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1//===- esiaccel.cpp - ESI runtime python bindings ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// Simply wrap the C++ API into a Python module called 'esiaccel'.
13#include "esi/Accelerator.h"
14#include "esi/Services.h"
16#include "esi/backends/Cosim.h"
18#include <sstream>
20// pybind11 includes
21#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
22namespace py = pybind11;
24#include <pybind11/stl.h>
26using namespace esi;
27using namespace esi::services;
29namespace pybind11 {
30/// Pybind11 needs a little help downcasting with non-bound instances.
31template <>
32struct polymorphic_type_hook<ChannelPort> {
33 static const void *get(const ChannelPort *port, const std::type_info *&type) {
34 if (auto p = dynamic_cast<const WriteChannelPort *>(port)) {
35 type = &typeid(WriteChannelPort);
36 return p;
37 }
38 if (auto p = dynamic_cast<const ReadChannelPort *>(port)) {
39 type = &typeid(ReadChannelPort);
40 return p;
41 }
42 return port;
43 }
45template <>
46struct polymorphic_type_hook<Service> {
47 static const void *get(const Service *svc, const std::type_info *&type) {
48 if (auto p = dynamic_cast<const MMIO *>(svc)) {
49 type = &typeid(MMIO);
50 return p;
51 }
52 if (auto p = dynamic_cast<const SysInfo *>(svc)) {
53 type = &typeid(SysInfo);
54 return p;
55 }
56 if (auto p = dynamic_cast<const HostMem *>(svc)) {
57 type = &typeid(HostMem);
58 return p;
59 }
60 return svc;
61 }
64namespace detail {
65/// Pybind11 doesn't have a built-in type caster for std::any
66/// ( We must provide one which
67/// knows about all of the potential types which the any might be.
68template <>
69struct type_caster<std::any> {
71 PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(std::any, const_name("object"));
73 static handle cast(std::any src, return_value_policy /* policy */,
74 handle /* parent */) {
75 const std::type_info &t = src.type();
76 if (t == typeid(std::string))
77 return py::str(std::any_cast<std::string>(src));
78 else if (t == typeid(int64_t))
79 return py::int_(std::any_cast<int64_t>(src));
80 else if (t == typeid(uint64_t))
81 return py::int_(std::any_cast<uint64_t>(src));
82 else if (t == typeid(double))
83 return py::float_(std::any_cast<double>(src));
84 else if (t == typeid(bool))
85 return py::bool_(std::any_cast<bool>(src));
86 else if (t == typeid(std::nullptr_t))
87 return py::none();
88 return py::none();
89 }
91} // namespace detail
92} // namespace pybind11
94/// Resolve a Type to the Python wrapper object.
95py::object getPyType(std::optional<const Type *> t) {
96 py::object typesModule = py::module_::import("esiaccel.types");
97 if (!t)
98 return py::none();
99 return typesModule.attr("_get_esi_type")(*t);
102// NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming)
103PYBIND11_MODULE(esiCppAccel, m) {
104 py::class_<Type>(m, "Type")
105 .def_property_readonly("id", &Type::getID)
106 .def("__repr__", [](Type &t) { return "<" + t.getID() + ">"; });
107 py::class_<ChannelType, Type>(m, "ChannelType")
108 .def_property_readonly("inner", &ChannelType::getInner,
109 py::return_value_policy::reference);
110 py::enum_<BundleType::Direction>(m, "Direction")
111 .value("To", BundleType::Direction::To)
112 .value("From", BundleType::Direction::From)
113 .export_values();
114 py::class_<BundleType, Type>(m, "BundleType")
115 .def_property_readonly("channels", &BundleType::getChannels,
116 py::return_value_policy::reference);
117 py::class_<VoidType, Type>(m, "VoidType");
118 py::class_<AnyType, Type>(m, "AnyType");
119 py::class_<BitVectorType, Type>(m, "BitVectorType")
120 .def_property_readonly("width", &BitVectorType::getWidth);
121 py::class_<BitsType, BitVectorType>(m, "BitsType");
122 py::class_<IntegerType, BitVectorType>(m, "IntegerType");
