CIRCT  19.0.0git
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //===- LowerXMR.cpp - FIRRTL Lower to XMR -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file implements FIRRTL XMR Lowering.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include "PassDetails.h"
20 #include "circt/Dialect/SV/SVOps.h"
21 #include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
22 #include "mlir/IR/ImplicitLocOpBuilder.h"
23 #include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
24 #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
25 #include "llvm/ADT/EquivalenceClasses.h"
26 #include "llvm/ADT/PostOrderIterator.h"
27 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
29 #define DEBUG_TYPE "firrtl-lower-xmr"
31 using namespace circt;
32 using namespace firrtl;
33 using hw::InnerRefAttr;
35 /// The LowerXMRPass will replace every RefResolveOp with an XMR encoded within
36 /// a verbatim expr op. This also removes every RefType port from the modules
37 /// and corresponding instances. This is a dataflow analysis over a very
38 /// constrained RefType. Domain of the dataflow analysis is the set of all
39 /// RefSendOps. It computes an interprocedural reaching definitions (of
40 /// RefSendOp) analysis. Essentially every RefType value must be mapped to one
41 /// and only one RefSendOp. The analysis propagates the dataflow from every
42 /// RefSendOp to every value of RefType across modules. The RefResolveOp is the
43 /// final leaf into which the dataflow must reach.
44 ///
45 /// Since there can be multiple readers, multiple RefResolveOps can be reachable
46 /// from a single RefSendOp. To support multiply instantiated modules and
47 /// multiple readers, it is essential to track the path to the RefSendOp, other
48 /// than just the RefSendOp. For example, if there exists a wire `xmr_wire` in
49 /// module `Foo`, the algorithm needs to support generating Top.Bar.Foo.xmr_wire
50 /// and Top.Foo.xmr_wire and Top.Zoo.Foo.xmr_wire for different instance paths
51 /// that exist in the circuit.
53 namespace {
54 struct XMRNode {
55  using NextNodeOnPath = std::optional<size_t>;
56  using SymOrIndexOp = PointerUnion<Attribute, Operation *>;
57  SymOrIndexOp info;
58  NextNodeOnPath next;
59 };
60 [[maybe_unused]] llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
61  const XMRNode &node) {
62  os << "node(";
63  if (auto attr = dyn_cast<Attribute>(
64  os << "path=" << attr;
65  else {
66  auto subOp = cast<RefSubOp>(cast<Operation *>(;
67  os << "index=" << subOp.getIndex() << " (-> " << subOp.getType() << ")";
68  }
69  os << ", next=" << << ")";
70  return os;
71 }
72 } // end anonymous namespace
74 class LowerXMRPass : public LowerXMRBase<LowerXMRPass> {
76  void runOnOperation() override {
77  // Populate a CircuitNamespace that can be used to generate unique
78  // circuit-level symbols.
79  CircuitNamespace ns(getOperation());
80  circuitNamespace = &ns;
82  llvm::EquivalenceClasses<Value, ValueComparator> eq;
83  dataFlowClasses = &eq;
85  InstanceGraph &instanceGraph = getAnalysis<InstanceGraph>();
86  SmallVector<RefResolveOp> resolveOps;
87  SmallVector<RefSubOp> indexingOps;
88  SmallVector<Operation *> forceAndReleaseOps;
89  // The dataflow function, that propagates the reachable RefSendOp across
90  // RefType Ops.
91  auto transferFunc = [&](Operation &op) -> LogicalResult {
92  return TypeSwitch<Operation *, LogicalResult>(&op)
93  .Case<RefSendOp>([&](RefSendOp send) {
94  // Get a reference to the actual signal to which the XMR will be
95  // generated.
96  Value xmrDef = send.getBase();
97  if (isZeroWidth(send.getType().getType())) {
98  markForRemoval(send);
99  return success();
100  }
102  if (auto verbExpr = xmrDef.getDefiningOp<VerbatimExprOp>())
103  if (verbExpr.getSymbolsAttr().empty() && verbExpr->hasOneUse()) {
104  // This represents the internal path into a module. For
105  // generating the correct XMR, no node can be created in this
106  // module. Create a null InnerRef and ensure the hierarchical
107  // path ends at the parent that instantiates this module.
