Here is a list of all file members with links to the files they belong to:
- r -
- readFutures
: DpiEntryPoints.cpp
- readPorts
: DpiEntryPoints.cpp
- reconnectMergeOps()
: CFToHandshake.cpp
- reduceXor()
: FIRRTLReductions.cpp
: Cosim.cpp
, Trace.cpp
, Xrt.cpp
, Accelerator.h
- registerArcPasses()
: Arc.h
, Arc.cpp
- registerCallbacks()
: esitester.cpp
- registerCombPasses()
: Comb.h
, Comb.cpp
- registerDCPasses()
: DC.h
, DC.cpp
- registerESIPasses()
: ESI.h
, ESI.cpp
- registerFSMPasses()
: FSM.h
, FSM.cpp
- registerHandshakePasses()
: Handshake.h
, Handshake.cpp
- registerHWArithPasses()
: HWArith.cpp
, HWArith.h
- registerHWPasses()
: HW.h
, HW.cpp
- registerPasses()
: CIRCTModule.cpp
- registerSeqPasses()
: Seq.h
, Seq.cpp
- registerServiceGenerator()
: ESIModule.cpp
- registerSVPasses()
: SV.h
, SV.cpp
- removeAnnotationWithFilename()
: CreateSiFiveMetadata.cpp
- removeBasicBlocks()
: CFToHandshake.cpp
- removeBlockOperands()
: CFToHandshake.cpp
- removeCalyxPrefix()
: CalyxEmitter.cpp
- removeElementsAtIndices()
: FIRRTLOps.cpp
- removeUnusedAllocOps()
: CFToHandshake.cpp
- removeUnusedClockDomainInputs()
: ArcFolds.cpp
- removeUnusedClockDomainOutputs()
: ArcFolds.cpp
- replaceArrayAttrElement()
: LowerAnnotations.cpp
- replaceClassLikeFieldTypes()
: OMOps.cpp
- replaceDeclRefInExpr()
: HWAttributes.cpp
- replaceFirstUse()
: HandshakeUtils.cpp
, DCMaterialization.cpp
- replaceInnerRefUsers()
: ModuleInliner.cpp
- replaceOpAndCopyName()
: FIRRTLFolds.cpp
, CombFolds.cpp
- replaceOpWithNewOpAndCopyName()
: CombFolds.cpp
, FIRRTLFolds.cpp
- replaceOpWithRegion()
: FIRRTLFolds.cpp
, SVOps.cpp
- replacePortField()
: FIRRTLFolds.cpp
- replacePortWithWire()
: PrepareForEmission.cpp
- replaceWithBits()
: FIRRTLFolds.cpp
- reservedWords
: SVDialect.cpp
- resizeType()
: InferWidths.cpp
- resolveClasses()
: LinkModules.cpp
- returnErrorStr()
: circt_tcl.cpp
- reuseExistingInOut()
: PrepareForEmission.cpp
- rewriteAddWithNegativeConstant()
: PrepareForEmission.cpp
- rewriteSideEffectingExpr()
: PrepareForEmission.cpp
- roundtrip()
: Roundtrip.cpp
- roundtripAs()
: Roundtrip.cpp
- rtgBagTypeGet()
: RTG.h
, RTG.cpp
- rtgDictTypeGet()
: RTG.h
, RTG.cpp
- rtgLabelTypeGet()
: RTG.h
, RTG.cpp
- rtgSequenceTypeGet()
: RTG.h
, RTG.cpp
- rtgSetTypeGet()
: RTG.h
, RTG.cpp
- rtgtestCPUTypeGet()
: RTGTest.h
, RTGTest.cpp
- rtgtestTypeIsACPU()
: RTGTest.cpp
, RTGTest.h
- rtgTypeIsABag()
: RTG.h
, RTG.cpp
- rtgTypeIsADict()
: RTG.h
, RTG.cpp
- rtgTypeIsALabel()
: RTG.h
, RTG.cpp
- rtgTypeIsASequence()
: RTG.h
, RTG.cpp
- rtgTypeIsASet()
: RTG.h
, RTG.cpp