CIRCT 21.0.0git
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NcirctThe InstanceGraph op interface, see for more details
 CAffineLoadLoweringApply the affine map from an 'affine.load' operation to its operands, and feed the results to a newly created 'memref.load' operation (which replaces the original 'affine.load')
 CAffineStoreLoweringApply the affine map from an '' operation to its operands, and feed the results to a newly created '' operation (which replaces the original '')
 CAnnotationRemoverA sample reduction pattern that removes FIRRTL annotations from ports and operations
 CAssignEmitterEmit a systemc.cpp.assign operation
 CBindPortEmitterEmit a systemc.instance.bind_port operation using the operator() rather than .bind() variant
 CBlockControlTermHolds information about an handshake "basic block terminator" control operation
 CCallEmitterEmit a operation
 CCallIndirectEmitterEmit a systemc.cpp.call_indirect operation
 CCallPrepPrecomputedBuild indexes to make lookups faster. Create the new argument types as well
 CCheckCombLoopsPassThis pass constructs a local graph for each module to detect combinational cycles
 CCollapseUnaryControlThis pattern collapses a calyx.seq or calyx.par operation when it contains exactly one calyx.enable operation
 CConnectForwarderA sample reduction pattern that pushes connected values through wires
 CConnectInvalidatorA sample reduction pattern that replaces the right-hand-side of firrtl.connect and firrtl.matchingconnect operations with a firrtl.invalidvalue
 CConnectSourceOperandForwarderA sample reduction pattern that replaces a single-use wire and register with an operand of the source value of the connection
 CDetachSubaccessesA sample reduction pattern that tries to remove aggregate wires by replacing all subaccesses with new independent wires
 CEagerInlinerA sample reduction pattern that eagerly inlines instances
 CEmittedExpressionStateManagerThis class handles information about AST structures of each expressions
 CEmptyIfBodyThis pattern checks for one of two cases that will lead to IfOp deletion: (1) Then and Else bodies are both empty
 CEmptyStaticIfBodyThis pattern checks for one of two cases that will lead to StaticIfOp deletion: (1) Then and Else bodies are both empty
 CEquivalenceThis class is for reporting differences between two modules which should have been deduplicated
 CExtmoduleInstanceRemoverA sample reduction pattern that replaces instances of firrtl.extmodule with wires
 CFIRRTLBundleFieldDescribes a field in a bundle type
 CFIRRTLClassElementDescribes an element in a class type
 CFIRRTLConstantifierA sample reduction pattern that replaces FIRRTL operations with a constant zero of their type
 CFIRRTLModuleExternalizerA sample reduction pattern that maps firrtl.module to firrtl.extmodule
 CFIRRTLOperandForwarderA sample reduction pattern that replaces all uses of an operation with one of its operands
 CFuncEmitterEmit a systemc.cpp.func function
 CFunctionRewriteA struct for maintaining function declarations which needs to be rewritten, if they contain memref arguments that was flattened
 CHashTableStackThis is a stack of hashtables, if lookup fails in the top-most hashtable, it will attempt to lookup in lower hashtables
 CHasParameters< Properties, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< Properties >().parameters)> >
 CHWConstantifierA sample reduction pattern that replaces integer operations with a constant zero of their type
 CHWOperandForwarderA sample reduction pattern that replaces all uses of an operation with one of its operands
 CIfOpHoistingHelper to hoist computation out of scf::IfOp branches, turning it into a mux-like operation, and exposing potentially concurrent execution of its branches
 CInstanceStubberA sample reduction pattern that maps firrtl.instance to a set of invalidated wires
 CMemberAccessEmitterEmit a systemc.cpp.member_access operation
 CMemoryStubberA sample reduction pattern that maps firrtl.mem to a set of invalidated wires
 CModuleExternalizerA sample reduction pattern that maps hw.module to hw.module.extern
 CModuleInputPrunerRemove all input ports of the top-level module that have no users
 CModuleInternalNameSanitizerPsuedo-reduction that sanitizes the names of things inside modules
 CModuleNameSanitizerPsuedo-reduction that sanitizes module, instance, and port names
 CModuleOutputPrunerRemove the first or last output of the top-level module depending on the 'Front' template parameter
 CModuleSizeCacheUtility to track the transitive size of modules
 CNLARemoverA tracker for track NLAs affected by a reduction
 CNodeSymbolRemoverThis reduction removes symbols on node ops
 COMEvaluatorA value type for use in C APIs that just wraps a pointer to an Evaluator
 COMEvaluatorValueA value type for use in C APIs that just wraps a pointer to an Object
 COperationPrunerA sample reduction pattern that removes operations which either produce no results or their results have no users
 CPartialLowerRegionAllows to partially lower a region by matching on the parent operation to then call the provided partial lowering function with the region and the rewriter
 CReservedWordsCreatorReturn a StringSet that contains all of the reserved names (e.g
 CReturnEmitterEmit a systemc.cpp.return operation
 CRootPortPrunerA sample reduction pattern that removes ports from the root firrtl.module if the port is not used or just invalidated
 CServiceGenFuncContainer for a Python function that will be called to generate a service
 CStateEliminationA sample reduction pattern that converts arc.state operations to the simpler operation and removes clock, latency, name attributes, enables, and resets in the process
 CStructuralHasherSharedConstantsThis struct contains constant string attributes shared across different threads
 CVariableEmitterEmit a systemc.cpp.variable operation