markAlive(instance.getResult(blockArg.getArgNumber()));
477  }
478  }
479  return;
480  }
482  // Marking an instance port as alive propagates to the corresponding port of
483  // the module.
484  if (auto instance = value.getDefiningOp<InstanceOp>()) {
485  auto instanceResult = cast<mlir::OpResult>(value);
486  // Update the src, when it's an instance op.
487  auto module = instance.getReferencedModule<FModuleOp>(*instanceGraph);
489  // Propagate liveness only when a port is output.
490  if (!module || module.getPortDirection(instanceResult.getResultNumber()) ==
491  Direction::In)
492  return;
494  markAlive(instance);
496  BlockArgument modulePortVal =
497  module.getArgument(instanceResult.getResultNumber());
498  return markAlive(modulePortVal);
499  }
501  // If a port of a memory is alive, all other ports are.
502  if (auto mem = value.getDefiningOp<MemOp>()) {
503  for (auto port : mem->getResults())
504  markAlive(port);
505  return;
506  }
508  // If op is defined by an operation, mark its operands as alive.
509  if (auto op = value.getDefiningOp())
510  for (auto operand : op->getOperands())
511  markAlive(operand);
513  // If either result of a forceable declaration is alive, they both are.
514  if (auto fop = value.getDefiningOp<Forceable>();
515  fop && fop.isForceable() &&
516  (fop.getData() == value || fop.getDataRef() == value)) {
517  markAlive(fop.getData());
518  markAlive(fop.getDataRef());
519  }
520 }
522 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::visitConnect(FConnectLike connect) {
523  // If the dest is alive, mark the source value as alive.
524  if (isKnownAlive(connect.getDest()))
525  markAlive(connect.getSrc());
526 }
528 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::visitSubelement(Operation *op) {
529  if (isKnownAlive(op->getOperand(0)))
530  markAlive(op->getResult(0));
531 }
533 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::rewriteModuleBody(FModuleOp module) {
534  auto *body = module.getBodyBlock();
535  assert(isBlockExecutable(body) &&
536  "unreachable modules must be already deleted");
538  auto removeDeadNonLocalAnnotations = [&](int _, Annotation anno) -> bool {
539  auto hierPathSym = anno.getMember<FlatSymbolRefAttr>("circt.nonlocal");
540  // We only clean up non-local annotations here as local annotations will
541  // be deleted afterwards.
542  if (!anno.canBeDeleted() || !hierPathSym)
543  return false;
544  auto hierPathOp =
545  symbolTable->template lookup<hw::HierPathOp>(hierPathSym.getAttr());
546  return !liveElements.count(hierPathOp);
547  };
549  AnnotationSet::removePortAnnotations(module, removeDeadNonLocalAnnotations);
550  AnnotationSet::removeAnnotations(
551  module,
552  std::bind(removeDeadNonLocalAnnotations, -1, std::placeholders::_1));
554  // Walk the IR bottom-up when deleting operations.
555  for (auto &op : llvm::make_early_inc_range(llvm::reverse(*body))) {
556  // Connects to values that we found to be dead can be dropped.
557  if (auto connect = dyn_cast<FConnectLike>(op)) {
558  if (isAssumedDead(connect.getDest())) {
559  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "DEAD: " << connect << "\n";);
560  connect.erase();
561  ++numErasedOps;
562  }
563  continue;
564  }
566  // Delete dead wires, regs, nodes and alloc/read ops.
567  if ((isDeclaration(&op) || !hasUnknownSideEffect(&op)) &&
568  isAssumedDead(&op)) {
569  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "DEAD: " << op << "\n";);
570  assert(op.use_empty() && "users should be already removed");
571  op.erase();
572  ++numErasedOps;
573  continue;
574  }
576  // Remove non-sideeffect op using `isOpTriviallyDead`.
577  if (mlir::isOpTriviallyDead(&op)) {
578  op.erase();
579  ++numErasedOps;
580  }
581  }
582 }
584 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::rewriteModuleSignature(FModuleOp module) {
585  assert(isBlockExecutable(module.getBodyBlock()) &&
586  "unreachable modules must be already deleted");
587  InstanceGraphNode *instanceGraphNode = instanceGraph->lookup(module);
588  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Prune ports of module: " << module.getName()
589  << "\n");
591  auto replaceInstanceResultWithWire = [&](ImplicitLocOpBuilder &builder,
592  unsigned index,
593  InstanceOp instance) {
594  auto result = instance.getResult(index);
595  if (isAssumedDead(result)) {
596  // If the result is dead, replace the result with an unrealized conversion
597  // cast which works as a dummy placeholder.