123 py::class_<SIntType, IntegerType>(m, "SIntType");
124 py::class_<UIntType, IntegerType>(m, "UIntType");
125 py::class_<StructType, Type>(m, "StructType")
126 .def_property_readonly("fields", &StructType::getFields,
127 py::return_value_policy::reference);
128 py::class_<ArrayType, Type>(m, "ArrayType")
129 .def_property_readonly("element", &ArrayType::getElementType,
130 py::return_value_policy::reference)
131 .def_property_readonly("size", &ArrayType::getSize);
133 py::class_<Constant>(m, "Constant")
134 .def_property_readonly("value", [](Constant &c) { return c.value; })
135 .def_property_readonly(
136 "type", [](Constant &c) { return getPyType(*c.type); },
137 py::return_value_policy::reference);
139 py::class_<AppID>(m, "AppID")
140 .def(py::init<std::string, std::optional<uint32_t>>(), py::arg("name"),
141 py::arg("idx") = std::nullopt)
142 .def_property_readonly("name", [](AppID &id) { return; })
143 .def_property_readonly("idx",
144 [](AppID &id) -> py::object {
145 if (id.idx)
146 return py::cast(id.idx);
147 return py::none();
148 })
149 .def("__repr__",
150 [](AppID &id) {
151 std::string ret = "<" +;
152 if (id.idx)
153 ret = ret + "[" + std::to_string(*id.idx) + "]";
154 ret = ret + ">";
155 return ret;
156 })
157 .def("__eq__", [](AppID &a, AppID &b) { return a == b; })
158 .def("__hash__", [](AppID &id) {
159 return utils::hash_combine(std::hash<std::string>{}(,
160 std::hash<uint32_t>{}(id.idx.value_or(-1)));
161 });
162 py::class_<AppIDPath>(m, "AppIDPath").def("__repr__", &AppIDPath::toStr);
164 py::class_<ModuleInfo>(m, "ModuleInfo")
165 .def_property_readonly("name", [](ModuleInfo &info) { return; })
166 .def_property_readonly("summary",
167 [](ModuleInfo &info) { return info.summary; })
168 .def_property_readonly("version",
169 [](ModuleInfo &info) { return info.version; })
170 .def_property_readonly("repo", [](ModuleInfo &info) { return info.repo; })
171 .def_property_readonly("commit_hash",
172 [](ModuleInfo &info) { return info.commitHash; })
173 .def_property_readonly("constants",
174 [](ModuleInfo &info) { return info.constants; })
175 // TODO: "extra" field.
176 .def("__repr__", [](ModuleInfo &info) {
177 std::string ret;
178 std::stringstream os(ret);
179 os << info;
180 return os.str();
181 });
183 py::enum_<Logger::Level>(m, "LogLevel")
184 .value("Debug", Logger::Level::Debug)
185 .value("Info", Logger::Level::Info)
186 .value("Warning", Logger::Level::Warning)
187 .value("Error", Logger::Level::Error)
188 .export_values();
189 py::class_<Logger>(m, "Logger");
191 py::class_<services::Service>(m, "Service");
193 py::class_<SysInfo, services::Service>(m, "SysInfo")
194 .def("esi_version", &SysInfo::getEsiVersion)
195 .def("json_manifest", &SysInfo::getJsonManifest);
197 py::class_<MMIO::RegionDescriptor>(m, "MMIORegionDescriptor")
198 .def_property_readonly("base",
199 [](MMIO::RegionDescriptor &r) { return r.base; })
200 .def_property_readonly("size",
201 [](MMIO::RegionDescriptor &r) { return r.size; });
202 py::class_<services::MMIO, services::Service>(m, "MMIO")
203 .def("read", &services::MMIO::read)
204 .def("write", &services::MMIO::write)
205 .def_property_readonly("regions", &services::MMIO::getRegions,
206 py::return_value_policy::reference);
208 py::class_<services::HostMem::HostMemRegion>(m, "HostMemRegion")
209 .def_property_readonly("ptr",
211 return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(mem.getPtr());
212 })
213 .def_property_readonly("size",
216 py::class_<services::HostMem::Options>(m, "HostMemOptions")
217 .def(py::init<>())
218 .def_readwrite("writeable", &services::HostMem::Options::writeable)
219 .def_readwrite("use_large_pages",
221 .def("__repr__", [](services::HostMem::Options &opts) {
222 std::string ret = "HostMemOptions(";
223 if (opts.writeable)
224 ret += "writeable ";
