CIRCT  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- HWMemSimImpl.cpp - HW Memory Implementation Pass -------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This transformation pass converts generated FIRRTL memory modules to
10 // simulation models.
11 //
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "PassDetails.h"
18 #include "circt/Dialect/HW/HWOps.h"
21 #include "circt/Dialect/SV/SVOps.h"
24 #include "mlir/IR/ImplicitLocOpBuilder.h"
25 #include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
26 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
28 using namespace circt;
29 using namespace hw;
30 using namespace seq;
32 namespace circt {
33 namespace seq {
35 #include "circt/Dialect/Seq/"
36 } // namespace seq
37 } // namespace circt
39 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
40 // HWMemSimImplPass Pass
41 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
43 namespace {
45 class HWMemSimImpl {
46  ReadEnableMode readEnableMode;
47  bool addMuxPragmas;
48  bool disableMemRandomization;
49  bool disableRegRandomization;
50  bool addVivadoRAMAddressConflictSynthesisBugWorkaround;
52  SmallVector<sv::RegOp> registers;
54  Value addPipelineStages(ImplicitLocOpBuilder &b,
55  hw::InnerSymbolNamespace &moduleNamespace,
56  size_t stages, Value clock, Value data,
57  const Twine &name, Value gate = {});
58  sv::AlwaysOp lastPipelineAlwaysOp;
60 public:
61  Namespace &mlirModuleNamespace;
63  HWMemSimImpl(ReadEnableMode readEnableMode, bool addMuxPragmas,
64  bool disableMemRandomization, bool disableRegRandomization,
65  bool addVivadoRAMAddressConflictSynthesisBugWorkaround,
66  Namespace &mlirModuleNamespace)
67  : readEnableMode(readEnableMode), addMuxPragmas(addMuxPragmas),
68  disableMemRandomization(disableMemRandomization),
69  disableRegRandomization(disableRegRandomization),
70  addVivadoRAMAddressConflictSynthesisBugWorkaround(
71  addVivadoRAMAddressConflictSynthesisBugWorkaround),
72  mlirModuleNamespace(mlirModuleNamespace) {}
74  void generateMemory(HWModuleOp op, FirMemory mem);
75 };
77 struct HWMemSimImplPass : public impl::HWMemSimImplBase<HWMemSimImplPass> {
78  using HWMemSimImplBase::HWMemSimImplBase;
80  void runOnOperation() override;
81 };
83 } // end anonymous namespace
85 /// A helper that returns true if a value definition (or block argument) is
86 /// visible to another operation, either because it's a block argument or
87 /// because the defining op is before that other op.
88 static bool valueDefinedBeforeOp(Value value, Operation *op) {
89  Operation *valueOp = value.getDefiningOp();
90  Block *valueBlock =
91  valueOp ? valueOp->getBlock() : value.cast<BlockArgument>().getOwner();
92  while (op->getBlock() && op->getBlock() != valueBlock)
93  op = op->getParentOp();
94  return valueBlock == op->getBlock() &&
95  (!valueOp || valueOp->isBeforeInBlock(op));
96 }
98 //
99 // Construct memory read annotated with mux pragmas in the following
100 // form:
101 // ```
102 // wire GEN;
103 // /* synopsys infer_mux_override */
104 // assign GEN = memory[addr] /* cadence map_to_mux */;
105 // ```
106 // If `addMuxPragmas` is enabled, just return the read value without
107 // annotations.
108 static Value getMemoryRead(ImplicitLocOpBuilder &b, Value memory, Value addr,
109  bool addMuxPragmas) {
110  auto slot =
111  b.create<sv::ReadInOutOp>(b.create<sv::ArrayIndexInOutOp>(memory, addr));
112  // If we don't want to add mux pragmas, just return the read value.
