CIRCT  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- LowerMemory.cpp - Lower Memories -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
7 //
8 // This file defines the LowerMemories pass.
9 //
10 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
18 #include "circt/Dialect/HW/HWOps.h"
21 #include "mlir/IR/Dominance.h"
22 #include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
23 #include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h"
24 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
25 #include "llvm/ADT/STLFunctionalExtras.h"
26 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
27 #include "llvm/Support/Parallel.h"
28 #include <optional>
29 #include <set>
31 namespace circt {
32 namespace firrtl {
34 #include "circt/Dialect/FIRRTL/"
35 } // namespace firrtl
36 } // namespace circt
38 using namespace circt;
39 using namespace firrtl;
41 // Extract all the relevant attributes from the MemOp and return the FirMemory.
42 FirMemory getSummary(MemOp op) {
43  size_t numReadPorts = 0;
44  size_t numWritePorts = 0;
45  size_t numReadWritePorts = 0;
47  SmallVector<int32_t> writeClockIDs;
49  for (size_t i = 0, e = op.getNumResults(); i != e; ++i) {
50  auto portKind = op.getPortKind(i);
51  if (portKind == MemOp::PortKind::Read)
52  ++numReadPorts;
53  else if (portKind == MemOp::PortKind::Write) {
54  for (auto *a : op.getResult(i).getUsers()) {
55  auto subfield = dyn_cast<SubfieldOp>(a);
56  if (!subfield || subfield.getFieldIndex() != 2)
57  continue;
58  auto clockPort = a->getResult(0);
59  for (auto *b : clockPort.getUsers()) {
60  if (auto connect = dyn_cast<FConnectLike>(b)) {
61  if (connect.getDest() == clockPort) {
62  auto result =
63  clockToLeader.insert({connect.getSrc(), numWritePorts});
64  if (result.second) {
65  writeClockIDs.push_back(numWritePorts);
66  } else {
67  writeClockIDs.push_back(result.first->second);
68  }
69  }
70  }
71  }
72  break;
73  }
74  ++numWritePorts;
75  } else
76  ++numReadWritePorts;
77  }
79  auto width = op.getDataType().getBitWidthOrSentinel();
80  if (width <= 0) {
81  op.emitError("'firrtl.mem' should have simple type and known width");
82  width = 0;
83  }
84  return {numReadPorts,
85  numWritePorts,
86  numReadWritePorts,
87  (size_t)width,
88  op.getDepth(),
89  op.getReadLatency(),
90  op.getWriteLatency(),
91  op.getMaskBits(),
92  *seq::symbolizeRUW(unsigned(op.getRuw())),
93  seq::WUW::PortOrder,
94  writeClockIDs,
95  op.getNameAttr(),
96  op.getMaskBits() > 1,
97  op.getInitAttr(),
98  op.getPrefixAttr(),
99  op.getLoc()};
100 }
102 namespace {
103 struct LowerMemoryPass
104  : public circt::firrtl::impl::LowerMemoryBase<LowerMemoryPass> {
106  /// Get the cached namespace for a module.
107  hw::InnerSymbolNamespace &getModuleNamespace(FModuleLike module) {
108  return moduleNamespaces.try_emplace(module, module).first->second;
109  }
111  SmallVector<PortInfo> getMemoryModulePorts(const FirMemory &mem);
112  FMemModuleOp emitMemoryModule(MemOp op, const FirMemory &summary,
113  const SmallVectorImpl<PortInfo> &ports);
114  FMemModuleOp getOrCreateMemModule(MemOp op, const FirMemory &summary,
115  const SmallVectorImpl<PortInfo> &ports,
116  bool shouldDedup);
117  FModuleOp createWrapperModule(MemOp op, const FirMemory &summary,
118  bool shouldDedup);
119  InstanceOp emitMemoryInstance(MemOp op, FModuleOp module,
120  const FirMemory &summary);
121  void lowerMemory(MemOp mem, const FirMemory &summary, bool shouldDedup);
122  LogicalResult runOnModule(FModuleOp module, bool shouldDedup);
123  void runOnOperation() override;
125  /// Cached module namespaces.