108  auto inRef = InnerRefAttr();
109  auto ind = addReachingSendsEntry(send.getResult(), inRef);
110  xmrPathSuffix[ind] = verbExpr.getText();
111  markForRemoval(verbExpr);
112  markForRemoval(send);
113  return success();
114  }
115  // Get an InnerRefAttr to the value being sent.
117  // Add a node, don't need to have symbol on defining operation,
118  // just a way to send out the value.
119  ImplicitLocOpBuilder b(xmrDef.getLoc(), &getContext());
120  b.setInsertionPointAfterValue(xmrDef);
121  SmallString<32> opName;
122  auto nameKind = NameKindEnum::DroppableName;
124  if (auto [name, rootKnown] = getFieldName(
125  getFieldRefFromValue(xmrDef, /*lookThroughCasts=*/true),
126  /*nameSafe=*/true);
127  rootKnown) {
128  opName = name + "_probe";
129  nameKind = NameKindEnum::InterestingName;
130  } else if (auto *xmrDefOp = xmrDef.getDefiningOp()) {
131  // Inspect "name" directly for ops that aren't named by above.
132  // (e.g., firrtl.constant)
133  if (auto name = xmrDefOp->getAttrOfType<StringAttr>("name")) {
134  (Twine(name.strref()) + "_probe").toVector(opName);
135  nameKind = NameKindEnum::InterestingName;
136  }
137  }
138  xmrDef = b.create<NodeOp>(xmrDef, opName, nameKind).getResult();
140  // Create a new entry for this RefSendOp. The path is currently
141  // local.
142  addReachingSendsEntry(send.getResult(), getInnerRefTo(xmrDef));
143  markForRemoval(send);
144  return success();
145  })
146  .Case<RWProbeOp>([&](RWProbeOp rwprobe) {
147  if (!isZeroWidth(rwprobe.getType().getType()))
148  addReachingSendsEntry(rwprobe.getResult(), rwprobe.getTarget());
149  markForRemoval(rwprobe);
150  return success();
151  })
152  .Case<MemOp>([&](MemOp mem) {
153  // MemOp can produce debug ports of RefType. Each debug port
154  // represents the RefType for the corresponding register of the
155  // memory. Since the memory is not yet generated the register name
156  // is assumed to be "Memory". Note that MemOp creates RefType
157  // without a RefSend.
158  for (const auto &res : llvm::enumerate(mem.getResults()))
159  if (isa<RefType>(mem.getResult(res.index()).getType())) {
160  auto inRef = getInnerRefTo(mem);
161  auto ind = addReachingSendsEntry(res.value(), inRef);
162  xmrPathSuffix[ind] = "Memory";
163  // Just node that all the debug ports of memory must be removed.
164  // So this does not record the port index.
165  refPortsToRemoveMap[mem].resize(1);
166  }
167  return success();
168  })
169  .Case<InstanceOp>(
170  [&](auto inst) { return handleInstanceOp(inst, instanceGraph); })
171  .Case<FConnectLike>([&](FConnectLike connect) {
172  // Ignore BaseType.
173  if (!isa<RefType>(connect.getSrc().getType()))
174  return success();
175  markForRemoval(connect);
176  if (isZeroWidth(
177  type_cast<RefType>(connect.getSrc().getType()).getType()))
178  return success();
179  // Merge the dataflow classes of destination into the source of the
180  // Connect. This handles two cases:
181  // 1. If the dataflow at the source is known, then the
182  // destination is also inferred. By merging the dataflow class of
183  // destination with source, every value reachable from the
184  // destination automatically infers a reaching RefSend.
185  // 2. If dataflow at source is unkown, then just record that both
186  // source and destination will have the same dataflow information.
187  // Later in the pass when the reaching RefSend is inferred at the
188  // leader of the dataflowClass, then we automatically infer the
189  // dataflow at this connect and every value reachable from the
190  // destination.
191  dataFlowClasses->unionSets(connect.getSrc(), connect.getDest());
192  return success();
193  })
194  .Case<RefSubOp>([&](RefSubOp op) -> LogicalResult {
195  markForRemoval(op);
196  if (isZeroWidth(op.getType().getType()))
197  return success();
199  // Enqueue for processing after visiting other operations.
200  indexingOps.push_back(op);
201  return success();
202  })
203  .Case<RefResolveOp>([&](RefResolveOp resolve) {
204  // Merge dataflow, under the same conditions as above for Connect.