113  if (!addMuxPragmas || memory.getType()
114  .cast<hw::InOutType>()
115  .getElementType()
116  .cast<hw::UnpackedArrayType>()
117  .getNumElements() <= 1)
118  return slot;
120  slot, sv::SVAttributeAttr::get(b.getContext(), "cadence map_to_mux",
121  /*emitAsComment=*/true));
122  auto valWire = b.create<sv::WireOp>(slot.getType());
123  auto assignOp = b.create<sv::AssignOp>(valWire, slot);
124  sv::setSVAttributes(assignOp,
125  sv::SVAttributeAttr::get(b.getContext(),
126  "synopsys infer_mux_override",
127  /*emitAsComment=*/true));
129  return b.create<sv::ReadInOutOp>(valWire);
130 }
132 Value HWMemSimImpl::addPipelineStages(ImplicitLocOpBuilder &b,
133  hw::InnerSymbolNamespace &moduleNamespace,
134  size_t stages, Value clock, Value data,
135  const Twine &name, Value gate) {
136  if (!stages)
137  return data;
139  // Try to reuse the previous always block. This is only possible if the clocks
140  // agree and the data and gate all dominate the always block.
141  auto alwaysOp = lastPipelineAlwaysOp;
142  if (alwaysOp) {
143  if (alwaysOp.getClocks() != ValueRange{clock} ||
144  !valueDefinedBeforeOp(data, alwaysOp) ||
145  (gate && !valueDefinedBeforeOp(gate, alwaysOp)))
146  alwaysOp = {};
147  }
148  if (!alwaysOp)
149  alwaysOp = b.create<sv::AlwaysOp>(sv::EventControl::AtPosEdge, clock);
151  // Add the necessary registers.
152  auto savedIP = b.saveInsertionPoint();
153  SmallVector<sv::RegOp> regs;
154  b.setInsertionPoint(alwaysOp);
155  for (unsigned i = 0; i < stages; ++i) {
156  auto regName =
157  b.getStringAttr(moduleNamespace.newName("_" + name + "_d" + Twine(i)));
158  auto reg = b.create<sv::RegOp>(data.getType(), regName,
159  hw::InnerSymAttr::get(regName));
160  regs.push_back(reg);
161  registers.push_back(reg);
162  }
164  // Populate the assignments in the always block.
165  b.setInsertionPointToEnd(alwaysOp.getBodyBlock());
166  for (unsigned i = 0; i < stages; ++i) {
167  if (i > 0)
168  data = b.create<sv::ReadInOutOp>(data);
169  auto emitAssign = [&] { b.create<sv::PAssignOp>(regs[i], data); };
170  if (gate)
171  b.create<sv::IfOp>(gate, [&]() { emitAssign(); });
172  else
173  emitAssign();
174  data = regs[i];
175  gate = {};
176  }
177  b.restoreInsertionPoint(savedIP);
178  data = b.create<sv::ReadInOutOp>(data);
180  lastPipelineAlwaysOp = alwaysOp;
181  return data;
182 }
184 void HWMemSimImpl::generateMemory(HWModuleOp op, FirMemory mem) {
185  ImplicitLocOpBuilder b(op.getLoc(), op.getBody());
187  InnerSymbolNamespace moduleNamespace(op);
189  // Compute total number of mask bits.
190  if (mem.maskGran == 0)
191  mem.maskGran = mem.dataWidth;
192  auto maskBits = mem.dataWidth / mem.maskGran;
193  bool isMasked = maskBits > 1;
194  // Each mask bit controls mask-granularity number of data bits.
195  auto dataType = b.getIntegerType(mem.dataWidth);
197  // Count the total number of ports.
198  unsigned numPorts =
199  mem.numReadPorts + mem.numWritePorts + mem.numReadWritePorts;
201  // Create registers for the memory.
202  sv::RegOp reg = b.create<sv::RegOp>(
203  UnpackedArrayType::get(dataType, mem.depth), b.getStringAttr("Memory"));
205  if (addVivadoRAMAddressConflictSynthesisBugWorkaround) {
206  if (mem.readLatency == 0) {
207  // If the read latency is zero, we regard the memory as write-first.
208  // We add a SV attribute to specify a ram style to use LUTs for Vivado
209  // to avoid a bug that miscompiles the write-first memory. See "RAM
210  // address conflict and Vivado synthesis bug" issue in the vivado forum
211  // for the more detail.
213  reg, sv::SVAttributeAttr::get(b.getContext(), "ram_style",
214  R"("distributed")",
215  /*emitAsComment=*/false));
216  } else if (mem.readLatency == 1 && numPorts > 1) {
217  // If the read address is registered and the RAM has multiple ports,
218  // force write-first behaviour by setting rw_addr_collision. This avoids
219  // unpredictable behaviour. Downstreams flows should watch for `VPL
220  // 8-6430`.
