CIRCT 21.0.0git
The InstanceGraph op interface, see for more details. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | aig |
namespace | analysis |
namespace | arc |
namespace | calyx |
namespace | calyxToFSM |
namespace | chirrtl |
namespace | comb |
namespace | dc |
namespace | debug |
namespace | detail |
namespace | emit |
namespace | esi |
namespace | ExportSMTLIB |
namespace | ExportSystemC |
namespace | ExportVerilog |
namespace | firrtl |
namespace | firtool |
namespace | fsm |
namespace | handshake |
namespace | handshaketodc |
namespace | hw |
namespace | hwarith |
namespace | igraph |
namespace | ImportVerilog |
namespace | kanagawa |
namespace | llhd |
namespace | lsp |
namespace | ltl |
namespace | moore |
namespace | msft |
namespace | om |
namespace | parsing_util |
namespace | pipeline |
namespace | pipelinetocalyx |
namespace | pretty |
namespace | python |
namespace | reduce |
namespace | rtg |
namespace | scfToCalyx |
namespace | scftocalyx |
namespace | scheduling |
namespace | seq |
namespace | sim |
namespace | smt |
namespace | ssp |
namespace | sv |
namespace | systemc |
namespace | test |
namespace | verif |
Classes | |
class | Backedge |
Backedge is a wrapper class around a Value . More... | |
class | BackedgeBuilder |
Instantiate one of these and use it to build typed backedges. More... | |
struct | DebugAnalysis |
Identify operations and values that are only used for debug info. More... | |
struct | DebugInfo |
Debug information attached to an operation and the operations nested within. More... | |
struct | DIInstance |
struct | DIModule |
struct | DIVariable |
class | FieldRef |
This class represents a reference to a specific field or element of an aggregate value. More... | |
struct | FirMemConfig |
The configuration of a FIR memory. More... | |
class | FirMemLowering |
FIR memory lowering helper. More... | |
class | FirRegLowering |
Lower FirRegOp to sv.reg and sv.always . More... | |
class | FVInt |
Four-valued arbitrary precision integers. More... | |
class | HWArithToHWTypeConverter |
A helper type converter class that automatically populates the relevant materializations and type conversions for converting HWArith to HW. More... | |
struct | HWToLLVMEndianessConverter |
struct | ImportVerilogOptions |
Options that control how Verilog input files are parsed and processed. More... | |
struct | LoweringOptions |
Options which control the emission from CIRCT to Verilog. More... | |
struct | LoweringOptionsOption |
struct | LoweringOptionsParser |
Commandline parser for LoweringOptions. More... | |
class | Namespace |
A namespace that is used to store existing names and generate new names in some scope within the IR. More... | |
struct | OpReduction |
struct | OpUserInfo |
struct | PassReduction |
A reduction pattern that applies an mlir::Pass . More... | |
class | ReachableMuxes |
struct | ReducePatternDialectInterface |
A dialect interface to provide reduction patterns to a reducer tool. More... | |
struct | ReducePatternInterfaceCollection |
class | ReducePatternSet |
struct | Reduction |
An abstract reduction pattern. More... | |
struct | SeqToSVPass |
struct | SMTGlobalsHandler |
A symbol cache for LLVM globals and functions relevant to SMT lowering patterns. More... | |
class | SSAMaximizationStrategy |
Strategy class to control the behavior of SSA maximization. More... | |
class | StringAttrOrRef |
A helper union that can represent a StringAttr , StringRef , or Twine . More... | |
class | SymbolCache |
Default symbol cache implementation; stores associations between names (StringAttr's) to mlir::Operation's. More... | |
class | SymbolCacheBase |
Base symbol cache class to allow for cache lookup through a pointer to some abstract cache. More... | |
class | TestCase |
A single test case to be run by a tester. More... | |
class | Tester |
A testing environment for reduction attempts. More... | |
struct | TypeConversionPattern |
Generic pattern which replaces an operation by one of the same operation name, but with converted attributes, operands, and result types to eliminate illegal types. More... | |
struct | TypeOpConversionPattern |
class | ValueMapper |
The ValueMapper class facilitates the definition and connection of SSA def-use chains between two location - a 'from' location (defining use-def chains) and a 'to' location (where new operations are created based on the 'from' location). More... | |
class | VerbosePassInstrumentation |
Enumerations | |
enum class | OpCountEmissionFormat { Readable , ReadableSorted , JSON } |
Functions | |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createAffineToLoopSchedule () |
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > | createLowerArcToLLVMPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createCalyxNativePass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createCalyxToFSMPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createMaterializeCalyxToFSMPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createRemoveGroupsFromFSMPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createCalyxToHWPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::OperationPass< mlir::ModuleOp > > | createHandshakeAnalysisPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::OperationPass< mlir::ModuleOp > > | createCFToHandshakePass (bool sourceConstants=false, bool disableTaskPipelining=false) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::OperationPass< handshake::FuncOp > > | createHandshakeCanonicalizePass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::OperationPass< handshake::FuncOp > > | createHandshakeRemoveBlockPass () |
mlir::LogicalResult | insertMergeBlocks (mlir::Region &r, mlir::ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) |
Insert additional blocks that serve as counterparts to the blocks that diverged the control flow. | |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createInsertMergeBlocksPass () |
void | populateCombToArithConversionPatterns (TypeConverter &converter, RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
std::unique_ptr< Pass > | createConvertCombToArithPass () |
void | populateCombToLLVMConversionPatterns (mlir::LLVMTypeConverter &converter, RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
Get the Comb to LLVM conversion patterns. | |
void | populateCombToSMTConversionPatterns (TypeConverter &converter, RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
Get the HW to SMT conversion patterns. | |
