Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- m -
- m : esi::AcceleratorServiceThread::Impl
- macroNames : LowerLayersPass
- major : circt::firrtl::FIRVersion
- manifest : esiaccel.codegen.Generator
- manifestJson : esi::backends::trace::TraceAccelerator::Impl, Manifest::Impl
- manifestMethod : esi::backends::cosim::CosimAccelerator
- map : circt::ExportVerilog::OpLocMap, Equivalence::ModuleData
- mapping : circt::ValueMapper
- mapStack : HashTableStack< KeyT, ValueT >
- margin : circt::pretty::PrettyPrinter
- maskBits : circt::FirMemConfig, circt::firrtl::FirMemory
- maskGran : circt::seq::FirMemory
- max_size : esiaccel.types.SIntType, esiaccel.types.UIntType
- maxDataQueueMsgs : esi::ReadChannelPort
- maxFieldID : circt::firrtl::detail::BundleTypeStorage, circt::firrtl::detail::ClassTypeStorage, circt::firrtl::detail::FEnumTypeStorage, circt::firrtl::detail::OpenBundleTypeStorage
- maximumNumberOfTermsPerExpression : circt::LoweringOptions
- maxIncludeDepth : circt::ImportVerilogOptions
- maxStartingIndent : circt::pretty::PrettyPrinter
- me : esi::AcceleratorServiceThread::Impl
- memName : circt::calyx::MemoryPortsImpl
- memories : circt::calyx::ComponentLoweringStateInterface
- memoryDepth : circt::arc::StateInfo
- memoryGroup : esi::backends::xrt::XrtAccelerator::Impl
- memoryStride : circt::arc::StateInfo
- memoryToBanks : BankAffineLoadPattern, BankAffineStorePattern, BankReturnPattern
- metadataAttr : circt::ExportVerilog::OpLocMap
- minLevel : esi::ConsoleLogger, esi::StreamLogger
- minor : circt::firrtl::FIRVersion
- mitigateVivadoArrayIndexConstPropBug : circt::LoweringOptions
- mlirTop : circt::esi::AppIDIndex
- mmio : esi::services::MMIOSysInfo
- mod : circt::hw::PortConverterImpl
- mode : circt::ImportVerilogOptions, esi::ReadChannelPort
- modName : circt::firrtl::FirMemory
- module : hw.InstanceBuilder
- moduleAllocator : circt::DebugInfo
- moduleAttributes : circt::firrtl::InstanceInfo
- moduleIndex : circt::FirMemLowering
- moduleNameAttr : StructuralHasherSharedConstants
- moduleNames : LowerLayersPass
- moduleNamespaces : Deduper, HWExportModuleHierarchyPass, LowerXMRPass
- moduleNode : circt::hw::PortConverterImpl
- moduleNodes : circt::DebugInfo
- modulePortPaths : DiscoverLoops
- modules : circt::ImportVerilog::Context
- modulesContainingBinds : circt::ExportVerilog::SharedEmitterState
- moduleSizes : FIRRTLModuleExternalizer, InstanceStubber, ModuleExternalizer, ModuleSizeCache
- moduleStates : LowerXMRPass
- moduleWorklist : circt::ImportVerilog::Context
- mutex : esi::TSLogger