222  reg, sv::SVAttributeAttr::get(b.getContext(), "rw_addr_collision",
223  R"("yes")", /*emitAsComment=*/false));
224  }
225  }
227  SmallVector<Value, 4> outputs;
229  size_t inArg = 0;
230  for (size_t i = 0; i < mem.numReadPorts; ++i) {
231  Value addr = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
232  Value en = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
233  Value clock = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
234  // Add pipeline stages
235  if (readEnableMode == ReadEnableMode::Ignore) {
236  for (size_t j = 0, e = mem.readLatency; j != e; ++j) {
237  auto enLast = en;
238  if (j < e - 1)
239  en = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, 1, clock, en,
240  "R" + Twine(i) + "_en");
241  addr = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, 1, clock, addr,
242  "R" + Twine(i) + "_addr", enLast);
243  }
244  } else {
245  en = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, mem.readLatency, clock, en,
246  "R" + Twine(i) + "_en");
247  addr = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, mem.readLatency, clock, addr,
248  "R" + Twine(i) + "_addr");
249  }
251  // Read Logic
252  Value rdata = getMemoryRead(b, reg, addr, addMuxPragmas);
253  switch (readEnableMode) {
254  case ReadEnableMode::Undefined: {
255  Value x = b.create<sv::ConstantXOp>(rdata.getType());
256  rdata = b.create<comb::MuxOp>(en, rdata, x, false);
257  break;
258  }
259  case ReadEnableMode::Zero: {
260  Value x = b.create<hw::ConstantOp>(rdata.getType(), 0);
261  rdata = b.create<comb::MuxOp>(en, rdata, x, false);
262  break;
263  }
264  case ReadEnableMode::Ignore:
265  break;
266  }
267  outputs.push_back(rdata);
268  }
270  for (size_t i = 0; i < mem.numReadWritePorts; ++i) {
271  auto numReadStages = mem.readLatency;
272  auto numWriteStages = mem.writeLatency - 1;
273  auto numCommonStages = std::min(numReadStages, numWriteStages);
274  Value addr = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
275  Value en = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
276  Value clock = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
277  Value wmode = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
278  Value wdataIn = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
279  Value wmaskBits;
280  // There are no input mask ports, if maskBits =1. Create a dummy true value
281  // for mask.
282  if (isMasked)
283  wmaskBits = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
284  else
285  wmaskBits = b.create<ConstantOp>(b.getIntegerAttr(en.getType(), 1));
287  // Add common pipeline stages.
288  addr = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numCommonStages, clock, addr,
289  "RW" + Twine(i) + "_addr");
290  en = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numCommonStages, clock, en,
291  "RW" + Twine(i) + "_en");
292  wmode = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numCommonStages, clock, wmode,
293  "RW" + Twine(i) + "_mode");
295  // Add read-only pipeline stages.
296  Value readAddr = addr;
297  Value readEn = en;
298  if (readEnableMode == ReadEnableMode::Ignore) {
299  for (size_t j = 0, e = mem.readLatency; j != e; ++j) {
300  auto enLast = en;
301  if (j < e - 1)
302  readEn = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, 1, clock, en,
303  "RW" + Twine(i) + "_ren");
304  readAddr = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, 1, clock, addr,
305  "RW" + Twine(i) + "_raddr", enLast);
306  }
307  } else {
308  readAddr =
309  addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numReadStages - numCommonStages,
310  clock, addr, "RW" + Twine(i) + "_raddr");
311  readEn =
312  addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numReadStages - numCommonStages,
313  clock, en, "RW" + Twine(i) + "_ren");
314  }
315  auto readWMode =
316  addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numReadStages - numCommonStages,
317  clock, wmode, "RW" + Twine(i) + "_rmode");
319  // Add write-only pipeline stages.
320  auto writeAddr =
321  addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numWriteStages - numCommonStages,
322  clock, addr, "RW" + Twine(i) + "_waddr");
323  auto writeEn =
324  addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numWriteStages - numCommonStages,
325  clock, en, "RW" + Twine(i) + "_wen");
326  auto writeWMode =
327  addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numWriteStages - numCommonStages,
328  clock, wmode, "RW" + Twine(i) + "_wmode");
329  wdataIn = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numWriteStages, clock,
330  wdataIn, "RW" + Twine(i) + "_wdata");
331  if (isMasked)
332  wmaskBits = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numWriteStages, clock,
333  wmaskBits, "RW" + Twine(i) + "_wmask");
335  SmallVector<Value, 4> maskValues(maskBits);
336  SmallVector<Value, 4> dataValues(maskBits);
337  // For multi-bit mask, extract corresponding write data bits of
338  // mask-granularity size each. Each of the extracted data bits will be
339  // written to a register, gaurded by the corresponding mask bit.