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > | createConvertToArcsPass (const ConvertToArcsOptions &options={}) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createDCToHWPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createExportChiselInterfacePass (llvm::raw_ostream &os) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createExportSplitChiselInterfacePass (mlir::StringRef outputDirectory="./") |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createExportChiselInterfacePass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createTestApplyLoweringOptionPass (llvm::StringRef options) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createTestApplyLoweringOptionPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createHWLowerInstanceChoicesPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createPrepareForEmissionPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createLegalizeAnonEnumsPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createExportVerilogPass (std::unique_ptr< llvm::raw_ostream > os) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createExportVerilogPass (llvm::raw_ostream &os) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createExportVerilogPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createExportSplitVerilogPass (llvm::StringRef directory="./") |
mlir::LogicalResult | exportVerilog (mlir::ModuleOp module, llvm::raw_ostream &os) |
Export a module containing HW, and SV dialect code. | |
mlir::LogicalResult | exportSplitVerilog (mlir::ModuleOp module, llvm::StringRef dirname) |
Export a module containing HW, and SV dialect code, as one file per SV module. | |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createLowerFIRRTLToHWPass (bool enableAnnotationWarning=false, firrtl::VerificationFlavor assertionFlavor=firrtl::VerificationFlavor::None) |
This is the pass constructor. | |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createConvertFSMToSVPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createHandshakeToHWPass () |
void | populateHWArithToHWConversionPatterns (HWArithToHWTypeConverter &typeConverter, RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
Get the HWArith to HW conversion patterns. | |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createHWArithToHWPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createConvertHWToBTOR2Pass (llvm::raw_ostream &os) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createConvertHWToBTOR2Pass () |
void | populateHWToLLVMTypeConversions (mlir::LLVMTypeConverter &converter) |
Get the HW to LLVM type conversions. | |
void | populateHWToLLVMConversionPatterns (mlir::LLVMTypeConverter &converter, RewritePatternSet &patterns, Namespace &globals, DenseMap< std::pair< Type, ArrayAttr >, mlir::LLVM::GlobalOp > &constAggregateGlobalsMap) |
Get the HW to LLVM conversion patterns. | |
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > | createConvertHWToLLVMPass () |
Create an HW to LLVM conversion pass. | |
void | populateHWToSMTConversionPatterns (TypeConverter &converter, RewritePatternSet &patterns) |
Get the HW to SMT conversion patterns. | |
void | populateHWToSMTTypeConverter (TypeConverter &converter) |
Get the HW to SMT type conversions. | |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::OperationPass< hw::HWModuleOp > > | createLowerHWToSVPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::OperationPass< mlir::ModuleOp > > | createConvertHWToSystemCPass () |
Create a HW to SystemC dialects conversion pass. | |
mlir::LogicalResult | importVerilog (llvm::SourceMgr &sourceMgr, mlir::MLIRContext *context, mlir::TimingScope &ts, mlir::ModuleOp module, const ImportVerilogOptions *options=nullptr) |
Parse files in a source manager as Verilog source code and populate the given MLIR module with corresponding ops. | |
mlir::LogicalResult | preprocessVerilog (llvm::SourceMgr &sourceMgr, mlir::MLIRContext *context, mlir::TimingScope &ts, llvm::raw_ostream &os, const ImportVerilogOptions *options=nullptr) |
Run the files in a source manager through Slang's Verilog preprocessor and emit the result to the given output stream. | |
void | registerFromVerilogTranslation () |
Register the import-verilog MLIR translation. | |
std::string | getSlangVersion () |
Return a human-readable string describing the slang frontend version linked into CIRCT. | |
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > | createLoopScheduleToCalyxPass () |
Create a LoopSchedule to Calyx conversion pass. | |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createLowerLTLToCorePass () |
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > | createConvertMooreToCorePass () |
Create an Moore to Comb/HW/LLHD conversion pass. | |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createPipelineToHWPass (const PipelineToHWOptions &options={}) |
Create an SCF to Calyx conversion pass. | |
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > | createSCFToCalyxPass () |
Create an SCF to Calyx conversion pass. | |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createLowerSeqToSVPass (const LowerSeqToSVOptions &options={}) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createLowerFirMemPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createLowerSeqFIRRTLInitToSV () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createLowerSimToSVPass () |
void | populateSMTToZ3LLVMTypeConverter (TypeConverter &converter) |
Populate the given type converter with the SMT to LLVM type conversions. | |
void | populateSMTToZ3LLVMConversionPatterns (RewritePatternSet &patterns, TypeConverter &converter, SMTGlobalsHandler &globals, const LowerSMTToZ3LLVMOptions &options) |
Add the SMT to LLVM IR conversion patterns to 'patterns'. | |
void | populateVerifToSMTConversionPatterns (TypeConverter &converter, RewritePatternSet &patterns, Namespace &names) |
Get the Verif to SMT conversion patterns. | |
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< hw::HWModuleOp > > | createLowerVerifToSVPass () |
Create the Verif to SV conversion pass. | |
LogicalResult | doTypeConversion (Operation *op, ValueRange operands, ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter, const TypeConverter *typeConverter) |
ParseResult | parseInputPortList (OpAsmParser &parser, SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand > &inputs, SmallVectorImpl< Type > &inputTypes, ArrayAttr &inputNames) |
Parse a list of instance input ports. | |
void | printInputPortList (OpAsmPrinter &p, Operation *op, OperandRange inputs, TypeRange inputTypes, ArrayAttr inputNames) |
Print a list of instance input ports. | |
ParseResult | parseOutputPortList (OpAsmParser &parser, SmallVectorImpl< Type > &resultTypes, ArrayAttr &resultNames) |
Parse a list of instance output ports. | |
void | printOutputPortList (OpAsmPrinter &p, Operation *op, TypeRange resultTypes, ArrayAttr resultNames) |
Print a list of instance output ports. | |
ParseResult | parseOptionalParameterList (OpAsmParser &parser, ArrayAttr ¶meters) |
Parse an parameter list if present. | |
void | printOptionalParameterList (OpAsmPrinter &p, Operation *op, ArrayAttr parameters) |
Print a parameter list for a module or instance. | |
void | registerAllDialects (mlir::DialectRegistry ®istry) |
void | registerAllPasses () |
void | registerAllTranslations () |
void | populateGenericReducePatterns (MLIRContext *context, ReducePatternSet &patterns) |
Populate reduction patterns that are not specific to certain operations or dialects. | |
APInt | sextZeroWidth (APInt value, unsigned width) |
A safe version of APInt::sext that will NOT assert on zero-width signed APSInts. | |
APSInt | extOrTruncZeroWidth (APSInt value, unsigned width) |
A safe version of APSInt::extOrTrunc that will NOT assert on zero-width signed APSInts. | |