126  DenseMap<Operation *, hw::InnerSymbolNamespace> moduleNamespaces;
127  CircuitNamespace circuitNamespace;
128  SymbolTable *symbolTable;
130  /// The set of all memories seen so far. This is used to "deduplicate"
131  /// memories by emitting modules one module for equivalent memories.
132  std::map<FirMemory, FMemModuleOp> memories;
133 };
134 } // end anonymous namespace
136 SmallVector<PortInfo>
137 LowerMemoryPass::getMemoryModulePorts(const FirMemory &mem) {
138  auto *context = &getContext();
140  // We don't need a single bit mask, it can be combined with enable. Create
141  // an unmasked memory if maskBits = 1.
142  FIRRTLType u1Type = UIntType::get(context, 1);
143  FIRRTLType dataType = UIntType::get(context, mem.dataWidth);
144  FIRRTLType maskType = UIntType::get(context, mem.maskBits);
145  FIRRTLType addrType =
146  UIntType::get(context, std::max(1U, llvm::Log2_64_Ceil(mem.depth)));
147  FIRRTLType clockType = ClockType::get(context);
148  Location loc = UnknownLoc::get(context);
149  AnnotationSet annotations = AnnotationSet(context);
151  SmallVector<PortInfo> ports;
152  auto addPort = [&](const Twine &name, FIRRTLType type, Direction direction) {
153  auto nameAttr = StringAttr::get(context, name);
154  ports.push_back(
155  {nameAttr, type, direction, hw::InnerSymAttr{}, loc, annotations});
156  };
158  auto makePortCommon = [&](StringRef prefix, size_t idx, FIRRTLType addrType) {
159  addPort(prefix + Twine(idx) + "_addr", addrType, Direction::In);
160  addPort(prefix + Twine(idx) + "_en", u1Type, Direction::In);
161  addPort(prefix + Twine(idx) + "_clk", clockType, Direction::In);
162  };
164  for (size_t i = 0, e = mem.numReadPorts; i != e; ++i) {
165  makePortCommon("R", i, addrType);
166  addPort("R" + Twine(i) + "_data", dataType, Direction::Out);
167  }
168  for (size_t i = 0, e = mem.numReadWritePorts; i != e; ++i) {
169  makePortCommon("RW", i, addrType);
170  addPort("RW" + Twine(i) + "_wmode", u1Type, Direction::In);
171  addPort("RW" + Twine(i) + "_wdata", dataType, Direction::In);
172  addPort("RW" + Twine(i) + "_rdata", dataType, Direction::Out);
173  // Ignore mask port, if maskBits =1
174  if (mem.isMasked)
175  addPort("RW" + Twine(i) + "_wmask", maskType, Direction::In);
176  }
178  for (size_t i = 0, e = mem.numWritePorts; i != e; ++i) {
179  makePortCommon("W", i, addrType);
180  addPort("W" + Twine(i) + "_data", dataType, Direction::In);
181  // Ignore mask port, if maskBits =1
182  if (mem.isMasked)
183  addPort("W" + Twine(i) + "_mask", maskType, Direction::In);
184  }
186  return ports;
187 }
189 FMemModuleOp
190 LowerMemoryPass::emitMemoryModule(MemOp op, const FirMemory &mem,
191  const SmallVectorImpl<PortInfo> &ports) {
192  // Get a non-colliding name for the memory module, and update the summary.
193  auto newName = circuitNamespace.newName(mem.modName.getValue(), "ext");
194  auto moduleName = StringAttr::get(&getContext(), newName);
196  // Insert the memory module at the bottom of the circuit.
197  auto b = OpBuilder::atBlockEnd(getOperation().getBodyBlock());
198  ++numCreatedMemModules;
199  auto moduleOp = b.create<FMemModuleOp>(
200  mem.loc, moduleName, ports, mem.numReadPorts, mem.numWritePorts,
201  mem.numReadWritePorts, mem.dataWidth, mem.maskBits, mem.readLatency,
202  mem.writeLatency, mem.depth);
203  SymbolTable::setSymbolVisibility(moduleOp, SymbolTable::Visibility::Private);
204  return moduleOp;
205 }
207 FMemModuleOp
208 LowerMemoryPass::getOrCreateMemModule(MemOp op, const FirMemory &summary,
209  const SmallVectorImpl<PortInfo> &ports,
210  bool shouldDedup) {
211  // Try to find a matching memory blackbox that we already created. If
212  // shouldDedup is true, we will just generate a new memory module.