340  for (size_t i = 0; i < maskBits; ++i) {
341  maskValues[i] = b.createOrFold<comb::ExtractOp>(wmaskBits, i, 1);
342  dataValues[i] = b.createOrFold<comb::ExtractOp>(wdataIn, i * mem.maskGran,
343  mem.maskGran);
344  }
346  // wire to store read result
347  auto rWire = b.create<sv::WireOp>(wdataIn.getType());
348  Value rdata = b.create<sv::ReadInOutOp>(rWire);
350  // Read logic.
351  Value rcond = b.createOrFold<comb::AndOp>(
352  readEn,
353  b.createOrFold<comb::ICmpOp>(
354  comb::ICmpPredicate::eq, readWMode,
355  b.createOrFold<ConstantOp>(readWMode.getType(), 0), false),
356  false);
358  auto val = getMemoryRead(b, reg, readAddr, addMuxPragmas);
360  switch (readEnableMode) {
361  case ReadEnableMode::Undefined: {
362  Value x = b.create<sv::ConstantXOp>(val.getType());
363  val = b.create<comb::MuxOp>(rcond, val, x, false);
364  break;
365  }
366  case ReadEnableMode::Zero: {
367  Value x = b.create<hw::ConstantOp>(val.getType(), 0);
368  val = b.create<comb::MuxOp>(rcond, val, x, false);
369  break;
370  }
371  case ReadEnableMode::Ignore:
372  break;
373  }
374  b.create<sv::AssignOp>(rWire, val);
376  // Write logic gaurded by the corresponding mask bit.
377  for (auto wmask : llvm::enumerate(maskValues)) {
378  b.create<sv::AlwaysOp>(sv::EventControl::AtPosEdge, clock, [&]() {
379  auto wcond = b.createOrFold<comb::AndOp>(
380  writeEn,
381  b.createOrFold<comb::AndOp>(wmask.value(), writeWMode, false),
382  false);
383  b.create<sv::IfOp>(wcond, [&]() {
384  Value slotReg = b.create<sv::ArrayIndexInOutOp>(reg, writeAddr);
385  b.create<sv::PAssignOp>(
386  b.createOrFold<sv::IndexedPartSelectInOutOp>(
387  slotReg,
388  b.createOrFold<ConstantOp>(b.getIntegerType(32),
389  wmask.index() * mem.maskGran),
390  mem.maskGran),
391  dataValues[wmask.index()]);
392  });
393  });
394  }
395  outputs.push_back(rdata);
396  }
398  DenseMap<unsigned, Operation *> writeProcesses;
399  for (size_t i = 0; i < mem.numWritePorts; ++i) {
400  auto numStages = mem.writeLatency - 1;
401  Value addr = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
402  Value en = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
403  Value clock = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
404  Value wdataIn = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
405  Value wmaskBits;
406  // There are no input mask ports, if maskBits =1. Create a dummy true value
407  // for mask.
408  if (isMasked)
409  wmaskBits = op.getBody().getArgument(inArg++);
410  else
411  wmaskBits = b.create<ConstantOp>(b.getIntegerAttr(en.getType(), 1));
412  // Add pipeline stages
413  addr = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numStages, clock, addr,
414  "W" + Twine(i) + "addr");
415  en = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numStages, clock, en,
416  "W" + Twine(i) + "en");
417  wdataIn = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numStages, clock, wdataIn,
418  "W" + Twine(i) + "data");
419  if (isMasked)
420  wmaskBits = addPipelineStages(b, moduleNamespace, numStages, clock,
421  wmaskBits, "W" + Twine(i) + "mask");
423  SmallVector<Value, 4> maskValues(maskBits);
424  SmallVector<Value, 4> dataValues(maskBits);
425  // For multi-bit mask, extract corresponding write data bits of
426  // mask-granularity size each. Each of the extracted data bits will be
427  // written to a register, gaurded by the corresponding mask bit.