ParseResult | parseImplicitSSAName (OpAsmParser &parser, StringAttr &attr) |
Parse an implicit SSA name string attribute. | |
ParseResult | parseImplicitSSAName (OpAsmParser &parser, NamedAttrList &attrs) |
Parse an attribute dictionary and ensure that it contains a name field by inferring its value from the SSA name of the operation's first result if necessary. | |
bool | inferImplicitSSAName (OpAsmParser &parser, NamedAttrList &attrs) |
Ensure that attrs contains a name attribute by inferring its value from the SSA name of the operation's first result if necessary. | |
void | printImplicitSSAName (OpAsmPrinter &p, Operation *op, StringAttr attr) |
Print an implicit SSA name string attribute. | |
void | printImplicitSSAName (OpAsmPrinter &p, Operation *op, DictionaryAttr attrs, ArrayRef< StringRef > extraElides={}) |
Print an attribute dictionary and elide the name field if its value matches the SSA name of the operation's first result. | |
void | elideImplicitSSAName (OpAsmPrinter &printer, Operation *op, DictionaryAttr attrs, SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &elides) |
Check if the name attribute in attrs matches the SSA name of the operation's first result. | |
void | printOptionalBinaryOpTypes (OpAsmPrinter &p, Operation *op, Type lhs, Type rhs) |
Print/parse binary operands type only when types are different. | |
ParseResult | parseOptionalBinaryOpTypes (OpAsmParser &parser, Type &lhs, Type &rhs) |
ParseResult | parseKeywordBool (OpAsmParser &parser, BoolAttr &attr, StringRef trueKeyword, StringRef falseKeyword) |
Parse a boolean as one of two keywords. | |
void | printKeywordBool (OpAsmPrinter &printer, Operation *op, BoolAttr attr, StringRef trueKeyword, StringRef falseKeyword) |
Print a boolean as one of two keywords. | |
llvm::raw_ostream & | debugHeader (llvm::StringRef str, int width=80) |
Write a "header"-like string to the debug stream with a certain width. | |
llvm::raw_ostream & | debugPassHeader (const mlir::Pass *pass, int width=80) |
Write a boilerplate header for a pass to the debug stream. | |
llvm::raw_ostream & | debugFooter (int width=80) |
Write a boilerplate footer to the debug stream to indicate that a pass has ended. | |
inline ::llvm::hash_code | hash_value (const FieldRef &fieldRef) |
Get a hash code for a FieldRef. | |
static std::optional< APInt > | getConstantInt (Attribute operand) |
Determine the integer value of a constant operand. | |
static bool | isConstantZero (Attribute operand) |
Determine whether a constant operand is a zero value. | |
static bool | isConstantOne (Attribute operand) |
Determine whether a constant operand is a one value. | |
FVInt | operator& (uint64_t a, const FVInt &b) |
FVInt | operator| (uint64_t a, const FVInt &b) |
FVInt | operator^ (uint64_t a, const FVInt &b) |
FVInt | operator+ (uint64_t a, const FVInt &b) |
FVInt | operator* (uint64_t a, const FVInt &b) |
FVInt | operator& (const APInt &a, const FVInt &b) |
FVInt | operator| (const APInt &a, const FVInt &b) |
FVInt | operator^ (const APInt &a, const FVInt &b) |
FVInt | operator+ (const APInt &a, const FVInt &b) |
FVInt | operator* (const APInt &a, const FVInt &b) |
FVInt | operator- (uint64_t a, const FVInt &b) |
FVInt | operator- (const APInt &a, const FVInt &b) |
bool | operator== (uint64_t a, const FVInt &b) |
bool | operator!= (uint64_t a, const FVInt &b) |
raw_ostream & | operator<< (raw_ostream &os, const FVInt &value) |
llvm::hash_code | hash_value (const FVInt &a) |
void | printFVInt (AsmPrinter &p, const FVInt &value) |
Print a four-valued integer usign an AsmPrinter . | |
ParseResult | parseFVInt (AsmParser &p, FVInt &result) |
Parse a four-valued integer using an AsmParser . | |
LogicalResult | convertAttributeToJSON (llvm::json::OStream &json, Attribute attr) |
Convert a simple attribute to JSON. | |
Attribute | convertJSONToAttribute (MLIRContext *context, llvm::json::Value &value, llvm::json::Path p) |
Convert arbitrary JSON to an MLIR Attribute. | |
bool | isUselessName (StringRef name) |
Return true if this is a possibly useless temporary name. | |
StringRef | chooseName (StringRef a, StringRef b) |
Choose a good name for an item from two options. | |
StringAttr | chooseName (StringAttr a, StringAttr b) |
Choose a good name for an item from two options. | |
StringAttr | chooseName (Operation *a, Operation *b) |
Choose the better name between two ops. | |
std::unique_ptr< Pass > | createSimpleCanonicalizerPass () |
Create a simple canonicalizer pass. | |
void | appendPossiblyAbsolutePath (llvm::SmallVectorImpl< char > &base, const llvm::Twine &suffix) |
Append a path to an existing path, replacing it if the other path is absolute. | |
bool | isAncestorOfValueOwner (Operation *op, Value value) |
Return true if a Value is created "underneath" an operation. | |
const char * | getCirctVersion () |
const char * | getCirctVersionComment () |
void | populateArithToCombPatterns (mlir::RewritePatternSet &patterns, TypeConverter &typeConverter) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createMapArithToCombPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createFlattenMemRefPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createFlattenMemRefCallsPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createStripDebugInfoWithPredPass (const std::function< bool(mlir::Location)> &pred) |
Creates a pass to strip debug information from a function. | |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createMaximizeSSAPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createPrintOpCountPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createMemoryBankingPass (ArrayRef< unsigned > bankingFactors={}, ArrayRef< unsigned > bankingDimensions={}) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createIndexSwitchToIfPass () |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createHierarchicalRunner (const std::string &topName, llvm::function_ref< void(mlir::OpPassManager &)> pipeline, bool includeBoundInstances=false) |
bool | isUniDimensional (mlir::MemRefType memref) |
bool | isRegionSSAMaximized (Region ®ion) |
LogicalResult | maximizeSSA (Value value, PatternRewriter &rewriter) |
Converts a single value within a function into maximal SSA form. | |
LogicalResult | maximizeSSA (Operation *op, SSAMaximizationStrategy &strategy, PatternRewriter &rewriter) |
Considers all of an operation's results for SSA maximization, following a provided strategy. | |
LogicalResult | maximizeSSA (Block *block, SSAMaximizationStrategy &strategy, PatternRewriter &rewriter) |
Considers all values defined by a block (i.e., block arguments and operation results within the block) for SSA maximization, following a provided strategy. | |
LogicalResult | maximizeSSA (Region ®ion, SSAMaximizationStrategy &strategy, PatternRewriter &rewriter) |
Considers all blocks within a region for SSA maximization, following a provided strategy. | |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > | createPrintOpCountPass (llvm::raw_ostream &os) |
Variables | |
constexpr const char * | circtBugReportMsg |
A generic bug report message for CIRCT-related projects. | |
The InstanceGraph op interface, see for more details.