205  // 1. If dataflow at the resolve.getRef is known, propagate that to
206  // the result. This is true for downward scoped XMRs, that is,
207  // RefSendOp must be visited before the corresponding RefResolveOp
208  // is visited.
209  // 2. Else, just record that both result and ref should have the
210  // same reaching RefSend. This condition is true for upward scoped
211  // XMRs. That is, RefResolveOp can be visited before the
212  // corresponding RefSendOp is recorded.
214  markForRemoval(resolve);
215  if (!isZeroWidth(resolve.getType()))
216  dataFlowClasses->unionSets(resolve.getRef(), resolve.getResult());
217  resolveOps.push_back(resolve);
218  return success();
219  })
220  .Case<RefCastOp>([&](RefCastOp op) {
221  markForRemoval(op);
222  if (!isZeroWidth(op.getType().getType()))
223  dataFlowClasses->unionSets(op.getInput(), op.getResult());
224  return success();
225  })
226  .Case<Forceable>([&](Forceable op) {
227  // Handle declarations containing refs as "data".
228  if (type_isa<RefType>(op.getDataRaw().getType())) {
229  markForRemoval(op);
230  return success();
231  }
233  // Otherwise, if forceable track the rwprobe result.
234  if (!op.isForceable() || op.getDataRef().use_empty() ||
235  isZeroWidth(op.getDataType()))
236  return success();
238  addReachingSendsEntry(op.getDataRef(), getInnerRefTo(op));
239  return success();
240  })
241  .Case<RefForceOp, RefForceInitialOp, RefReleaseOp,
242  RefReleaseInitialOp>([&](auto op) {
243  forceAndReleaseOps.push_back(op);
244  return success();
245  })
246  .Default([&](auto) { return success(); });
247  };
249  SmallVector<FModuleOp> publicModules;
251  // Traverse the modules in post order.
252  for (auto node : llvm::post_order(&instanceGraph)) {
253  auto module = dyn_cast<FModuleOp>(*node->getModule());
254  if (!module)
255  continue;
256  LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs()
257  << "Traversing module:" << module.getModuleNameAttr() << "\n");
259  if (module.isPublic())
260  publicModules.push_back(module);
262  for (Operation &op : module.getBodyBlock()->getOperations())
263  if (transferFunc(op).failed())
264  return signalPassFailure();
266  // Clear any enabled layers.
267  module.setLayersAttr(ArrayAttr::get(module.getContext(), {}));
269  // Since we walk operations pre-order and not along dataflow edges,
270  // ref.sub may not be resolvable when we encounter them (they're not just
271  // unification). This can happen when refs go through an output port or
272  // input instance result and back into the design. Handle these by walking
273  // them, resolving what we can, until all are handled or nothing can be
274  // resolved.
275  while (!indexingOps.empty()) {
276  // Grab the set of unresolved ref.sub's.
277  decltype(indexingOps) worklist;
278  worklist.swap(indexingOps);
280  for (auto op : worklist) {
281  auto inputEntry =
282  getRemoteRefSend(op.getInput(), /*errorIfNotFound=*/false);
283  // If we can't resolve, add back and move on.
284  if (!inputEntry)
285  indexingOps.push_back(op);
286  else
287  addReachingSendsEntry(op.getResult(), op.getOperation(),
288  inputEntry);
289  }
290  // If nothing was resolved, give up.
291  if (worklist.size() == indexingOps.size()) {
292  auto op = worklist.front();
293  getRemoteRefSend(op.getInput());
294  op.emitError(
295  "indexing through probe of unknown origin (input probe?)")
296  .attachNote(op.getInput().getLoc())
297  .append("indexing through this reference");
298  return signalPassFailure();
299  }
300  }
302  // Record all the RefType ports to be removed later.
303  size_t numPorts = module.getNumPorts();
304  for (size_t portNum = 0; portNum < numPorts; ++portNum)
305  if (isa<RefType>(module.getPortType(portNum))) {
306  setPortToRemove(module, portNum, numPorts);
307  }
308  }
311  for (auto I = dataFlowClasses->begin(), E = dataFlowClasses->end();
312  I != E; ++I) { // Iterate over all of the equivalence sets.
313  if (!I->isLeader())
314  continue; // Ignore non-leader sets.