428  for (size_t i = 0; i < maskBits; ++i) {
429  maskValues[i] = b.createOrFold<comb::ExtractOp>(wmaskBits, i, 1);
430  dataValues[i] = b.createOrFold<comb::ExtractOp>(wdataIn, i * mem.maskGran,
431  mem.maskGran);
432  }
433  // Build write port logic.
434  auto writeLogic = [&] {
435  // For each register, create the connections to write the corresponding
436  // data into it.
437  for (auto wmask : llvm::enumerate(maskValues)) {
438  // Guard by corresponding mask bit.
439  auto wcond = b.createOrFold<comb::AndOp>(en, wmask.value(), false);
440  b.create<sv::IfOp>(wcond, [&]() {
441  auto slot = b.create<sv::ArrayIndexInOutOp>(reg, addr);
442  b.create<sv::PAssignOp>(
443  b.createOrFold<sv::IndexedPartSelectInOutOp>(
444  slot,
445  b.createOrFold<ConstantOp>(b.getIntegerType(32),
446  wmask.index() * mem.maskGran),
447  mem.maskGran),
448  dataValues[wmask.index()]);
449  });
450  }
451  };
453  // Build a new always block with write port logic.
454  auto alwaysBlock = [&] {
455  return b.create<sv::AlwaysOp>(sv::EventControl::AtPosEdge, clock,
456  [&]() { writeLogic(); });
457  };
459  switch (mem.writeUnderWrite) {
460  // Undefined write order: lower each write port into a separate always
461  // block.
462  case seq::WUW::Undefined:
463  alwaysBlock();
464  break;
465  // Port-ordered write order: lower each write port into an always block
466  // based on its clock ID.
467  case seq::WUW::PortOrder:
468  if (auto *existingAlwaysBlock =
469  writeProcesses.lookup(mem.writeClockIDs[i])) {
470  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(b);
471  b.setInsertionPointToEnd(
472  cast<sv::AlwaysOp>(existingAlwaysBlock).getBodyBlock());
473  writeLogic();
474  } else {
475  writeProcesses[i] = alwaysBlock();
476  }
477  }
478  }
480  auto *outputOp = op.getBodyBlock()->getTerminator();
481  outputOp->setOperands(outputs);
483  // Add logic to initialize the memory based on a file emission request. This
484  // disables randomization.
485  if (!mem.initFilename.empty()) {
486  // Set an inner symbol on the register if one does not exist.
487  if (!reg.getInnerSymAttr())
488  reg.setInnerSymAttr(hw::InnerSymAttr::get(
489  b.getStringAttr(moduleNamespace.newName(reg.getName()))));
491  if (mem.initIsInline) {
492  b.create<sv::IfDefOp>("ENABLE_INITIAL_MEM_", [&]() {
493  b.create<sv::InitialOp>([&]() {
494  b.create<sv::ReadMemOp>(reg, mem.initFilename,
495  mem.initIsBinary
496  ? MemBaseTypeAttr::MemBaseBin
497  : MemBaseTypeAttr::MemBaseHex);
498  });
499  });
500  } else {
501  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(b);
503  // Assign a name to the bound module.
504  StringAttr boundModuleName =
505  b.getStringAttr(mlirModuleNamespace.newName(op.getName() + "_init"));
507  // Generate a name for the file containing the bound module and the bind.
508  StringAttr filename;
509  if (auto fileAttr = op->getAttrOfType<OutputFileAttr>("output_file")) {
510  if (!fileAttr.isDirectory()) {
511  SmallString<128> path(fileAttr.getFilename().getValue());
512  llvm::sys::path::remove_filename(path);
513  llvm::sys::path::append(path, boundModuleName.getValue() + ".sv");
514  filename = b.getStringAttr(path);
515  } else {
516  filename = fileAttr.getFilename();
517  }
518  } else {
519  filename = b.getStringAttr(boundModuleName.getValue() + ".sv");
520  }
522  // Create a new module with the readmem op.