VerifyInnerRefNamespace pass until have container operation.
Transforms combinational groups, which have a constant done condition, into proper groups by registering the values read from the ports of cells used within the combinational group.
It also transforms (invoke,if,while)-with into semantically equivalent control programs that first enable a group that calculates and registers the ports defined by the combinational group execute the respective cond group and then execute the control operator.
strong |
void circt::appendPossiblyAbsolutePath | ( | llvm::SmallVectorImpl< char > & | base, |
const llvm::Twine & | suffix | ||
) |
Append a path to an existing path, replacing it if the other path is absolute.
This mimicks the behaviour of foo/bar
and /foo/bar
being used in a working directory /home
, resulting in /home/foo/bar
and /foo/bar
, respectively.
Definition at line 23 of file Path.cpp.
Referenced by createOutputFile(), createOutputFile(), and circt::ExportVerilog::SharedEmitterState::gatherFiles().
StringAttr circt::chooseName | ( | Operation * | a, |
Operation * | b | ||
) |
Choose the better name between two ops.
Picks the "name" attribute as first preference, using "sv.namehint" as an alternative.
Definition at line 66 of file Naming.cpp.
References chooseName(), and getNameOrHint().
StringAttr circt::chooseName | ( | StringAttr | a, |
StringAttr | b | ||
) |
Choose a good name for an item from two options.
Definition at line 51 of file Naming.cpp.
References isNameBetter().
StringRef circt::chooseName | ( | StringRef | a, |
StringRef | b | ||
) |
Choose a good name for an item from two options.
Definition at line 47 of file Naming.cpp.
References isNameBetter().
Referenced by chooseName(), and updateName().
LogicalResult circt::convertAttributeToJSON | ( | llvm::json::OStream & | json, |
Attribute | attr | ||
) |
Convert a simple attribute to JSON.
Definition at line 25 of file JSON.cpp.
References convertAttributeToJSON().
Referenced by convertAttributeToJSON().
Attribute circt::convertJSONToAttribute | ( | MLIRContext * | context, |
llvm::json::Value & | value, | ||
llvm::json::Path | p | ||
) |
Convert arbitrary JSON to an MLIR Attribute.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createAffineToLoopSchedule | ( | ) |
Definition at line 651 of file AffineToLoopSchedule.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createCalyxNativePass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 168 of file CalyxNative.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createCalyxToFSMPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 406 of file CalyxToFSM.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createCalyxToHWPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 486 of file CalyxToHW.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::OperationPass< mlir::ModuleOp > > circt::createCFToHandshakePass | ( | bool | sourceConstants = false , |
bool | disableTaskPipelining = false |
) |
Definition at line 1769 of file CFToHandshake.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< Pass > circt::createConvertCombToArithPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 343 of file CombToArith.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createConvertFSMToSVPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 748 of file FSMToSV.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createConvertHWToBTOR2Pass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1053 of file HWToBTOR2.cpp.
Referenced by circt::firtool::populateHWToBTOR2().
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createConvertHWToBTOR2Pass | ( | llvm::raw_ostream & | os | ) |
Definition at line 1048 of file HWToBTOR2.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > circt::createConvertHWToLLVMPass | ( | ) |
Create an HW to LLVM conversion pass.
Definition at line 691 of file HWToLLVM.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > circt::createConvertHWToSystemCPass | ( | ) |
Create a HW to SystemC dialects conversion pass.
Definition at line 344 of file HWToSystemC.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > circt::createConvertMooreToCorePass | ( | ) |
Create an Moore to Comb/HW/LLHD conversion pass.
Create a Moore to core dialects conversion pass.
Definition at line 1878 of file MooreToCore.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > circt::createConvertToArcsPass | ( | const ConvertToArcsOptions & | options = {} | ) |
Definition at line 521 of file ConvertToArcs.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createDCToHWPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 914 of file DCToHW.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createExportChiselInterfacePass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 325 of file ExportChiselInterface.cpp.
References createExportChiselInterfacePass().
Referenced by createExportChiselInterfacePass(), and circt::firtool::populateCHIRRTLToLowFIRRTL().
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createExportChiselInterfacePass | ( | llvm::raw_ostream & | os | ) |
Definition at line 316 of file ExportChiselInterface.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createExportSplitChiselInterfacePass | ( | mlir::StringRef | outputDirectory = "./" | ) |
Definition at line 321 of file ExportChiselInterface.cpp.
Referenced by circt::firtool::populateCHIRRTLToLowFIRRTL().
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createExportSplitVerilogPass | ( | llvm::StringRef | directory = "./" | ) |
Referenced by circt::firtool::populateExportSplitVerilog().
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createExportVerilogPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 7061 of file ExportVerilog.cpp.
References createExportVerilogPass().
Referenced by createExportVerilogPass(), circt::firtool::populateExportVerilog(), and circt::firtool::populateExportVerilog().