213  if (shouldDedup) {
214  auto it = memories.find(summary);
215  if (it != memories.end())
216  return it->second;
217  }
219  // Create a new module for this memory. This can update the name recorded in
220  // the memory's summary.
221  auto module = emitMemoryModule(op, summary, ports);
223  // Record the memory module. We don't want to use this module for other
224  // memories, then we don't add it to the table.
225  if (shouldDedup)
226  memories[summary] = module;
228  return module;
229 }
231 void LowerMemoryPass::lowerMemory(MemOp mem, const FirMemory &summary,
232  bool shouldDedup) {
233  auto *context = &getContext();
234  auto ports = getMemoryModulePorts(summary);
236  // Get a non-colliding name for the memory module, and update the summary.
237  auto newName = circuitNamespace.newName(mem.getName());
238  auto wrapperName = StringAttr::get(&getContext(), newName);
240  // Create the wrapper module, inserting it into the bottom of the circuit.
241  auto b = OpBuilder::atBlockEnd(getOperation().getBodyBlock());
242  auto wrapper = b.create<FModuleOp>(
243  mem->getLoc(), wrapperName,
244  ConventionAttr::get(context, Convention::Internal), ports);
245  SymbolTable::setSymbolVisibility(wrapper, SymbolTable::Visibility::Private);
247  // Create an instance of the external memory module. The instance has the
248  // same name as the target module.
249  auto memModule = getOrCreateMemModule(mem, summary, ports, shouldDedup);
250  b.setInsertionPointToStart(wrapper.getBodyBlock());
252  auto memInst =
253  b.create<InstanceOp>(mem->getLoc(), memModule, memModule.getModuleName(),
254  mem.getNameKind(), mem.getAnnotations().getValue());
256  // Wire all the ports together.
257  for (auto [dst, src] : llvm::zip(wrapper.getBodyBlock()->getArguments(),
258  memInst.getResults())) {
259  if (wrapper.getPortDirection(dst.getArgNumber()) == Direction::Out)
260  b.create<MatchingConnectOp>(mem->getLoc(), dst, src);
261  else
262  b.create<MatchingConnectOp>(mem->getLoc(), src, dst);
263  }
265  // Create an instance of the wrapper memory module, which will replace the
266  // original mem op.
267  auto inst = emitMemoryInstance(mem, wrapper, summary);
269  // We fixup the annotations here. We will be copying all annotations on to the
270  // module op, so we have to fix up the NLA to have the module as the leaf
271  // element.
273  auto leafSym = memModule.getModuleNameAttr();
274  auto leafAttr = FlatSymbolRefAttr::get(wrapper.getModuleNameAttr());
276  // NLAs that we have already processed.
278  auto nonlocalAttr = StringAttr::get(context, "circt.nonlocal");
279  bool nlaUpdated = false;
280  SmallVector<Annotation> newMemModAnnos;
281  OpBuilder nlaBuilder(context);
283  AnnotationSet::removeAnnotations(memInst, [&](Annotation anno) -> bool {
284  // We're only looking for non-local annotations.
285  auto nlaSym = anno.getMember<FlatSymbolRefAttr>(nonlocalAttr);
286  if (!nlaSym)
287  return false;
288  // If we have already seen this NLA, don't re-process it.
289  auto newNLAIter = processedNLAs.find(nlaSym.getAttr());
290  StringAttr newNLAName;
291  if (newNLAIter == processedNLAs.end()) {
293  // Update the NLA path to have the additional wrapper module.