523  b.setInsertionPointAfter(op);
524  auto boundModule =
525  b.create<HWModuleOp>(boundModuleName, ArrayRef<PortInfo>());
527  // Build the hierpathop
528  auto path = b.create<hw::HierPathOp>(
529  mlirModuleNamespace.newName(op.getName() + "_path"),
530  b.getArrayAttr(
531  ::InnerRefAttr::get(op.getNameAttr(), reg.getInnerNameAttr())));
533  b.setInsertionPointToStart(boundModule.getBodyBlock());
534  b.create<sv::InitialOp>([&]() {
535  auto xmr = b.create<sv::XMRRefOp>(reg.getType(), path.getSymNameAttr());
536  b.create<sv::ReadMemOp>(xmr, mem.initFilename,
537  mem.initIsBinary ? MemBaseTypeAttr::MemBaseBin
538  : MemBaseTypeAttr::MemBaseHex);
539  });
541  // Instantiate this new module inside the memory module.
542  b.setInsertionPointAfter(reg);
543  auto boundInstance = b.create<hw::InstanceOp>(
544  boundModule, boundModule.getName(), ArrayRef<Value>());
545  boundInstance->setAttr(
546  "inner_sym",
547  hw::InnerSymAttr::get(b.getStringAttr(
548  moduleNamespace.newName(boundInstance.getInstanceName()))));
549  boundInstance->setAttr("doNotPrint", b.getBoolAttr(true));
551  // Build the file container and reference the module from it.
552  b.setInsertionPointAfter(op);
553  b.create<emit::FileOp>(filename, [&] {
554  b.create<emit::RefOp>(FlatSymbolRefAttr::get(boundModuleName));
555  b.create<sv::BindOp>(hw::InnerRefAttr::get(
556  op.getNameAttr(), boundInstance.getInnerSymAttr().getSymName()));
557  });
558  }
559  }
561  // Add logic to initialize the memory and any internal registers to random
562  // values.
563  if (disableMemRandomization && disableRegRandomization)
564  return;
566  constexpr unsigned randomWidth = 32;
567  b.create<sv::IfDefOp>("ENABLE_INITIAL_MEM_", [&]() {
568  sv::RegOp randReg;
569  SmallVector<sv::RegOp> randRegs;
570  if (!disableRegRandomization) {
571  b.create<sv::IfDefOp>("RANDOMIZE_REG_INIT", [&]() {
572  signed totalWidth = 0;
573  for (sv::RegOp &reg : registers)
574  totalWidth += reg.getElementType().getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
575  while (totalWidth > 0) {
576  auto name = b.getStringAttr(moduleNamespace.newName("_RANDOM"));
577  auto innerSym = hw::InnerSymAttr::get(name);
578  randRegs.push_back(b.create<sv::RegOp>(b.getIntegerType(randomWidth),
579  name, innerSym));
580  totalWidth -= randomWidth;
581  }
582  });
583  }
584  auto randomMemReg = b.create<sv::RegOp>(
585  b.getIntegerType(llvm::divideCeil(mem.dataWidth, randomWidth) *
586  randomWidth),
587  b.getStringAttr("_RANDOM_MEM"));
588  b.create<sv::InitialOp>([&]() {
589  b.create<sv::VerbatimOp>("`INIT_RANDOM_PROLOG_");
591  // Memory randomization logic. The entire memory is randomized.
592  if (!disableMemRandomization) {
593  b.create<sv::IfDefProceduralOp>("RANDOMIZE_MEM_INIT", [&]() {
594  auto outerLoopIndVarType =
595  b.getIntegerType(llvm::Log2_64_Ceil(mem.depth + 1));
596  auto innerUpperBoundWidth = randomMemReg.getType()
597  .getElementType()
598  .cast<IntegerType>()
599  .getWidth();
600  auto innerLoopIndVarType =
601  b.getIntegerType(llvm::Log2_64_Ceil(innerUpperBoundWidth + 1));
602  // Construct the following nested for loops:
603  // ```
604  // for (int i = 0; i < mem.depth; i++) begin
605  // for (int j = 0; j < randomMeg.size; j += 32)
606  // randomMem[j+31:j] = `RANDOM
607  // Memory[i] = randomMem[mem.dataWidth - 1: 0];
608  // ```
609  b.create<sv::ForOp>(
610  0, mem.depth, 1, outerLoopIndVarType, "i",
611  [&](BlockArgument outerIndVar) {
612  b.create<sv::ForOp>(
613  0, innerUpperBoundWidth, randomWidth, innerLoopIndVarType,
614  "j", [&](BlockArgument innerIndVar) {
615  auto rhs = b.create<sv::MacroRefExprSEOp>(
616  b.getIntegerType(randomWidth), "RANDOM");
617  auto lhs = b.create<sv::IndexedPartSelectInOutOp>(
618  randomMemReg, innerIndVar, randomWidth, false);
619  b.create<sv::BPAssignOp>(lhs, rhs);
620  });
622  Value iterValue = outerIndVar;
623  // Truncate the induction variable if necessary.