598  auto wire = builder
599  .create<mlir::UnrealizedConversionCastOp>(
600  ArrayRef<Type>{result.getType()}, ArrayRef<Value>{})
601  ->getResult(0);
602  result.replaceAllUsesWith(wire);
603  return;
604  }
606  Value wire = builder.create<WireOp>(result.getType()).getResult();
607  result.replaceAllUsesWith(wire);
608  // If a module port is dead but its instance result is alive, the port
609  // is used as a temporary wire so make sure that a replaced wire is
610  // putted into `liveSet`.
611  liveElements.erase(result);
612  liveElements.insert(wire);
613  };
615  // First, delete dead instances.
616  for (auto *use : llvm::make_early_inc_range(instanceGraphNode->uses())) {
617  auto instance = cast<InstanceOp>(*use->getInstance());
618  if (!liveElements.count(instance)) {
619  // Replace old instance results with dummy wires.
620  ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder(instance.getLoc(), instance);
621  for (auto index : llvm::seq(0u, instance.getNumResults()))
622  replaceInstanceResultWithWire(builder, index, instance);
623  // Make sure that we update the instance graph.
624  use->erase();
625  instance.erase();
626  }
627  }
629  // Ports of public modules cannot be modified.
630  if (module.isPublic())
631  return;
633  unsigned numOldPorts = module.getNumPorts();
634  llvm::BitVector deadPortIndexes(numOldPorts);
636  ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder(module.getLoc(), module.getContext());
637  builder.setInsertionPointToStart(module.getBodyBlock());
638  auto oldPorts = module.getPorts();
640  for (auto index : llvm::seq(0u, numOldPorts)) {
641  auto argument = module.getArgument(index);
642  assert((!hasDontTouch(argument) || isKnownAlive(argument)) &&
643  "If the port has don't touch, it should be known alive");
645  // If the port has dontTouch, skip.
646  if (hasDontTouch(argument))
647  continue;
649  if (isKnownAlive(argument)) {
651  // If an output port is only used internally in the module, then we can
652  // remove the port and replace it with a wire.
653  if (module.getPortDirection(index) == Direction::In)
654  continue;
656  // Check if the output port is demanded by any instance. If not, then it
657  // is only demanded internally to the module.
658  if (llvm::any_of(instanceGraph->lookup(module)->uses(),
659  [&](InstanceRecord *record) {
660  return isKnownAlive(
661  record->getInstance()->getResult(index));
662  }))
663  continue;
665  // Ok, this port is used only within its defined module. So we can replace
666  // the port with a wire.
667  auto wire = builder.create<WireOp>(argument.getType()).getResult();
669  // Since `liveSet` contains the port, we have to erase it from the set.
670  liveElements.erase(argument);
671  liveElements.insert(wire);
672  argument.replaceAllUsesWith(wire);
673  deadPortIndexes.set(index);
674  continue;
675  }
677  // Replace the port with a dummy wire. This wire should be erased within
678  // `rewriteModuleBody`.
679  Value wire = builder
680  .create<mlir::UnrealizedConversionCastOp>(
681  ArrayRef<Type>{argument.getType()}, ArrayRef<Value>{})
682  ->getResult(0);
684  argument.replaceAllUsesWith(wire);
685  assert(isAssumedDead(wire) && "dummy wire must be dead");
686  deadPortIndexes.set(index);
687  }
689  // If there is nothing to remove, abort.
690  if (deadPortIndexes.none())
691  return;
693  // Erase arguments of the old module from liveSet to prevent from creating
694  // dangling pointers.
695  for (auto arg : module.getArguments())
696  liveElements.erase(arg);
698  // Delete ports from the module.
699  module.erasePorts(deadPortIndexes);
701  // Add arguments of the new module to liveSet.
702  for (auto arg : module.getArguments())
703  liveElements.insert(arg);
705  // Rewrite all uses.
706  for (auto *use : llvm::make_early_inc_range(instanceGraphNode->uses())) {
707  auto instance = cast<InstanceOp>(*use->getInstance());
708  ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder(instance.getLoc(), instance);
709  // Replace old instance results with dummy wires.
710  for (auto index : deadPortIndexes.set_bits())
711  replaceInstanceResultWithWire(builder, index, instance);
713  // Since we will rewrite instance op, it is necessary to remove old
714  // instance results from liveSet.
715  for (auto oldResult : instance.getResults())
716  liveElements.erase(oldResult);
718  // Create a new instance op without dead ports.
719  auto newInstance = instance.erasePorts(builder, deadPortIndexes);
721  // Mark new results as alive.