315  // Print members in this set.
316  llvm::interleave(llvm::make_range(dataFlowClasses->member_begin(I),
317  dataFlowClasses->member_end()),
318  llvm::dbgs(), "\n");
319  llvm::dbgs() << "\n dataflow at leader::" << I->getData() << "\n =>";
320  auto iter = dataflowAt.find(I->getData());
321  if (iter != dataflowAt.end()) {
322  for (auto init = refSendPathList[iter->getSecond()];;
323  init = refSendPathList[*])
324  llvm::dbgs() << "\n " << init;
325  }
326  llvm::dbgs() << "\n Done\n"; // Finish set.
327  }
328  });
329  for (auto refResolve : resolveOps)
330  if (handleRefResolve(refResolve).failed())
331  return signalPassFailure();
332  for (auto *op : forceAndReleaseOps)
333  if (failed(handleForceReleaseOp(op)))
334  return signalPassFailure();
335  for (auto module : publicModules) {
336  if (failed(handlePublicModuleRefPorts(module)))
337  return signalPassFailure();
338  }
339  garbageCollect();
341  // Clean up
342  moduleNamespaces.clear();
343  visitedModules.clear();
344  dataflowAt.clear();
345  refSendPathList.clear();
346  dataFlowClasses = nullptr;
347  refPortsToRemoveMap.clear();
348  opsToRemove.clear();
349  xmrPathSuffix.clear();
350  circuitNamespace = nullptr;
351  pathCache.clear();
352  pathInsertPoint = {};
353  }
355  /// Generate the ABI ref_<module> prefix string into `prefix`.
356  void getRefABIPrefix(FModuleLike mod, SmallVectorImpl<char> &prefix) {
357  auto modName = mod.getModuleName();
358  if (auto ext = dyn_cast<FExtModuleOp>(*mod)) {
359  // Use defName for module portion, if set.
360  if (auto defname = ext.getDefname(); defname && !defname->empty())
361  modName = *defname;
362  }
363  (Twine("ref_") + modName).toVector(prefix);
364  }
366  /// Get full macro name as StringAttr for the specified ref port.
367  /// Uses existing 'prefix', optionally preprends the backtick character.
368  StringAttr getRefABIMacroForPort(FModuleLike mod, size_t portIndex,
369  const Twine &prefix, bool backTick = false) {
370  return StringAttr::get(&getContext(), Twine(backTick ? "`" : "") + prefix +
371  "_" + mod.getPortName(portIndex));
372  }
374  LogicalResult resolveReferencePath(mlir::TypedValue<RefType> refVal,
375  ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder,
376  mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttr &ref,
377  SmallString<128> &stringLeaf) {
378  assert(stringLeaf.empty());
380  auto remoteOpPath = getRemoteRefSend(refVal);
381  if (!remoteOpPath)
382  return failure();
383  SmallVector<Attribute> refSendPath;
384  SmallVector<RefSubOp> indexing;
385  size_t lastIndex;
386  while (remoteOpPath) {
387  lastIndex = *remoteOpPath;
388  auto entr = refSendPathList[*remoteOpPath];
389  TypeSwitch<XMRNode::SymOrIndexOp>(
390  .Case<Attribute>([&](auto attr) {
391  // If the path is a singular verbatim expression, the attribute of
392  // the send path list entry will be null.
393  if (attr)
394  refSendPath.push_back(attr);
395  })
396  .Case<Operation *>(
397  [&](auto *op) { indexing.push_back(cast<RefSubOp>(op)); });
398  remoteOpPath =;
399  }
400  auto iter = xmrPathSuffix.find(lastIndex);
402  // If this xmr has a suffix string (internal path into a module, that is not
403  // yet generated).
404  if (iter != xmrPathSuffix.end()) {
405  if (!refSendPath.empty())
406  stringLeaf.append(".");
407  stringLeaf.append(iter->getSecond());
408  }
410  assert(!(refSendPath.empty() && stringLeaf.empty()) &&
411  "nothing to index through");
413  // All indexing done as the ref is plumbed around indexes through
414  // the target/referent, not the current point of the path which
415  // describes how to access the referent we're indexing through.
416  // Above we gathered all indexing operations, so now append them
417  // to the path (after any relevant `xmrPathSuffix`) to reach
418  // the target element.