294  auto nla =
295  dyn_cast<hw::HierPathOp>(symbolTable->lookup(nlaSym.getAttr()));
296  auto namepath = nla.getNamepath().getValue();
297  SmallVector<Attribute> newNamepath(namepath.begin(), namepath.end());
298  if (!nla.isComponent())
299  newNamepath.back() =
300  getInnerRefTo(inst, [&](auto mod) -> hw::InnerSymbolNamespace & {
301  return getModuleNamespace(mod);
302  });
303  newNamepath.push_back(leafAttr);
305  nlaBuilder.setInsertionPointAfter(nla);
306  auto newNLA = cast<hw::HierPathOp>(nlaBuilder.clone(*nla));
307  newNLA.setSymNameAttr(StringAttr::get(
308  context, circuitNamespace.newName(nla.getNameAttr().getValue())));
309  newNLA.setNamepathAttr(ArrayAttr::get(context, newNamepath));
310  newNLAName = newNLA.getNameAttr();
311  processedNLAs[nlaSym.getAttr()] = newNLAName;
312  } else
313  newNLAName = newNLAIter->getSecond();
314  anno.setMember("circt.nonlocal", FlatSymbolRefAttr::get(newNLAName));
315  nlaUpdated = true;
316  newMemModAnnos.push_back(anno);
317  return true;
318  });
319  if (nlaUpdated) {
320  memInst.setInnerSymAttr(hw::InnerSymAttr::get(leafSym));
321  AnnotationSet newAnnos(memInst);
322  newAnnos.addAnnotations(newMemModAnnos);
323  newAnnos.applyToOperation(memInst);
324  }
325  mem->erase();
326  ++numLoweredMems;
327 }
329 static SmallVector<SubfieldOp> getAllFieldAccesses(Value structValue,
330  StringRef field) {
331  SmallVector<SubfieldOp> accesses;
332  for (auto *op : structValue.getUsers()) {
333  assert(isa<SubfieldOp>(op));
334  auto fieldAccess = cast<SubfieldOp>(op);
335  auto elemIndex =
336  fieldAccess.getInput().getType().base().getElementIndex(field);
337  if (elemIndex && *elemIndex == fieldAccess.getFieldIndex())
338  accesses.push_back(fieldAccess);
339  }
340  return accesses;
341 }
343 InstanceOp LowerMemoryPass::emitMemoryInstance(MemOp op, FModuleOp module,
344  const FirMemory &summary) {
345  OpBuilder builder(op);
346  auto *context = &getContext();
347  auto memName = op.getName();
348  if (memName.empty())
349  memName = "mem";
351  // Process each port in turn.
352  SmallVector<Type, 8> portTypes;
353  SmallVector<Direction> portDirections;
354  SmallVector<Attribute> portNames;
355  DenseMap<Operation *, size_t> returnHolder;
356  mlir::DominanceInfo domInfo(op->getParentOfType<FModuleOp>());
358  // The result values of the memory are not necessarily in the same order as
359  // the memory module that we're lowering to. We need to lower the read
360  // ports before the read/write ports, before the write ports.
361  for (unsigned memportKindIdx = 0; memportKindIdx != 3; ++memportKindIdx) {
362  MemOp::PortKind memportKind = MemOp::PortKind::Read;
363  auto *portLabel = "R";
364  switch (memportKindIdx) {
365  default:
366  break;
367  case 1:
368  memportKind = MemOp::PortKind::ReadWrite;
369  portLabel = "RW";
370  break;
371  case 2:
372  memportKind = MemOp::PortKind::Write;
373  portLabel = "W";
374  break;
375  }
377  // This is set to the count of the kind of memport we're emitting, for
378  // label names.
379  unsigned portNumber = 0;
381  // Get an unsigned type with the specified width.
382  auto getType = [&](size_t width) { return UIntType::get(context, width); };
383  auto ui1Type = getType(1);
384  auto addressType = getType(std::max(1U, llvm::Log2_64_Ceil(summary.depth)));
385  auto dataType = UIntType::get(context, summary.dataWidth);
386  auto clockType = ClockType::get(context);
388  // Memories return multiple structs, one for each port, which means we
389  // have two layers of type to split apart.
390  for (size_t i = 0, e = op.getNumResults(); i != e; ++i) {
391  // Process all of one kind before the next.
392  if (memportKind != op.getPortKind(i))
393  continue;
395  auto addPort = [&](Direction direction, StringRef field, Type portType) {
396  // Map subfields of the memory port to module ports.