624  if (!outerIndVar.getType().isInteger(
625  llvm::Log2_64_Ceil(mem.depth)))
626  iterValue = b.createOrFold<comb::ExtractOp>(
627  iterValue, 0, llvm::Log2_64_Ceil(mem.depth));
628  auto lhs = b.create<sv::ArrayIndexInOutOp>(reg, iterValue);
629  auto rhs = b.createOrFold<comb::ExtractOp>(
630  b.create<sv::ReadInOutOp>(randomMemReg), 0, mem.dataWidth);
631  b.create<sv::BPAssignOp>(lhs, rhs);
632  });
633  });
634  }
636  // Register randomization logic. Randomize every register to a random
637  // making efficient use of available randomization registers.
638  //
639  // TODO: This shares a lot of common logic with LowerToHW. Combine
640  // these two in a common randomization utility.
641  if (!disableRegRandomization) {
642  b.create<sv::IfDefProceduralOp>("RANDOMIZE_REG_INIT", [&]() {
643  unsigned bits = randomWidth;
644  for (sv::RegOp &reg : randRegs)
645  b.create<sv::VerbatimOp>(
646  b.getStringAttr("{{0}} = {`RANDOM};"), ValueRange{},
647  b.getArrayAttr(hw::InnerRefAttr::get(op.getNameAttr(),
648  reg.getInnerNameAttr())));
649  auto randRegIdx = 0;
650  for (sv::RegOp &reg : registers) {
651  SmallVector<std::pair<Attribute, std::pair<size_t, size_t>>> values;
652  auto width = reg.getElementType().getIntOrFloatBitWidth();
653  auto widthRemaining = width;
654  while (widthRemaining > 0) {
655  if (bits == randomWidth) {
656  randReg = randRegs[randRegIdx++];
657  bits = 0;
658  }
659  auto innerRef = hw::InnerRefAttr::get(op.getNameAttr(),
660  randReg.getInnerNameAttr());
661  if (widthRemaining <= randomWidth - bits) {
662  values.push_back({innerRef, {bits + widthRemaining - 1, bits}});
663  bits += widthRemaining;
664  widthRemaining = 0;
665  continue;
666  }
667  values.push_back({innerRef, {randomWidth - 1, bits}});
668  widthRemaining -= (randomWidth - bits);
669  bits = randomWidth;
670  }
671  SmallString<32> rhs("{{0}} = ");
672  unsigned idx = 1;
673  assert(reg.getInnerSymAttr());
674  SmallVector<Attribute, 4> symbols({hw::InnerRefAttr::get(
675  op.getNameAttr(), reg.getInnerNameAttr())});
676  if (values.size() > 1)
677  rhs.append("{");
678  for (auto &v : values) {
679  if (idx > 1)
680  rhs.append(", ");
681  auto [sym, range] = v;
682  symbols.push_back(sym);
683  rhs.append(("{{" + Twine(idx++) + "}}").str());
684  // Do not emit a part select as the whole value is used.
685  if (range.first == randomWidth - 1 && range.second == 0)
686  continue;
687  // Emit a single bit part select, e.g., "[3]"
688  if (range.first == range.second) {
689  rhs.append(("[" + Twine(range.first) + "]").str());
690  continue;
691  }
692  // Emit a part select, e.g., "[4:2]"
693  rhs.append(
694  ("[" + Twine(range.first) + ":" + Twine(range.second) + "]")
695  .str());
696  }
697  if (values.size() > 1)
698  rhs.append("}");
699  rhs.append(";");
700  b.create<sv::VerbatimOp>(rhs, ValueRange{},
701  b.getArrayAttr(symbols));
702  }
703  });
704  }
705  });
706  });
707 }
709 void HWMemSimImplPass::runOnOperation() {
710  auto topModule = getOperation();
712  // Populate a namespace from the symbols visible to the top-level MLIR module.
713  // Memories with initializations create modules and these need to be legal
714  // symbols.