419  // Generating these strings here (especially if ref is sent
420  // out from a different design) is fragile but should get this
421  // working well enough while sorting out how to do this better.
422  // Some discussion of this can be found here:
423  //
424  for (auto subOp : llvm::reverse(indexing)) {
425  TypeSwitch<FIRRTLBaseType>(subOp.getInput().getType().getType())
426  .Case<FVectorType, OpenVectorType>([&](auto vecType) {
427  (Twine("[") + Twine(subOp.getIndex()) + "]").toVector(stringLeaf);
428  })
429  .Case<BundleType, OpenBundleType>([&](auto bundleType) {
430  auto fieldName = bundleType.getElementName(subOp.getIndex());
431  stringLeaf.append({".", fieldName});
432  });
433  }
435  if (!refSendPath.empty())
436  // Compute the HierPathOp that stores the path.
438  getOrCreatePath(builder.getArrayAttr(refSendPath), builder)
439  .getSymNameAttr());
441  return success();
442  }
444  LogicalResult resolveReference(mlir::TypedValue<RefType> refVal,
445  ImplicitLocOpBuilder &builder,
446  FlatSymbolRefAttr &ref, StringAttr &xmrAttr) {
447  auto remoteOpPath = getRemoteRefSend(refVal);
448  if (!remoteOpPath)
449  return failure();
451  SmallString<128> xmrString;
452  if (failed(resolveReferencePath(refVal, builder, ref, xmrString)))
453  return failure();
454  xmrAttr =
455  xmrString.empty() ? StringAttr{} : builder.getStringAttr(xmrString);
457  return success();
458  }
460  // Replace the Force/Release's ref argument with a resolved XMRRef.
461  LogicalResult handleForceReleaseOp(Operation *op) {
462  return TypeSwitch<Operation *, LogicalResult>(op)
463  .Case<RefForceOp, RefForceInitialOp, RefReleaseOp, RefReleaseInitialOp>(
464  [&](auto op) {
465  // Drop if zero-width target.
466  auto destType = op.getDest().getType();
467  if (isZeroWidth(destType.getType())) {
468  op.erase();
469  return success();
470  }
472  ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder(op.getLoc(), op);
473  FlatSymbolRefAttr ref;
474  StringAttr str;
475  if (failed(resolveReference(op.getDest(), builder, ref, str)))
476  return failure();
478  Value xmr = builder.create<XMRRefOp>(destType, ref, str);
479  op.getDestMutable().assign(xmr);
480  return success();
481  })
482  .Default([](auto *op) {
483  return op->emitError("unexpected operation kind");
484  });
485  }
487  // Replace the RefResolveOp with verbatim op representing the XMR.
488  LogicalResult handleRefResolve(RefResolveOp resolve) {
489  auto resWidth = getBitWidth(resolve.getType());
490  if (resWidth.has_value() && *resWidth == 0) {
491  // Donot emit 0 width XMRs, replace it with constant 0.
492  ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder(resolve.getLoc(), resolve);
493  auto zeroUintType = UIntType::get(builder.getContext(), 0);
494  auto zeroC = builder.createOrFold<BitCastOp>(
495  resolve.getType(), builder.create<ConstantOp>(
496  zeroUintType, getIntZerosAttr(zeroUintType)));
497  resolve.getResult().replaceAllUsesWith(zeroC);
498  return success();
499  }
501  FlatSymbolRefAttr ref;
502  StringAttr str;
503  ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder(resolve.getLoc(), resolve);
504  if (failed(resolveReference(resolve.getRef(), builder, ref, str)))
505  return failure();
507  Value result = builder.create<XMRDerefOp>(resolve.getType(), ref, str);
508  resolve.getResult().replaceAllUsesWith(result);
509  return success();
510  }
512  void setPortToRemove(Operation *op, size_t index, size_t numPorts) {
513  if (refPortsToRemoveMap[op].size() < numPorts)
514  refPortsToRemoveMap[op].resize(numPorts);
515  refPortsToRemoveMap[op].set(index);
516  }
518  // Propagate the reachable RefSendOp across modules.