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createExportVerilogPass | ( | llvm::raw_ostream & | os | ) |
Definition at line 7057 of file ExportVerilog.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createExportVerilogPass | ( | std::unique_ptr< llvm::raw_ostream > | os | ) |
Definition at line 7052 of file ExportVerilog.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createFlattenMemRefCallsPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 492 of file FlattenMemRefs.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createFlattenMemRefPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 488 of file FlattenMemRefs.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::OperationPass< mlir::ModuleOp > > circt::createHandshakeAnalysisPass | ( | ) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::OperationPass< handshake::FuncOp > > circt::createHandshakeCanonicalizePass | ( | ) |
std::unique_ptr< mlir::OperationPass< handshake::FuncOp > > circt::createHandshakeRemoveBlockPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1776 of file CFToHandshake.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createHandshakeToHWPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2031 of file HandshakeToHW.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createHierarchicalRunner | ( | const std::string & | topName, |
llvm::function_ref< void(mlir::OpPassManager &)> | pipeline, | ||
bool | includeBoundInstances = false |
) |
Definition at line 139 of file HierarchicalRunner.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< Pass > circt::createHWArithToHWPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 464 of file HWArithToHW.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createHWLowerInstanceChoicesPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 115 of file HWLowerInstanceChoices.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createIndexSwitchToIfPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 118 of file IndexSwitchToIf.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createInsertMergeBlocksPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 375 of file InsertMergeBlocks.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createLegalizeAnonEnumsPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 209 of file LegalizeAnonEnums.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > circt::createLoopScheduleToCalyxPass | ( | ) |
Create a LoopSchedule to Calyx conversion pass.
Definition at line 1712 of file LoopScheduleToCalyx.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > circt::createLowerArcToLLVMPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 712 of file LowerArcToLLVM.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< Pass > circt::createLowerFirMemPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 84 of file LowerFirMem.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createLowerFIRRTLToHWPass | ( | bool | enableAnnotationWarning = false , |
firrtl::VerificationFlavor | assertionFlavor = firrtl::VerificationFlavor::None |
) |
This is the pass constructor.
Definition at line 583 of file LowerToHW.cpp.
Referenced by circt::firtool::populateLowFIRRTLToHW().
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< hw::HWModuleOp > > circt::createLowerHWToSVPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 86 of file HWToSV.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createLowerLTLToCorePass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 166 of file LTLToCore.cpp.
Referenced by circt::firtool::populateHWToBTOR2().
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createLowerSeqFIRRTLInitToSV | ( | ) |
std::unique_ptr< Pass > circt::createLowerSeqToSVPass | ( | const LowerSeqToSVOptions & | options = {} | ) |
Definition at line 852 of file SeqToSV.cpp.
Referenced by circt::firtool::populateHWToSV().
std::unique_ptr< Pass > circt::createLowerSimToSVPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 375 of file SimToSV.cpp.
Referenced by circt::firtool::populateHWToSV().
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< hw::HWModuleOp > > circt::createLowerVerifToSVPass | ( | ) |
Create the Verif to SV conversion pass.
Definition at line 243 of file VerifToSV.cpp.
Referenced by circt::firtool::populateHWToSV().
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createMapArithToCombPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 198 of file MapArithToComb.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createMaterializeCalyxToFSMPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 247 of file MaterializeFSM.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createMaximizeSSAPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 246 of file MaximizeSSA.cpp.
Referenced by circt::kanagawa::loadKanagawaHighLevelPassPipeline().
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createMemoryBankingPass | ( | ArrayRef< unsigned > | bankingFactors = {} , |
ArrayRef< unsigned > | bankingDimensions = {} |
) |
Definition at line 954 of file MemoryBanking.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createPipelineToHWPass | ( | const PipelineToHWOptions & | options = {} | ) |
Create an SCF to Calyx conversion pass.
Definition at line 511 of file PipelineToHW.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createPrepareForEmissionPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1376 of file PrepareForEmission.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createPrintOpCountPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 99 of file PrintOpCount.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createPrintOpCountPass | ( | llvm::raw_ostream & | os | ) |
Definition at line 94 of file PrintOpCount.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createRemoveGroupsFromFSMPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 314 of file RemoveGroupsFromFSM.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< OperationPass< ModuleOp > > circt::createSCFToCalyxPass | ( | ) |
Create an SCF to Calyx conversion pass.
Definition at line 2908 of file SCFToCalyx.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< Pass > circt::createSimpleCanonicalizerPass | ( | ) |
Create a simple canonicalizer pass.
Definition at line 15 of file Passes.cpp.
Referenced by circt::kanagawa::loadKanagawaHighLevelPassPipeline(), circt::kanagawa::loadKanagawaLowLevelPassPipeline(), circt::firtool::populateCHIRRTLToLowFIRRTL(), populateGenericReducePatterns(), circt::firtool::populateHWToSV(), circt::firtool::populateLowFIRRTLToHW(), and circt::rtg::populateRandomizerPipeline().
std::unique_ptr< Pass > circt::createStripDebugInfoWithPredPass | ( | const std::function< bool(mlir::Location)> & | pred | ) |
Creates a pass to strip debug information from a function.
Definition at line 129 of file StripDebugInfoWithPred.cpp.
Referenced by detail::populatePrepareForExportVerilog().
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createTestApplyLoweringOptionPass | ( | ) |
Definition at line 46 of file ApplyLoweringOptions.cpp.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > circt::createTestApplyLoweringOptionPass | ( | llvm::StringRef | options | ) |
llvm::raw_ostream & circt::debugFooter | ( | int | width = 80 | ) |
llvm::raw_ostream & circt::debugHeader | ( | llvm::StringRef | str, |
int | width = 80 |
) |
Write a "header"-like string to the debug stream with a certain width.
This produces output like the following:
===- Hello World --------------------===
This is commonly used for generating a header in debug information. The format is modeled after LLVM/MLIR/CIRCT source file headers.
Definition at line 18 of file Debug.cpp.
Referenced by debugPassHeader(), and circt::firrtl::InstanceInfo::InstanceInfo().
llvm::raw_ostream & circt::debugPassHeader | ( | const mlir::Pass * | pass, |
int | width = 80 |
) |
Write a boilerplate header for a pass to the debug stream.
This generates output like the following if the pass's name is "FooPass":
===- Running FooPass --------------—===
This is commonly used to generate a header in debug when a pass starts running.
Definition at line 31 of file Debug.cpp.
References debugHeader().