225 if (opts.useLargePages)
226 ret += "use_large_pages";
227 ret += ")";
228 return ret;
229 });
231 py::class_<services::HostMem, services::Service>(m, "HostMem")
232 .def("allocate", &services::HostMem::allocate, py::arg("size"),
233 py::arg("options") = services::HostMem::Options(),
234 py::return_value_policy::take_ownership)
235 .def(
236 "map_memory",
237 [](HostMem &self, uintptr_t ptr, size_t size, HostMem::Options opts) {
238 return self.mapMemory(reinterpret_cast<void *>(ptr), size, opts);
239 },
240 py::arg("ptr"), py::arg("size"),
241 py::arg("options") = services::HostMem::Options())
242 .def(
243 "unmap_memory",
244 [](HostMem &self, uintptr_t ptr) {
245 return self.unmapMemory(reinterpret_cast<void *>(ptr));
246 },
247 py::arg("ptr"));
249 // py::class_<std::__basic_future<MessageData>>(m, "MessageDataFuture");
250 py::class_<std::future<MessageData>>(m, "MessageDataFuture")
251 .def("valid",
252 [](std::future<MessageData> &f) {
253 // For some reason, if we just pass the function pointer, pybind11
254 // sees `std::__basic_future` as the type and pybind11_stubgen
255 // emits an error.
256 return f.valid();
257 })
258 .def("wait", &std::future<MessageData>::wait)
259 .def("get", [](std::future<MessageData> &f) {
260 MessageData data = f.get();
261 return py::bytearray((const char *)data.getBytes(), data.getSize());
262 });
264 py::class_<ChannelPort>(m, "ChannelPort")
265 .def("connect", &ChannelPort::connect,
266 py::arg("buffer_size") = std::nullopt)
267 .def("disconnect", &ChannelPort::disconnect)
268 .def_property_readonly("type", &ChannelPort::getType,
269 py::return_value_policy::reference);
271 py::class_<WriteChannelPort, ChannelPort>(m, "WriteChannelPort")
272 .def("write",
273 [](WriteChannelPort &p, py::bytearray &data) {
274 py::buffer_info info(py::buffer(data).request());
275 std::vector<uint8_t> dataVec((uint8_t *)info.ptr,
276 (uint8_t *)info.ptr + info.size);
277 p.write(dataVec);
278 })
279 .def("tryWrite", [](WriteChannelPort &p, py::bytearray &data) {
280 py::buffer_info info(py::buffer(data).request());
281 std::vector<uint8_t> dataVec((uint8_t *)info.ptr,
282 (uint8_t *)info.ptr + info.size);
283 return p.tryWrite(dataVec);
284 });
285 py::class_<ReadChannelPort, ChannelPort>(m, "ReadChannelPort")
286 .def(
287 "read",
288 [](ReadChannelPort &p) -> py::bytearray {
289 MessageData data;
291 return py::bytearray((const char *)data.getBytes(), data.getSize());
292 },
293 "Read data from the channel. Blocking.")
294 .def("read_async", &ReadChannelPort::readAsync);
296 py::class_<BundlePort>(m, "BundlePort")
297 .def_property_readonly("id", &BundlePort::getID)
298 .def_property_readonly("channels", &BundlePort::getChannels,
299 py::return_value_policy::reference)
300 .def("getWrite", &BundlePort::getRawWrite,
301 py::return_value_policy::reference)
302 .def("getRead", &BundlePort::getRawRead,
303 py::return_value_policy::reference);
305 py::class_<ServicePort, BundlePort>(m, "ServicePort");
307 py::class_<MMIO::MMIORegion, ServicePort>(m, "MMIORegion")
308 .def_property_readonly("descriptor", &MMIO::MMIORegion::getDescriptor)
309 .def("read", &MMIO::MMIORegion::read)
310 .def("write", &MMIO::MMIORegion::write);
312 py::class_<FuncService::Function, ServicePort>(m, "Function")
313 .def(
314 "call",
315 [](FuncService::Function &self,
316 py::bytearray msg) -> std::future<MessageData> {
317 py::buffer_info info(py::buffer(msg).request());
318 std::vector<uint8_t> dataVec((uint8_t *)info.ptr,
319 (uint8_t *)info.ptr + info.size);
320 MessageData data(dataVec);
321 return;
322 },
323 py::return_value_policy::take_ownership)
324 .def("connect", &FuncService::Function::connect);
326 // Store this variable (not commonly done) as the "children" method needs for
327 // "Instance" to be defined first.