722  for (auto newResult : newInstance.getResults())
723  liveElements.insert(newResult);
725  instanceGraph->replaceInstance(instance, newInstance);
726  if (liveElements.contains(instance)) {
727  liveElements.erase(instance);
728  liveElements.insert(newInstance);
729  }
730  // Remove old one.
731  instance.erase();
732  }
734  numRemovedPorts += deadPortIndexes.count();
735 }
737 void IMDeadCodeElimPass::eraseEmptyModule(FModuleOp module) {
738  // If the module is not empty, just skip.
739  if (!module.getBodyBlock()->empty())
740  return;
742  // We cannot delete public modules so generate a warning.
743  if (module.isPublic()) {
744  mlir::emitWarning(module.getLoc())
745  << "module `" << module.getName()
746  << "` is empty but cannot be removed because the module is public";
747  return;
748  }
750  if (!module.getAnnotations().empty()) {
751  module.emitWarning() << "module `" << module.getName()
752  << "` is empty but cannot be removed "
753  "because the module has annotations "
754  << module.getAnnotations();
755  return;
756  }
758  if (!module.getBodyBlock()->args_empty()) {
759  auto diag = module.emitWarning()
760  << "module `" << module.getName()
761  << "` is empty but cannot be removed because the "
762  "module has ports ";
763  llvm::interleaveComma(module.getPortNames(), diag);
764  diag << " are referenced by name or dontTouched";
765  return;
766  }
768  // Ok, the module is empty. Delete instances unless they have symbols.
769  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Erase " << module.getName() << "\n");
771  InstanceGraphNode *instanceGraphNode =
772  instanceGraph->lookup(module.getModuleNameAttr());
774  SmallVector<Location> instancesWithSymbols;
775  for (auto *use : llvm::make_early_inc_range(instanceGraphNode->uses())) {
776  auto instance = cast<InstanceOp>(use->getInstance());
777  if (instance.getInnerSym()) {
778  instancesWithSymbols.push_back(instance.getLoc());
779  continue;
780  }
781  use->erase();
782  instance.erase();
783  }
785  // If there is an instance with a symbol, we don't delete the module itself.
786  if (!instancesWithSymbols.empty()) {
787  auto diag = module.emitWarning()
788  << "module `" << module.getName()
789  << "` is empty but cannot be removed because an instance is "
790  "referenced by name";
791  diag.attachNote(FusedLoc::get(&getContext(), instancesWithSymbols))
792  << "these are instances with symbols";
793  return;
794  }
796  instanceGraph->erase(instanceGraphNode);
797  module.erase();
798  ++numErasedModules;
799 }
801 std::unique_ptr<mlir::Pass> circt::firrtl::createIMDeadCodeElimPass() {
802  return std::make_unique<IMDeadCodeElimPass>();
803 }
assert(baseType &&"element must be base type")
static bool isDeletableDeclaration(Operation *op)
Return true if this is a wire or register we're allowed to delete.
static bool hasUnknownSideEffect(Operation *op)
static bool isDeclaration(Operation *op)
Return true if this is a wire or a register or a node.
Builder builder
This class provides a read-only projection over the MLIR attributes that represent a set of annotatio...
bool removeAnnotations(llvm::function_ref< bool(Annotation)> predicate)
Remove all annotations from this annotation set for which predicate returns true.
static bool removePortAnnotations(Operation *module, llvm::function_ref< bool(unsigned, Annotation)> predicate)
Remove all port annotations from a module or extmodule for which predicate returns true.
bool canBeDeleted() const
Check if every annotation can be deleted.
This class provides a read-only projection of an annotation.
This graph tracks modules and where they are instantiated.
This is a Node in the InstanceGraph.
llvm::iterator_range< UseIterator > uses()
This is an edge in the InstanceGraph.
Definition: InstanceGraph.h:55
def connect(destination, source)
Direction get(bool isOutput)
Returns an output direction if isOutput is true, otherwise returns an input direction.
Definition: CalyxOps.cpp:54
bool hasDontTouch(Value value)
Check whether a block argument ("port") or the operation defining a value has a DontTouch annotation,...
Definition: FIRRTLOps.cpp:287
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > createIMDeadCodeElimPass()
StrictConnectOp getSingleConnectUserOf(Value value)
Scan all the uses of the specified value, checking to see if there is exactly one connect that has th...
The InstanceGraph op interface, see for more details.
Definition: DebugAnalysis.h:21
llvm::raw_ostream & debugPassHeader(const mlir::Pass *pass, int width=80)
Write a boilerplate header for a pass to the debug stream.
Definition: Debug.cpp:31
This class represents the namespace in which InnerRef's can be resolved.