CIRCT 21.0.0git
This is the complete list of members for StructuralHasher, including all inherited members.
constants | StructuralHasher | private |
finalizeID(void *object) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
getID(void *object) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
getInnerSymID(StringAttr name) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
getModuleInfo(FModuleLike module) | StructuralHasher | inline |
idTable | StructuralHasher | private |
innerSymIDTable | StructuralHasher | private |
nextID | StructuralHasher | private |
nextInnerSymID | StructuralHasher | private |
position | StructuralHasher | private |
referredModuleNames | StructuralHasher | private |
sha | StructuralHasher | private |
StructuralHasher(const StructuralHasherSharedConstants &constants) | StructuralHasher | inlineexplicit |
update(OpOperand &operand) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
update(const void *pointer) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
update(size_t value) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
update(TypeID typeID) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
update(BundleType type) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
update(Type type) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
update(OpResult result) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
update(Operation *op, DictionaryAttr dict) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
update(mlir::OperationName name) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
update(Block *block) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
update(Region *region) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |
update(Operation *op) | StructuralHasher | inlineprivate |