328 auto hwmodule =
329 py::class_<HWModule>(m, "HWModule")
330 .def_property_readonly("info", &HWModule::getInfo)
331 .def_property_readonly("ports", &HWModule::getPorts,
332 py::return_value_policy::reference)
333 .def_property_readonly("services", &HWModule::getServices,
334 py::return_value_policy::reference);
336 // In order to inherit methods from "HWModule", it needs to be defined first.
337 py::class_<Instance, HWModule>(m, "Instance")
338 .def_property_readonly("id", &Instance::getID);
340 py::class_<Accelerator, HWModule>(m, "Accelerator");
342 // Since this returns a vector of Instance*, we need to define Instance first
343 // or else pybind11-stubgen complains.
344 hwmodule.def_property_readonly("children", &HWModule::getChildren,
345 py::return_value_policy::reference);
347 auto accConn = py::class_<AcceleratorConnection>(m, "AcceleratorConnection");
349 py::class_<Context>(m, "Context")
350 .def(py::init<>())
351 .def("connect", &Context::connect)
352 .def("set_stdio_logger", [](Context &ctxt, Logger::Level level) {
353 ctxt.setLogger(std::make_unique<StreamLogger>(level));
354 });
356 accConn.def(py::init(&registry::connect))
357 .def(
358 "sysinfo",
359 [](AcceleratorConnection &acc) {
360 return acc.getService<services::SysInfo>({});
361 },
362 py::return_value_policy::reference)
363 .def(
364 "get_service_mmio",
365 [](AcceleratorConnection &acc) {
366 return acc.getService<services::MMIO>({});
367 },
368 py::return_value_policy::reference)
369 .def(
370 "get_service_hostmem",
371 [](AcceleratorConnection &acc) {
372 return acc.getService<services::HostMem>({});
373 },
374 py::return_value_policy::reference);
376 py::class_<Manifest>(m, "Manifest")
377 .def(py::init<Context &, std::string>())
378 .def_property_readonly("api_version", &Manifest::getApiVersion)
379 .def(
380 "build_accelerator",
381 [&](Manifest &m, AcceleratorConnection &conn) {
382 auto acc = m.buildAccelerator(conn);
383 conn.getServiceThread()->addPoll(*acc);
384 return acc;
385 },
386 py::return_value_policy::reference)
387 .def_property_readonly("type_table",
388 [](Manifest &m) {
389 std::vector<py::object> ret;
390 std::ranges::transform(m.getTypeTable(),
391 std::back_inserter(ret),
392 getPyType);
393 return ret;
394 })
395 .def_property_readonly("module_infos", &Manifest::getModuleInfos);
Abstract class representing a connection to an accelerator.
Definition Accelerator.h:79
ServiceClass * getService(AppIDPath id={}, std::string implName={}, ServiceImplDetails details={}, HWClientDetails clients={})
Get a typed reference to a particular service type.
AcceleratorServiceThread * getServiceThread()
Return a pointer to the accelerator 'service' thread (or threads).
std::string toStr() const
Definition Manifest.cpp:731
uint64_t getWidth() const
Definition Types.h:103
Unidirectional channels are the basic communication primitive between the host and accelerator.
Definition Ports.h:36
const Type * getType() const
Definition Ports.h:62
virtual void disconnect()=0
virtual void connect(std::optional< unsigned > bufferSize=std::nullopt)=0
Set up a connection to the accelerator.
AcceleratorConnections, Accelerators, and Manifests must all share a context.
Definition Context.h:31
std::unique_ptr< AcceleratorConnection > connect(std::string backend, std::string connection)
Connect to an accelerator backend.