LogicalResult circt::doTypeConversion | ( | Operation * | op, |
ValueRange | operands, | ||
ConversionPatternRewriter & | rewriter, | ||
const TypeConverter * | typeConverter | ||
) |
Definition at line 37 of file ConversionPatterns.cpp.
References convertFunctionType(), and convertModuleType().
Referenced by circt::TypeConversionPattern::matchAndRewrite(), and circt::TypeOpConversionPattern< OpTy >::matchAndRewrite().
void circt::elideImplicitSSAName | ( | OpAsmPrinter & | printer, |
Operation * | op, | ||
DictionaryAttr | attrs, | ||
SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > & | elides | ||
) |
Check if the name
attribute in attrs
matches the SSA name of the operation's first result.
If it does, add name
to elides
. This is helpful during printing of attribute dictionaries in order to determine if the inclusion of the name
field would be redundant.
Definition at line 81 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
References isdigit.
Referenced by printFIRRTLImplicitSSAName(), and printImplicitSSAName().
mlir::LogicalResult circt::exportSplitVerilog | ( | mlir::ModuleOp | module, |
llvm::StringRef | dirname | ||
) |
Export a module containing HW, and SV dialect code, as one file per SV module.
Requires that the SV dialect is loaded in to the context.
Files are created in the directory indicated by dirname
Referenced by mlirExportSplitVerilog().
mlir::LogicalResult circt::exportVerilog | ( | mlir::ModuleOp | module, |
llvm::raw_ostream & | os | ||
) |
Export a module containing HW, and SV dialect code.
Requires that the SV dialect is loaded in to the context.
Referenced by mlirExportVerilog().
APSInt circt::extOrTruncZeroWidth | ( | APSInt | value, |
unsigned | width | ||
) |
A safe version of APSInt::extOrTrunc that will NOT assert on zero-width signed APSInts.
Instead of asserting, this will zero extend.
Definition at line 22 of file APInt.cpp.
Referenced by getExtendedConstant().
const char * circt::getCirctVersion | ( | ) |
const char * circt::getCirctVersionComment | ( | ) |
Referenced by circt::ExportVerilog::SharedEmitterState::collectOpsForFile(), and exportChiselInterface().
inlinestatic |
Determine the integer value of a constant operand.
Definition at line 18 of file FoldUtils.h.
Referenced by isConstantOne(), and isConstantZero().
std::string circt::getSlangVersion | ( | ) |
Return a human-readable string describing the slang frontend version linked into CIRCT.
Definition at line 34 of file ImportVerilog.cpp.
inline ::llvm::hash_code circt::hash_value | ( | const FieldRef & | fieldRef | ) |
Get a hash code for a FieldRef.
Definition at line 92 of file FieldRef.h.
References circt::FieldRef::getFieldID(), and circt::FieldRef::getValue().
llvm::hash_code circt::hash_value | ( | const FVInt & | a | ) |
Definition at line 143 of file FVInt.cpp.
References circt::FVInt::getRawUnknown(), and circt::FVInt::getRawValue().
mlir::LogicalResult circt::importVerilog | ( | llvm::SourceMgr & | sourceMgr, |
mlir::MLIRContext * | context, | ||
mlir::TimingScope & | ts, | ||
mlir::ModuleOp | module, | ||
const ImportVerilogOptions * | options = nullptr |
) |
Parse files in a source manager as Verilog source code and populate the given MLIR module
with corresponding ops.
Referenced by registerFromVerilogTranslation().
bool circt::inferImplicitSSAName | ( | OpAsmParser & | parser, |
NamedAttrList & | attrs | ||
) |
Ensure that attrs
contains a name
attribute by inferring its value from the SSA name of the operation's first result if necessary.
Returns true if a name was inferred, false if attrs
already contained a name
Definition at line 40 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
References isdigit.
Referenced by parseFIRRTLImplicitSSAName(), and parseImplicitSSAName().
LogicalResult circt::insertMergeBlocks | ( | mlir::Region & | r, |
mlir::ConversionPatternRewriter & | rewriter | ||
) |
Insert additional blocks that serve as counterparts to the blocks that diverged the control flow.
Manually run merge block insertion on a region.
The resulting merge block tree is guaranteed to be a binary tree.
This transformation does treat loops like a single block and thus does not affect them.
This transformation does treat loops like a single block and thus does not affect them.
inline |
Return true if a Value is created "underneath" an operation.
This is frequently useful when negated as that indicates that a Value is defined "outside" the region of an Operation and that the Operation is thereby "capturing" the value.
Definition at line 25 of file Utils.h.
Referenced by LowerLayersPass::runOnModuleBody().
inlinestatic |
Determine whether a constant operand is a one value.
Definition at line 34 of file FoldUtils.h.
References getConstantInt().
inlinestatic |
Determine whether a constant operand is a zero value.
Definition at line 27 of file FoldUtils.h.
References getConstantInt().
Referenced by eraseIfPredFalse().
bool circt::isRegionSSAMaximized | ( | Region & | region | ) |
Definition at line 61 of file MaximizeSSA.cpp.
References getDefiningBlock().
bool circt::isUniDimensional | ( | mlir::MemRefType | memref | ) |
Referenced by hasMultiDimMemRef().
bool circt::isUselessName | ( | StringRef | name | ) |
Return true if this is a possibly useless temporary name.
This method is FIRRTL-centric, dropping useless temporaries.
Definition at line 16 of file Naming.cpp.
Referenced by isNameBetter().
LogicalResult circt::maximizeSSA | ( | Block * | block, |
SSAMaximizationStrategy & | strategy, | ||
PatternRewriter & | rewriter | ||
) |
Considers all values defined by a block (i.e., block arguments and operation results within the block) for SSA maximization, following a provided strategy.
This removes any implicit dataflow of the selected values within the enclosing function. The function adds new block arguments wherever necessary to carry the values explicitly between blocks. Succeeds when it was possible to convert the selected values defined by the block into maximal SSA form.
Definition at line 170 of file MaximizeSSA.cpp.
References maximizeSSA(), and strategy.
LogicalResult circt::maximizeSSA | ( | Operation * | op, |
SSAMaximizationStrategy & | strategy, | ||
PatternRewriter & | rewriter | ||
) |
Considers all of an operation's results for SSA maximization, following a provided strategy.
