CIRCT 21.0.0git
This is the complete list of members for circt::firrtl::NLATable, including all inherited members.
addModule(FModuleLike mod) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | inline |
addNLA(hw::HierPathOp nla) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | |
addNLAtoModule(hw::HierPathOp nla, StringAttr mod) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | inline |
commonNLAs(StringAttr mod1, StringAttr mod2, DenseSet< hw::HierPathOp > &common) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | inline |
erase(hw::HierPathOp nlaOp, SymbolTable *symbolTable=nullptr) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | |
eraseModule(StringAttr name) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | inline |
getInstanceNLAs(InstanceOp inst, DenseSet< hw::HierPathOp > &nlas) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | inline |
getModule(StringAttr name) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | |
getNLA(StringAttr name) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | |
getNLAsInModule(StringAttr modName, DenseSet< hw::HierPathOp > &nlas) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | inline |
lookup(Operation *op) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | |
lookup(StringAttr name) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | |
NLATable(Operation *operation) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | explicit |
NLATable(const NLATable &)=delete | circt::firrtl::NLATable | private |
nodeMap | circt::firrtl::NLATable | private |
removeNLAfromModule(hw::HierPathOp nla, StringAttr mod) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | inline |
removeNLAsfromModule(const DenseSet< hw::HierPathOp > &nlas, StringAttr mod) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | inline |
renameModule(StringAttr oldModName, StringAttr newModName) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | |
renameModuleAndInnerRef(StringAttr newModName, StringAttr oldModName, const DenseMap< StringAttr, StringAttr > &innerSymRenameMap) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | |
symToOp | circt::firrtl::NLATable | private |
updateModuleInNLA(StringAttr nlaName, StringAttr oldModule, StringAttr newModule) | circt::firrtl::NLATable | |
updateModuleInNLA(hw::HierPathOp nlaOp, StringAttr oldModule, StringAttr newModule) | circt::firrtl::NLATable |