MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omTypeIsAAnyType (MlirType type) |
| Is the Type an AnyType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirTypeID | omAnyTypeGetTypeID (void) |
| Get the TypeID for an AnyType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omTypeIsAClassType (MlirType type) |
| Is the Type a ClassType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirTypeID | omClassTypeGetTypeID (void) |
| Get the TypeID for a ClassType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirIdentifier | omClassTypeGetName (MlirType type) |
| Get the name for a ClassType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omTypeIsAFrozenBasePathType (MlirType type) |
| Is the Type a FrozenBasePathType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirTypeID | omFrozenBasePathTypeGetTypeID (void) |
| Get the TypeID for a FrozenBasePathType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omTypeIsAFrozenPathType (MlirType type) |
| Is the Type a FrozenPathType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirTypeID | omFrozenPathTypeGetTypeID (void) |
| Get the TypeID for a FrozenPathType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omTypeIsAListType (MlirType type) |
| Is the Type a ListType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirTypeID | omListTypeGetTypeID (void) |
| Get the TypeID for a ListType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirType | omListTypeGetElementType (MlirType type) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omTypeIsAMapType (MlirType type) |
| Is the Type a MapType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirType | omMapTypeGetKeyType (MlirType type) |
| Return a key type of a map.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omTypeIsAStringType (MlirType type) |
| Is the Type a StringType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED OMEvaluator | omEvaluatorNew (MlirModule mod) |
| Construct an Evaluator with an IR module.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED OMEvaluatorValue | omEvaluatorInstantiate (OMEvaluator evaluator, MlirAttribute className, intptr_t nActualParams, OMEvaluatorValue *actualParams) |
| Use the Evaluator to Instantiate an Object from its class name and actual parameters.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirModule | omEvaluatorGetModule (OMEvaluator evaluator) |
| Get the Module the Evaluator is built from.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omEvaluatorObjectIsNull (OMEvaluatorValue object) |
| Query if the Object is null.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirType | omEvaluatorObjectGetType (OMEvaluatorValue object) |
| Get the Type from an Object, which will be a ClassType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED OMEvaluatorValue | omEvaluatorObjectGetField (OMEvaluatorValue object, MlirAttribute name) |
| Get a field from an Object, which must contain a field of that name.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED unsigned | omEvaluatorObjectGetHash (OMEvaluatorValue object) |
| Get the object hash.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omEvaluatorObjectIsEq (OMEvaluatorValue object, OMEvaluatorValue other) |
| Check equality of two objects.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute | omEvaluatorObjectGetFieldNames (OMEvaluatorValue object) |
| Get all the field names from an Object, can be empty if object has no fields.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirContext | omEvaluatorValueGetContext (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirLocation | omEvaluatorValueGetLoc (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omEvaluatorValueIsNull (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omEvaluatorValueIsAObject (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Query if the EvaluatorValue is an Object.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omEvaluatorValueIsAPrimitive (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Query if the EvaluatorValue is a Primitive.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute | omEvaluatorValueGetPrimitive (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Get the Primitive from an EvaluatorValue, which must contain a Primitive.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED OMEvaluatorValue | omEvaluatorValueFromPrimitive (MlirAttribute primitive) |
| Get the EvaluatorValue from a Primitive value.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omEvaluatorValueIsAList (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Query if the EvaluatorValue is an Object.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t | omEvaluatorListGetNumElements (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Get the length of the list.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED OMEvaluatorValue | omEvaluatorListGetElement (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue, intptr_t pos) |
| Get an element of the list.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omEvaluatorValueIsATuple (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Query if the EvaluatorValue is a Tuple.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t | omEvaluatorTupleGetNumElements (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Get the size of the tuple.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED OMEvaluatorValue | omEvaluatorTupleGetElement (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue, intptr_t pos) |
| Get an element of the tuple.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED OMEvaluatorValue | omEvaluatorMapGetElement (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue, MlirAttribute attr) |
| Get an element of the map.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute | omEvaluatorMapGetKeys (OMEvaluatorValue object) |
| Get an ArrayAttr with the keys in a Map.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omEvaluatorValueIsAMap (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Query if the EvaluatorValue is a Map.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirType | omEvaluatorMapGetType (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Get the Type from a Map, which will be a MapType.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omEvaluatorValueIsABasePath (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Query if the EvaluatorValue is a BasePath.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED OMEvaluatorValue | omEvaluatorBasePathGetEmpty (MlirContext context) |
| Create an empty BasePath.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omEvaluatorValueIsAPath (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Query if the EvaluatorValue is a Path.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute | omEvaluatorPathGetAsString (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Get a string representation of a Path.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omEvaluatorValueIsAReference (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Query if the EvaluatorValue is a Reference.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED OMEvaluatorValue | omEvaluatorValueGetReferenceValue (OMEvaluatorValue evaluatorValue) |
| Dereference a Reference EvaluatorValue.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omAttrIsAReferenceAttr (MlirAttribute attr) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute | omReferenceAttrGetInnerRef (MlirAttribute attr) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omAttrIsAIntegerAttr (MlirAttribute attr) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute | omIntegerAttrGetInt (MlirAttribute attr) |
| Given an om::IntegerAttr, return the mlir::IntegerAttr.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute | omIntegerAttrGet (MlirAttribute attr) |
| Get an om::IntegerAttr from mlir::IntegerAttr.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirStringRef | omIntegerAttrToString (MlirAttribute attr) |
| Get a string representation of an om::IntegerAttr.
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omAttrIsAListAttr (MlirAttribute attr) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t | omListAttrGetNumElements (MlirAttribute attr) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute | omListAttrGetElement (MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED bool | omAttrIsAMapAttr (MlirAttribute attr) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED intptr_t | omMapAttrGetNumElements (MlirAttribute attr) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirIdentifier | omMapAttrGetElementKey (MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) |
MLIR_CAPI_EXPORTED MlirAttribute | omMapAttrGetElementValue (MlirAttribute attr, intptr_t pos) |