This removes any implicit dataflow of the selected operation's results within the enclosing function. The function adds new block arguments wherever necessary to carry the results explicitly between blocks. Succeeds when it was possible to convert the selected operation's results into maximal SSA form.
Definition at line 158 of file MaximizeSSA.cpp.
References maximizeSSA(), and strategy.
LogicalResult circt::maximizeSSA | ( | Region & | region, |
SSAMaximizationStrategy & | strategy, | ||
PatternRewriter & | rewriter | ||
) |
Considers all blocks within a region for SSA maximization, following a provided strategy.
This removes any implicit dataflow of the values defined by selected blocks within the region. The function adds new block arguments wherever necessary to carry the region's values explicitly between blocks. Succeeds when it was possible to convert all of the values defined by selected blocks into maximal SSA form.
Definition at line 188 of file MaximizeSSA.cpp.
References maximizeSSA(), and strategy.
LogicalResult circt::maximizeSSA | ( | Value | value, |
PatternRewriter & | rewriter | ||
) |
Converts a single value within a function into maximal SSA form.
This removes any implicit dataflow of this specific value within the enclosing function. The function adds new block arguments wherever necessary to carry the value explicitly between blocks. Succeeds when it was possible to convert the value into maximal SSA form.
Definition at line 85 of file MaximizeSSA.cpp.
References addArgToTerminator(), and getDefiningBlock().
Referenced by maximizeSSA(), maximizeSSA(), maximizeSSA(), maximizeSSANoMem(), and circt::handshake::HandshakeLowering::runSSAMaximization().
inline |
Definition at line 644 of file FVInt.h.
References circt::FVInt::getBitWidth().
inline |
Definition at line 653 of file FVInt.h.
References circt::FVInt::print().
inline |
ParseResult circt::parseFVInt | ( | AsmParser & | p, |
FVInt & | result | ||
) |
Parse a four-valued integer using an AsmParser
This accepts the following formats:
: positive or negative integer in decimal notation. The sign bit of the result indicates whether the value was negative. Cannot contain unknown X or Z digits.h123456789ABCDEF0XZ
: signless integer in hexadecimal notation. Can contain unknown X or Z digits.b10XZ
: signless integer in binary notation. Can contain unknown X or Z digits.The result has enough bits to fully represent the parsed integer, and to have the sign bit encode whether the integer was written as a negative number in the input. The result's bit width may be larger than the minimum number of bits required to represent its value.
Definition at line 162 of file FVInt.cpp.
References circt::FVInt::tryFromString(), and circt::FVInt::zext().
ParseResult circt::parseImplicitSSAName | ( | OpAsmParser & | parser, |
NamedAttrList & | attrs | ||
) |
Parse an attribute dictionary and ensure that it contains a name
field by inferring its value from the SSA name of the operation's first result if necessary.
Definition at line 32 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
References inferImplicitSSAName().
ParseResult circt::parseImplicitSSAName | ( | OpAsmParser & | parser, |
StringAttr & | attr | ||
) |
Parse an implicit SSA name string attribute.
If the name is not provided in the input text, its value is inferred from the SSA name of the operation's first result.
implicit-name ::= (name
Definition at line 14 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
References isdigit.
ParseResult circt::parseInputPortList | ( | OpAsmParser & | parser, |
SmallVectorImpl< OpAsmParser::UnresolvedOperand > & | inputs, | ||
SmallVectorImpl< Type > & | inputTypes, | ||
ArrayAttr & | inputNames | ||
) |
Parse a list of instance input ports.
input-list ::= (
( input-element (,
input-element )* )? )
input-element ::= identifier :
value :
Definition at line 15 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
References parseInputPort().
ParseResult circt::parseKeywordBool | ( | OpAsmParser & | parser, |
BoolAttr & | attr, | ||
StringRef | trueKeyword, | ||
StringRef | falseKeyword | ||
) |
Parse a boolean as one of two keywords.
The trueKeyword
will result in a true boolean; the falseKeyword
will result in a false boolean.
labeled-bool ::= (true-label | false-label)
Definition at line 118 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
ParseResult circt::parseOptionalBinaryOpTypes | ( | OpAsmParser & | parser, |
Type & | lhs, | ||
Type & | rhs | ||
) |
Definition at line 95 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
ParseResult circt::parseOptionalParameterList | ( | OpAsmParser & | parser, |
ArrayAttr & | parameters | ||
) |
Parse an parameter list if present.
module-parameter-list ::= <
parameter-decl (,
parameter-decl)* >
parameter-decl ::= identifier :
type parameter-decl ::= identifier :
type =
Definition at line 92 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
Referenced by parseHWModuleOp().
ParseResult circt::parseOutputPortList | ( | OpAsmParser & | parser, |
SmallVectorImpl< Type > & | resultTypes, | ||
ArrayAttr & | resultNames | ||
) |
Parse a list of instance output ports.
output-list ::= (
( output-element (,
output-element )* )? )
output-element ::= identifier :
Definition at line 56 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
void circt::populateArithToCombPatterns | ( | mlir::RewritePatternSet & | patterns, |
TypeConverter & | typeConverter | ||
) |
Definition at line 176 of file MapArithToComb.cpp.
Referenced by populateOpConversion().
void circt::populateCombToArithConversionPatterns | ( | TypeConverter & | converter, |
RewritePatternSet & | patterns | ||
) |
void circt::populateCombToLLVMConversionPatterns | ( | mlir::LLVMTypeConverter & | converter, |
RewritePatternSet & | patterns | ||
) |
Get the Comb to LLVM conversion patterns.
void circt::populateCombToSMTConversionPatterns | ( | TypeConverter & | converter, |
RewritePatternSet & | patterns | ||
) |
Get the HW to SMT conversion patterns.
Definition at line 261 of file CombToSMT.cpp.
void circt::populateGenericReducePatterns | ( | MLIRContext * | context, |
ReducePatternSet & | patterns | ||
) |
Populate reduction patterns that are not specific to certain operations or dialects.
Definition at line 56 of file GenericReductions.cpp.
References createSimpleCanonicalizerPass().
void circt::populateHWArithToHWConversionPatterns | ( | HWArithToHWTypeConverter & | typeConverter, |
RewritePatternSet & | patterns | ||
) |
Get the HWArith to HW conversion patterns.
