CIRCT 21.0.0git
This is the complete list of members for circt::msft::PlacementDB, including all inherited members.
addDesignPlacements() | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
addPlacements(DynamicInstanceOp inst) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
ASC enum value | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
ctxt | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
DESC enum value | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
DimDevType typedef | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
DimNumMap typedef | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
DimXMap typedef | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
DimYMap typedef | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
Direction enum name | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
getInstanceAt(PhysLocationAttr) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
getLeaf(PhysLocationAttr) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
getNearestFreeInColumn(PrimitiveType prim, uint64_t column, uint64_t nearestToY) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
insertPlacement(DynInstDataOpInterface op, PhysLocationAttr) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
movePlacement(PDPhysLocationOp, PhysLocationAttr) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
movePlacement(PDRegPhysLocationOp, LocationVectorAttr) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
movePlacement(DynInstDataOpInterface op, PhysLocationAttr from, PhysLocationAttr to) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
movePlacementCheck(DynInstDataOpInterface op, PhysLocationAttr from, PhysLocationAttr to) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
NONE enum value | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
place(DynamicInstanceOp inst, PhysLocationAttr, StringRef subpath, Location srcLoc) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
place(DynamicInstanceOp inst, LocationVectorAttr, Location srcLoc) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
placeIn(DynamicInstanceOp inst, DeclPhysicalRegionOp, StringRef subPath, Location srcLoc) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
PlacementDB(mlir::ModuleOp topMod) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
PlacementDB(mlir::ModuleOp topMod, const PrimitiveDB &seed) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
placements | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
regionPlacements | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
RegionPlacements typedef | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
removePlacement(PDPhysLocationOp) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
removePlacement(PDRegPhysLocationOp) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
removePlacement(DynInstDataOpInterface, PhysLocationAttr) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
seeded | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
topMod | circt::msft::PlacementDB | private |
walkPlacements(function_ref< void(PhysLocationAttr, DynInstDataOpInterface)>, std::tuple< int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, int64_t > bounds=std::make_tuple(-1, -1, -1, -1), std::optional< PrimitiveType > primType={}, std::optional< WalkOrder >={}) | circt::msft::PlacementDB | |
walkRegionPlacements(function_ref< void(PDPhysRegionOp)>) | circt::msft::PlacementDB |