CIRCT 21.0.0git
This is the complete list of members for circt::firrtl::ApplyState, including all inherited members.
AddToWorklistFn typedef | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | |
addToWorklistFn | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | |
annotationID | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | private |
ApplyState(CircuitOp circuit, SymbolTable &symTbl, AddToWorklistFn addToWorklistFn, InstancePathCache &instancePathCache, bool noRefTypePorts) | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | inline |
circuit | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | |
getNamespace(FModuleLike module) | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | inline |
hierPathCache | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | |
instancePathCache | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | |
legacyWiringProblems | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | |
namespaces | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | private |
newID() | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | inline |
noRefTypePorts | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | |
numReusedHierPaths | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | |
symTbl | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | |
targetCaches | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | |
wiringProblemInstRefs | circt::firrtl::ApplyState | |
wiringProblems | circt::firrtl::ApplyState |