397  auto accesses = getAllFieldAccesses(op.getResult(i), field);
398  for (auto a : accesses)
399  returnHolder[a] = portTypes.size();
400  // Record the new port information.
401  portTypes.push_back(portType);
402  portDirections.push_back(direction);
403  portNames.push_back(
404  builder.getStringAttr(portLabel + Twine(portNumber) + "_" + field));
405  };
407  auto getDriver = [&](StringRef field) -> Operation * {
408  auto accesses = getAllFieldAccesses(op.getResult(i), field);
409  for (auto a : accesses) {
410  for (auto *user : a->getUsers()) {
411  // If this is a connect driving a value to the field, return it.
412  if (auto connect = dyn_cast<FConnectLike>(user);
413  connect && connect.getDest() == a)
414  return connect;
415  }
416  }
417  return nullptr;
418  };
420  // Find the value connected to the enable and 'and' it with the mask,
421  // and then remove the mask entirely. This is used to remove the mask when
422  // it is 1 bit.
423  auto removeMask = [&](StringRef enable, StringRef mask) {
424  // Get the connect which drives a value to the mask element.
425  auto *maskConnect = getDriver(mask);
426  if (!maskConnect)
427  return;
428  // Get the connect which drives a value to the en element
429  auto *enConnect = getDriver(enable);
430  if (!enConnect)
431  return;
432  // Find the proper place to create the And operation. The mask and en
433  // signals must both dominate the new operation.
434  OpBuilder b(maskConnect);
435  if (domInfo.dominates(maskConnect, enConnect))
436  b.setInsertionPoint(enConnect);
437  // 'and' the enable and mask signals together and use it as the enable.
438  auto andOp = b.create<AndPrimOp>(
439  op->getLoc(), maskConnect->getOperand(1), enConnect->getOperand(1));
440  enConnect->setOperand(1, andOp);
441  enConnect->moveAfter(andOp);
442  // Erase the old mask connect.
443  auto *maskField = maskConnect->getOperand(0).getDefiningOp();
444  maskConnect->erase();
445  maskField->erase();
446  };
448  if (memportKind == MemOp::PortKind::Read) {
449  addPort(Direction::In, "addr", addressType);
450  addPort(Direction::In, "en", ui1Type);
451  addPort(Direction::In, "clk", clockType);
452  addPort(Direction::Out, "data", dataType);
453  } else if (memportKind == MemOp::PortKind::ReadWrite) {
454  addPort(Direction::In, "addr", addressType);
455  addPort(Direction::In, "en", ui1Type);
456  addPort(Direction::In, "clk", clockType);
457  addPort(Direction::In, "wmode", ui1Type);
458  addPort(Direction::In, "wdata", dataType);
459  addPort(Direction::Out, "rdata", dataType);
460  // Ignore mask port, if maskBits =1
461  if (summary.isMasked)
462  addPort(Direction::In, "wmask", getType(summary.maskBits));
463  else
464  removeMask("wmode", "wmask");
465  } else {
466  addPort(Direction::In, "addr", addressType);
467  addPort(Direction::In, "en", ui1Type);
468  addPort(Direction::In, "clk", clockType);
469  addPort(Direction::In, "data", dataType);
470  // Ignore mask port, if maskBits == 1
471  if (summary.isMasked)
472  addPort(Direction::In, "mask", getType(summary.maskBits));
473  else
474  removeMask("en", "mask");
475  }
477  ++portNumber;
478  }
479  }
481  // Create the instance to replace the memop. The instance name matches the
482  // name of the original memory module before deduplication.
483  // TODO: how do we lower port annotations?
484  auto inst = builder.create<InstanceOp>(
485  op.getLoc(), portTypes, module.getNameAttr(), summary.getFirMemoryName(),
486  op.getNameKind(), portDirections, portNames,
487  /*annotations=*/ArrayRef<Attribute>(),
488  /*portAnnotations=*/ArrayRef<Attribute>(),
489  /*layers=*/ArrayRef<Attribute>(), /*lowerToBind=*/false,
490  op.getInnerSymAttr());
492  // Update all users of the result of read ports
493  for (auto [subfield, result] : returnHolder) {
494  subfield->getResult(0).replaceAllUsesWith(inst.getResult(result));
495  subfield->erase();
496  }
498  return inst;
499 }
501 LogicalResult LowerMemoryPass::runOnModule(FModuleOp module, bool shouldDedup) {
502  for (auto op :
503  llvm::make_early_inc_range(module.getBodyBlock()->getOps<MemOp>())) {
504  // Check that the memory has been properly lowered already.