519  LogicalResult handleInstanceOp(InstanceOp inst,
520  InstanceGraph &instanceGraph) {
521  Operation *mod = inst.getReferencedModule(instanceGraph);
522  if (auto extRefMod = dyn_cast<FExtModuleOp>(mod)) {
523  // Extern modules can generate RefType ports, they have an attached
524  // attribute which specifies the internal path into the extern module.
525  // This string attribute will be used to generate the final xmr.
526  auto internalPaths = extRefMod.getInternalPaths();
527  auto numPorts = inst.getNumResults();
528  SmallString<128> circuitRefPrefix;
530  /// Get the resolution string for this ref-type port.
531  auto getPath = [&](size_t portNo) {
532  // If there's an internal path specified (with path), use that.
533  if (internalPaths)
534  if (auto path =
535  cast<InternalPathAttr>(internalPaths->getValue()[portNo])
536  .getPath())
537  return path;
539  // Otherwise, we're using the ref ABI. Generate the prefix string
540  // and return the macro for the specified port.
541  if (circuitRefPrefix.empty())
542  getRefABIPrefix(extRefMod, circuitRefPrefix);
544  return getRefABIMacroForPort(extRefMod, portNo, circuitRefPrefix, true);
545  };
547  for (const auto &res : llvm::enumerate(inst.getResults())) {
548  if (!isa<RefType>(inst.getResult(res.index()).getType()))
549  continue;
551  auto inRef = getInnerRefTo(inst);
552  auto ind = addReachingSendsEntry(res.value(), inRef);
554  xmrPathSuffix[ind] = getPath(res.index());
555  // The instance result and module port must be marked for removal.
556  setPortToRemove(inst, res.index(), numPorts);
557  setPortToRemove(extRefMod, res.index(), numPorts);
558  }
559  return success();
560  }
561  auto refMod = dyn_cast<FModuleOp>(mod);
562  bool multiplyInstantiated = !visitedModules.insert(refMod).second;
563  for (size_t portNum = 0, numPorts = inst.getNumResults();
564  portNum < numPorts; ++portNum) {
565  auto instanceResult = inst.getResult(portNum);
566  if (!isa<RefType>(instanceResult.getType()))
567  continue;
568  if (!refMod)
569  return inst.emitOpError("cannot lower ext modules with RefType ports");
570  // Reference ports must be removed.
571  setPortToRemove(inst, portNum, numPorts);
572  // Drop the dead-instance-ports.
573  if (instanceResult.use_empty() ||
574  isZeroWidth(type_cast<RefType>(instanceResult.getType()).getType()))
575  continue;
576  auto refModuleArg = refMod.getArgument(portNum);
577  if (inst.getPortDirection(portNum) == Direction::Out) {
578  // For output instance ports, the dataflow is into this module.
579  // Get the remote RefSendOp, that flows through the module ports.
580  // If dataflow at remote module argument does not exist, error out.
581  auto remoteOpPath = getRemoteRefSend(refModuleArg);
582  if (!remoteOpPath)
583  return failure();
584  // Get the path to reaching refSend at the referenced module argument.
585  // Now append this instance to the path to the reaching refSend.
586  addReachingSendsEntry(instanceResult, getInnerRefTo(inst),
587  remoteOpPath);
588  } else {
589  // For input instance ports, the dataflow is into the referenced module.
590  // Input RefType port implies, generating an upward scoped XMR.
591  // No need to add the instance context, since downward reference must be
592  // through single instantiated modules.
593  if (multiplyInstantiated)
594  return refMod.emitOpError(
595  "multiply instantiated module with input RefType port '")
596  << refMod.getPortName(portNum) << "'";
597  dataFlowClasses->unionSets(
598  dataFlowClasses->getOrInsertLeaderValue(refModuleArg),
599  dataFlowClasses->getOrInsertLeaderValue(instanceResult));
600  }
601  }
602  return success();
603  }
605  LogicalResult handlePublicModuleRefPorts(FModuleOp module) {
606  auto *body = getOperation().getBodyBlock();
608  // Find all the output reference ports.