715  SymbolCache symbolCache;
716  symbolCache.addDefinitions(topModule);
717  Namespace mlirModuleNamespace;
718  mlirModuleNamespace.add(symbolCache);
720  SmallVector<HWModuleGeneratedOp> toErase;
721  bool anythingChanged = false;
723  for (auto op :
724  llvm::make_early_inc_range(topModule.getOps<HWModuleGeneratedOp>())) {
725  auto oldModule = cast<HWModuleGeneratedOp>(op);
726  auto gen = oldModule.getGeneratorKind();
727  auto genOp = cast<HWGeneratorSchemaOp>(
728  SymbolTable::lookupSymbolIn(getOperation(), gen));
730  if (genOp.getDescriptor() == "FIRRTL_Memory") {
731  FirMemory mem(oldModule);
733  OpBuilder builder(oldModule);
734  auto nameAttr = builder.getStringAttr(oldModule.getName());
736  // The requirements for macro replacement:
737  // 1. read latency and write latency of one.
738  // 2. undefined read-under-write behavior.
739  if (replSeqMem && ((mem.readLatency == 1 && mem.writeLatency == 1) &&
740  mem.dataWidth > 0)) {
741  builder.create<HWModuleExternOp>(oldModule.getLoc(), nameAttr,
742  oldModule.getPortList());
743  } else {
744  auto newModule = builder.create<HWModuleOp>(
745  oldModule.getLoc(), nameAttr, oldModule.getPortList());
746  if (auto outdir = oldModule->getAttr("output_file"))
747  newModule->setAttr("output_file", outdir);
748  newModule.setCommentAttr(
749  builder.getStringAttr("VCS coverage exclude_file"));
750  newModule.setPrivate();
752  HWMemSimImpl(readEnableMode, addMuxPragmas, disableMemRandomization,
753  disableRegRandomization,
754  addVivadoRAMAddressConflictSynthesisBugWorkaround,
755  mlirModuleNamespace)
756  .generateMemory(newModule, mem);
757  }
759  oldModule.erase();
760  anythingChanged = true;
761  }
762  }
764  if (!anythingChanged)
765  markAllAnalysesPreserved();
766 }
768 std::unique_ptr<Pass>
769 circt::seq::createHWMemSimImplPass(const HWMemSimImplOptions &options) {
770  return std::make_unique<HWMemSimImplPass>(options);
771 }
assert(baseType &&"element must be base type")
int32_t width
Definition: FIRRTL.cpp:36
static bool valueDefinedBeforeOp(Value value, Operation *op)
A helper that returns true if a value definition (or block argument) is visible to another operation,...
static Value getMemoryRead(ImplicitLocOpBuilder &b, Value memory, Value addr, bool addMuxPragmas)
llvm::SmallVector< StringAttr > outputs
Builder builder
static StringAttr append(StringAttr base, const Twine &suffix)
Return a attribute with the specified suffix appended.
A namespace that is used to store existing names and generate new names in some scope within the IR.
Definition: Namespace.h:29
void add(SymbolCache &symCache)
SymbolCache initializer; initialize from every key that is convertible to a StringAttr in the SymbolC...
Definition: Namespace.h:47
void addDefinitions(mlir::Operation *top)
Populate the symbol cache with all symbol-defining operations within the 'top' operation.
Definition: SymCache.cpp:23
Default symbol cache implementation; stores associations between names (StringAttr's) to mlir::Operat...
Definition: SymCache.h:85
def create(low_bit, result_type, input=None)
def create(dest, src)
def create(value)
def create(data_type, name=None, sym_name=None)
Direction get(bool isOutput)
Returns an output direction if isOutput is true, otherwise returns an input direction.
Definition: CalyxOps.cpp:54
uint64_t getWidth(Type t)
Definition: ESIPasses.cpp:34
Definition: SeqEnums.h:15
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > createHWMemSimImplPass(const HWMemSimImplOptions &options={})
circt::hw::InOutType InOutType
Definition: SVTypes.h:25
void setSVAttributes(mlir::Operation *op, mlir::ArrayAttr attrs)
Set the SV attributes of an operation.
The InstanceGraph op interface, see for more details.
Definition: DebugAnalysis.h:21
def reg(value, clock, reset=None, reset_value=None, name=None, sym_name=None)