505  if (!type_isa<UIntType>(op.getDataType()))
506  return op->emitError(
507  "memories should be flattened before running LowerMemory");
509  auto summary = getSummary(op);
510  if (!summary.isSeqMem())
511  continue;
513  lowerMemory(op, summary, shouldDedup);
514  }
515  return success();
516 }
518 void LowerMemoryPass::runOnOperation() {
519  auto circuit = getOperation();
520  auto *body = circuit.getBodyBlock();
521  auto &instanceGraph = getAnalysis<InstanceGraph>();
522  symbolTable = &getAnalysis<SymbolTable>();
523  circuitNamespace.add(circuit);
525  // Find the device under test and create a set of all modules underneath it.
526  // If no module is marked as the DUT, then the top module is the DUT.
527  auto *dut = instanceGraph.getTopLevelNode();
528  auto it = llvm::find_if(*body, [&](Operation &op) -> bool {
530  });
531  if (it != body->end())
532  dut = instanceGraph.lookup(cast<igraph::ModuleOpInterface>(*it));
534  // The set of all modules underneath the design under test module.
535  DenseSet<Operation *> dutModuleSet;
536  llvm::for_each(llvm::depth_first(dut), [&](igraph::InstanceGraphNode *node) {
537  dutModuleSet.insert(node->getModule());
538  });
540  // We iterate the circuit from top-to-bottom to make sure that we get
541  // consistent memory names.
542  for (auto module : body->getOps<FModuleOp>()) {
543  // We don't dedup memories in the testharness with any other memories.
544  auto shouldDedup = dutModuleSet.contains(module);
545  if (failed(runOnModule(module, shouldDedup)))
546  return signalPassFailure();
547  }
549  circuitNamespace.clear();
550  symbolTable = nullptr;
551  memories.clear();
552 }
554 std::unique_ptr<mlir::Pass> circt::firrtl::createLowerMemoryPass() {
555  return std::make_unique<LowerMemoryPass>();
556 }
assert(baseType &&"element must be base type")
int32_t width
Definition: FIRRTL.cpp:36
static SmallVector< SubfieldOp > getAllFieldAccesses(Value structValue, StringRef field)
FirMemory getSummary(MemOp op)
Definition: LowerMemory.cpp:42
static Block * getBodyBlock(FModuleLike mod)
This class provides a read-only projection over the MLIR attributes that represent a set of annotatio...
bool removeAnnotations(llvm::function_ref< bool(Annotation)> predicate)
Remove all annotations from this annotation set for which predicate returns true.
bool hasAnnotation(StringRef className) const
Return true if we have an annotation with the specified class name.
This class provides a read-only projection of an annotation.
AttrClass getMember(StringAttr name) const
Return a member of the annotation.
void setMember(StringAttr name, Attribute value)
Add or set a member of the annotation to a value.
This is a Node in the InstanceGraph.
auto getModule()
Get the module that this node is tracking.
def connect(destination, source)
Direction get(bool isOutput)
Returns an output direction if isOutput is true, otherwise returns an input direction.
Definition: CalyxOps.cpp:54
This represents the direction of a single port.
constexpr const char * dutAnnoClass
hw::InnerRefAttr getInnerRefTo(const hw::InnerSymTarget &target, GetNamespaceCallback getNamespace)
Obtain an inner reference to the target (operation or port), adding an inner symbol as necessary.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > createLowerMemoryPass()
The InstanceGraph op interface, see for more details.
Definition: DebugAnalysis.h:21
The namespace of a CircuitOp, generally inhabited by modules.
Definition: Namespace.h:24
bool isSeqMem() const
Check whether the memory is a seq mem.
Definition: FIRRTLOps.h:234
StringAttr getFirMemoryName() const
Definition: FIRRTLOps.cpp:3282