Definition Context.cpp:27
const std::map< AppID, const BundlePort & > & getPorts() const
Access the module's ports by ID.
Definition Design.h:76
const std::map< AppID, Instance * > & getChildren() const
Access the module's children by ID.
Definition Design.h:67
const std::vector< services::Service * > & getServices() const
Access the services provided by this module.
Definition Design.h:80
std::optional< ModuleInfo > getInfo() const
Access the module's metadata, if any.
Definition Design.h:58
const AppID getID() const
Get the instance's ID, which it will always have.
Definition Design.h:112
Class to parse a manifest.
Definition Manifest.h:39
A logical chunk of data representing serialized data.
Definition Common.h:103
A ChannelPort which reads data from the accelerator.
Definition Ports.h:124
virtual std::future< MessageData > readAsync()
Asynchronous read.
Definition Ports.cpp:77
Root class of the ESI type system.
Definition Types.h:27
ID getID() const
Definition Types.h:33
A ChannelPort which sends data to the accelerator.
Definition Ports.h:77
virtual void write(const MessageData &)=0
A very basic blocking write API.
virtual bool tryWrite(const MessageData &data)=0
A basic non-blocking write API.
A function call which gets attached to a service port.
Definition Services.h:262
virtual std::unique_ptr< HostMemRegion > allocate(std::size_t size, Options opts) const =0
Allocate a region of host memory in accelerator accessible address space.
virtual void unmapMemory(void *ptr) const
Unmap memory which was previously mapped with 'mapMemory'.
Definition Services.h:248
virtual bool mapMemory(void *ptr, std::size_t size, Options opts) const
Try to make a region of host memory accessible to the accelerator.
Definition Services.h:243
virtual uint64_t read(uint32_t addr) const
Read a 64-bit value from this region, not the global address space.
Definition Services.cpp:119
virtual void write(uint32_t addr, uint64_t data)
Write a 64-bit value to this region, not the global address space.
Definition Services.cpp:124
virtual RegionDescriptor getDescriptor() const
Get the offset (and size) of the region in the parent (usually global) MMIO address space.
Definition Services.h:166
virtual uint64_t read(uint32_t addr) const =0
Read a 64-bit value from the global MMIO space.
virtual void write(uint32_t addr, uint64_t data)=0
Write a 64-bit value to the global MMIO space.
const std::map< AppIDPath, RegionDescriptor > & getRegions() const
Get the regions of MMIO space that this service manages.
Definition Services.h:136
Parent class of all APIs modeled as 'services'.
Definition Services.h:46
Information about the Accelerator system.
Definition Services.h:100
virtual std::string getJsonManifest() const
Return the JSON-formatted system manifest.
Definition Services.cpp:40
virtual uint32_t getEsiVersion() const =0
Get the ESI version number to check version compatibility.
PYBIND11_MODULE(esiCppAccel, m)
py::object getPyType(std::optional< const Type * > t)
Resolve a Type to the Python wrapper object.
std::unique_ptr< AcceleratorConnection > connect(Context &ctxt, const std::string &backend, const std::string &connection)
size_t hash_combine(size_t h1, size_t h2)
C++'s stdlib doesn't have a hash_combine function. This is a simple one.
Definition Utils.h:32
std::any value
Definition Common.h:58
std::optional< const Type * > type
Definition Common.h:59
std::optional< std::string > version
Definition Common.h:65
std::optional< std::string > name
Definition Common.h:63
std::map< std::string, Constant > constants
Definition Common.h:68
std::optional< std::string > commitHash
Definition Common.h:67
std::optional< std::string > repo
Definition Common.h:66
std::optional< std::string > summary
Definition Common.h:64
RAII memory region for host memory.
Definition Services.h:208
virtual void * getPtr() const =0
Get a pointer to the host memory.
virtual std::size_t getSize() const =0
Options for allocating host memory.
Definition Services.h:226
Describe a region (slice) of MMIO space.
Definition Services.h:122
static handle cast(std::any src, return_value_policy, handle)
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(std::any, const_name("object"))
static const void * get(const ChannelPort *port, const std::type_info *&type)
static const void * get(const Service *svc, const std::type_info *&type)