CIRCT  19.0.0git
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1 //===- ChainingSupport.cpp - Utilities for chaining-aware schedulers ------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // Helpers to add chaining support to existing algorithms via chain-breaking
10 // auxiliary dependences, i.e. edges whose endpoints must be separated by at
11 // least one time steps.
12 //
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
17 #include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
19 using namespace circt;
20 using namespace circt::scheduling;
25  ChainingProblem &prob, float cycleTime,
26  SmallVectorImpl<Dependence> &result) {
27  // Sanity check: This approach treats the given `cycleTime` as a hard
28  // constraint, so all individual delays must be shorter.
29  for (auto opr : prob.getOperatorTypes())
30  if (*prob.getIncomingDelay(opr) > cycleTime ||
31  *prob.getOutgoingDelay(opr) > cycleTime)
32  return prob.getContainingOp()->emitError()
33  << "Delays of operator type '" << opr.getValue()
34  << "' exceed maximum cycle time: " << cycleTime;
36  // chains[v][u] denotes the accumulated delay incoming at `v`, of the longest
37  // combinational chain originating from `u`.
38  DenseMap<Operation *, SmallDenseMap<Operation *, float>> chains;
40  // Do a simple DFA-style pass over the dependence graph to determine
41  // combinational chains and their respective accumulated delays.
42  return handleOperationsInTopologicalOrder(prob, [&](Operation *op) {
43  // Mark `op` to be the origin of its own chain.
44  chains[op][op] = 0.0f;
46  for (auto dep : prob.getDependences(op)) {
47  // Skip auxiliary deps, as these don't carry values.
48  if (dep.isAuxiliary())
49  continue;
51  Operation *pred = dep.getSource();
52  if (!chains.count(pred))
53  return failure(); // Predecessor hasn't been handled yet.
55  auto predOpr = *prob.getLinkedOperatorType(pred);
56  if (*prob.getLatency(predOpr) > 0) {
57  // `pred` is not combinational, so none of its incoming chains are
58  // extended. Hence, it only contributes its outgoing delay to `op`'s
59  // incoming delay.
60  chains[op][pred] = *prob.getOutgoingDelay(predOpr);
61  continue;
62  }
64  // Otherwise, `pred` is combinational. This means that all of its incoming
65  // chains, extended by `pred`, are incoming chains for `op`.
66  for (auto incomingChain : chains[pred]) {
67  Operation *origin = incomingChain.first;
68  float delay = incomingChain.second;
69  chains[op][origin] = std::max(delay + *prob.getOutgoingDelay(predOpr),
70  chains[op][origin]);
71  }
72  }
74  // All chains/accumulated delays incoming at `op` are now known.
75  auto opr = *prob.getLinkedOperatorType(op);
76  for (auto incomingChain : chains[op]) {
77  Operation *origin = incomingChain.first;
78  float delay = incomingChain.second;
79  // Check whether `op` could be appended to the incoming chain without
80  // violating the cycle time constraint.
81  if (delay + *prob.getIncomingDelay(opr) > cycleTime) {
82  // If not, add a chain-breaking auxiliary dep ...
83  result.emplace_back(origin, op);
84  // ... and end the chain here.
85  chains[op].erase(origin);
86  }
87  }
89  return success();
90  });
91 }
94  return handleOperationsInTopologicalOrder(prob, [&](Operation *op) {
95  // `op` will start within its abstract time step as soon as all operand
96  // values have reached it.
97  unsigned startTime = *prob.getStartTime(op);
98  float startTimeInCycle = 0.0f;
100  for (auto dep : prob.getDependences(op)) {
101  // Skip auxiliary deps, as these don't carry values.
102  if (dep.isAuxiliary())
103  continue;
105  Operation *pred = dep.getSource();
106  auto predStartTimeInCycle = prob.getStartTimeInCycle(pred);
107  if (!predStartTimeInCycle)
108  return failure(); // Predecessor hasn't been handled yet.
110  auto predOpr = *prob.getLinkedOperatorType(pred);
111  unsigned predStartTime = *prob.getStartTime(pred);
112  unsigned predEndTime = predStartTime + *prob.getLatency(predOpr);
114  if (predEndTime < startTime)
115  // Incoming value is completely registered/available with the beginning
116  // of the cycle.
117  continue;
119  // So, `pred` ends in the same cycle as `op` starts.
120  assert(predEndTime == startTime);
121  // If `pred` uses a multi-cycle operator, only its outgoing delay counts.
122  float predEndTimeInCycle =
123  (predStartTime == predEndTime ? *predStartTimeInCycle : 0.0f) +
124  *prob.getOutgoingDelay(predOpr);
125  startTimeInCycle = std::max(predEndTimeInCycle, startTimeInCycle);
126  }
128  prob.setStartTimeInCycle(op, startTimeInCycle);
129  return success();
130  });
131 }
This class models the accumulation of physical propagation delays on combinational paths along SSA de...
Definition: Problems.h:340
void setStartTimeInCycle(Operation *op, float time)
Definition: Problems.h:373
std::optional< float > getIncomingDelay(OperatorType opr)
The incoming delay denotes the propagation time from the operand inputs to either the result outputs ...
Definition: Problems.h:351
std::optional< float > getOutgoingDelay(OperatorType opr)
The outgoing delay denotes the propagation time from either the operand inputs (combinational operato...
Definition: Problems.h:361
std::optional< OperatorType > getLinkedOperatorType(Operation *op)
The linked operator type provides the runtime characteristics for op.
Definition: Problems.h:202
const OperatorTypeSet & getOperatorTypes()
Return the set of operator types.
Definition: Problems.h:195
std::optional< unsigned > getStartTime(Operation *op)
Return the start time for op, as computed by the scheduler.
Definition: Problems.h:218
detail::Dependence Dependence
A thin wrapper to allow a uniform handling of def-use and auxiliary dependences.
Definition: Problems.h:101
DependenceRange getDependences(Operation *op)
Return a range object to transparently iterate over op's incoming 1) implicit def-use dependences (ba...
Definition: Problems.cpp:53
Operation * getContainingOp()
Return the operation containing this problem, e.g. to emit diagnostics.
Definition: Problems.h:171
A wrapper class to uniformly handle def-use and auxiliary dependence edges.
LogicalResult handleOperationsInTopologicalOrder(Problem &prob, HandleOpFn fun)
Visit prob's operations in topological order, using an internal worklist.
Definition: Utilities.cpp:21
LogicalResult computeChainBreakingDependences(ChainingProblem &prob, float cycleTime, SmallVectorImpl< Problem::Dependence > &result)
Analyse combinational chains in prob's dependence graph and determine pairs of operations that must b...
LogicalResult computeStartTimesInCycle(ChainingProblem &prob)
Assuming prob is scheduled and contains (integer) start times, this method fills in the start times i...
This file defines an intermediate representation for circuits acting as an abstraction for constraint...
Definition: DebugAnalysis.h:21