Definition at line 421 of file HWArithToHW.cpp.
void circt::populateHWToLLVMConversionPatterns | ( | mlir::LLVMTypeConverter & | converter, |
RewritePatternSet & | patterns, | ||
Namespace & | globals, | ||
DenseMap< std::pair< Type, ArrayAttr >, mlir::LLVM::GlobalOp > & | constAggregateGlobalsMap | ||
) |
Get the HW to LLVM conversion patterns.
void circt::populateHWToLLVMTypeConversions | ( | mlir::LLVMTypeConverter & | converter | ) |
Get the HW to LLVM type conversions.
void circt::populateHWToSMTConversionPatterns | ( | TypeConverter & | converter, |
RewritePatternSet & | patterns | ||
) |
Get the HW to SMT conversion patterns.
Definition at line 284 of file HWToSMT.cpp.
void circt::populateHWToSMTTypeConverter | ( | TypeConverter & | converter | ) |
Get the HW to SMT type conversions.
Definition at line 181 of file HWToSMT.cpp.
void circt::populateSMTToZ3LLVMConversionPatterns | ( | RewritePatternSet & | patterns, |
TypeConverter & | converter, | ||
SMTGlobalsHandler & | globals, | ||
const LowerSMTToZ3LLVMOptions & | options | ||
) |
Add the SMT to LLVM IR conversion patterns to 'patterns'.
A 'SMTGlobalHandler' object has to be passed which acts as a symbol cache for LLVM globals and functions.
Definition at line 1311 of file LowerSMTToZ3LLVM.cpp.
void circt::populateSMTToZ3LLVMTypeConverter | ( | TypeConverter & | converter | ) |
Populate the given type converter with the SMT to LLVM type conversions.
Definition at line 1290 of file LowerSMTToZ3LLVM.cpp.
void circt::populateVerifToSMTConversionPatterns | ( | TypeConverter & | converter, |
RewritePatternSet & | patterns, | ||
Namespace & | names | ||
) |
Get the Verif to SMT conversion patterns.
Definition at line 427 of file VerifToSMT.cpp.
mlir::LogicalResult circt::preprocessVerilog | ( | llvm::SourceMgr & | sourceMgr, |
mlir::MLIRContext * | context, | ||
mlir::TimingScope & | ts, | ||
llvm::raw_ostream & | os, | ||
const ImportVerilogOptions * | options = nullptr |
) |
Run the files in a source manager through Slang's Verilog preprocessor and emit the result to the given output stream.
void circt::printFVInt | ( | AsmPrinter & | p, |
const FVInt & | value | ||
) |
Print a four-valued integer usign an AsmPrinter
This produces the following output formats:
if the integer the bits in each hex digit are either all known, all X, or all Z.b
in all other cases. Definition at line 147 of file FVInt.cpp.
References circt::FVInt::getBitWidth(), circt::FVInt::isNegative(), and circt::FVInt::tryToString().
void circt::printImplicitSSAName | ( | OpAsmPrinter & | p, |
Operation * | op, | ||
DictionaryAttr | attrs, | ||
ArrayRef< StringRef > | extraElides = {} |
) |
Print an attribute dictionary and elide the name
field if its value matches the SSA name of the operation's first result.
Definition at line 73 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
References elideImplicitSSAName().
void circt::printImplicitSSAName | ( | OpAsmPrinter & | p, |
Operation * | op, | ||
StringAttr | attr | ||
) |
Print an implicit SSA name string attribute.
If the given string attribute does not match the SSA name of the operation's first result, the name is explicitly printed. Prints a leading space in front of name
if any name is present.
implicit-name ::= (name
Definition at line 55 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
References isdigit.
void circt::printInputPortList | ( | OpAsmPrinter & | p, |
Operation * | op, | ||
OperandRange | inputs, | ||
TypeRange | inputTypes, | ||
ArrayAttr | inputNames | ||
) |
Print a list of instance input ports.
Definition at line 42 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
void circt::printKeywordBool | ( | OpAsmPrinter & | printer, |
Operation * | op, | ||
BoolAttr | attr, | ||
StringRef | trueKeyword, | ||
StringRef | falseKeyword | ||
) |
Print a boolean as one of two keywords.
If the boolean is true, the trueKeyword
is used; if it is false, the falseKeyword
is used.
labeled-bool ::= (true-label | false-label)
Definition at line 133 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
void circt::printOptionalBinaryOpTypes | ( | OpAsmPrinter & | p, |
Operation * | op, | ||
Type | lhs, | ||
Type | rhs | ||
) |
Print/parse binary operands type only when types are different.
optional-bin-op-types := type($lhs) (, type($rhs))?
Definition at line 110 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
void circt::printOptionalParameterList | ( | OpAsmPrinter & | p, |
Operation * | op, | ||
ArrayAttr | parameters | ||
) |
Print a parameter list for a module or instance.
Definition at line 125 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
Referenced by printModuleOp().
void circt::printOutputPortList | ( | OpAsmPrinter & | p, |
Operation * | op, | ||
TypeRange | resultTypes, | ||
ArrayAttr | resultNames | ||
) |
Print a list of instance output ports.
Definition at line 80 of file CustomDirectiveImpl.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 56 of file InitAllDialects.h.
inline |
Definition at line 49 of file InitAllPasses.h.
References circt::esi::registerESIPasses().
inline |
Definition at line 32 of file InitAllTranslations.h.
References circt::arc::registerArcModelInfoTranslation(), circt::ExportSMTLIB::registerExportSMTLIBTranslation(), circt::ExportSystemC::registerExportSystemCTranslation(), circt::firrtl::registerFromFIRFileTranslation(), circt::calyx::registerToCalyxTranslation(), circt::firrtl::registerToFIRFileTranslation(), and circt::debug::registerTranslations().
void circt::registerFromVerilogTranslation | ( | ) |
Register the import-verilog
MLIR translation.
Entry point as an MLIR translation.
Definition at line 383 of file ImportVerilog.cpp.
References circt::ImportVerilogOptions::debugInfo, and importVerilog().
APInt circt::sextZeroWidth | ( | APInt | value, |
unsigned | width | ||
) |