609  SmallString<128> circuitRefPrefix;
610  SmallVector<std::tuple<StringAttr, StringAttr, ArrayAttr>> ports;
611  auto declBuilder =
612  ImplicitLocOpBuilder::atBlockBegin(module.getLoc(), body);
613  for (size_t portIndex = 0, numPorts = module.getNumPorts();
614  portIndex != numPorts; ++portIndex) {
615  auto refType = type_dyn_cast<RefType>(module.getPortType(portIndex));
616  if (!refType || isZeroWidth(refType.getType()) ||
617  module.getPortDirection(portIndex) != Direction::Out)
618  continue;
619  auto portValue =
620  module.getArgument(portIndex).cast<mlir::TypedValue<RefType>>();
621  mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttr ref;
622  SmallString<128> stringLeaf;
623  if (failed(resolveReferencePath(portValue, declBuilder, ref, stringLeaf)))
624  return failure();
626  SmallString<128> formatString;
627  if (ref)
628  formatString += "{{0}}";
629  formatString += stringLeaf;
631  // Insert a macro with the format:
632  // ref_<module-name>_<ref-name> <path>
633  if (circuitRefPrefix.empty())
634  getRefABIPrefix(module, circuitRefPrefix);
635  auto macroName =
636  getRefABIMacroForPort(module, portIndex, circuitRefPrefix);
637  declBuilder.create<sv::MacroDeclOp>(macroName, ArrayAttr(), StringAttr());
638  ports.emplace_back(macroName, declBuilder.getStringAttr(formatString),
639  ref ? declBuilder.getArrayAttr({ref}) : ArrayAttr{});
640  }
642  // Create a file only if the module has at least one ref port.
643  if (ports.empty())
644  return success();
646  // The macros will be exported to a `ref_<module-name>.sv` file.
647  // In the IR, the file is inserted before the module.
648  auto fileBuilder = ImplicitLocOpBuilder(module.getLoc(), module);
649  fileBuilder.create<emit::FileOp>(circuitRefPrefix + ".sv", [&] {
650  for (auto [macroName, formatString, symbols] : ports) {
651  fileBuilder.create<sv::MacroDefOp>(FlatSymbolRefAttr::get(macroName),
652  formatString, symbols);
653  }
654  });
656  return success();
657  }
659  /// Get the cached namespace for a module.
660  hw::InnerSymbolNamespace &getModuleNamespace(FModuleLike module) {
661  return moduleNamespaces.try_emplace(module, module).first->second;
662  }
664  InnerRefAttr getInnerRefTo(Value val) {
665  if (auto arg = dyn_cast<BlockArgument>(val))
667  cast<FModuleLike>(arg.getParentBlock()->getParentOp()),
668  arg.getArgNumber(),
669  [&](FModuleLike mod) -> hw::InnerSymbolNamespace & {
670  return getModuleNamespace(mod);
671  });
672  return getInnerRefTo(val.getDefiningOp());
673  }
675  InnerRefAttr getInnerRefTo(Operation *op) {
677  [&](FModuleLike mod) -> hw::InnerSymbolNamespace & {
678  return getModuleNamespace(mod);
679  });
680  }
682  void markForRemoval(Operation *op) { opsToRemove.push_back(op); }
684  std::optional<size_t> getRemoteRefSend(Value val,
685  bool errorIfNotFound = true) {
686  auto iter = dataflowAt.find(dataFlowClasses->getOrInsertLeaderValue(val));
687  if (iter != dataflowAt.end())
688  return iter->getSecond();
689  if (!errorIfNotFound)
690  return std::nullopt;
691  // The referenced module must have already been analyzed, error out if the
692  // dataflow at the child module is not resolved.
693  if (BlockArgument arg = dyn_cast<BlockArgument>(val))
694  arg.getOwner()->getParentOp()->emitError(
695  "reference dataflow cannot be traced back to the remote read op "
696  "for module port '")
697  << dyn_cast<FModuleOp>(arg.getOwner()->getParentOp())
698  .getPortName(arg.getArgNumber())
699  << "'";
700  else
701  val.getDefiningOp()->emitOpError(
702  "reference dataflow cannot be traced back to the remote read op");
703  signalPassFailure();
704  return std::nullopt;
705  }
707  size_t
708  addReachingSendsEntry(Value atRefVal, XMRNode::SymOrIndexOp info,
709  std::optional<size_t> continueFrom = std::nullopt) {
710  auto leader = dataFlowClasses->getOrInsertLeaderValue(atRefVal);
711  auto indx = refSendPathList.size();
712  dataflowAt[leader] = indx;
713  refSendPathList.push_back({info, continueFrom});
714  return indx;
715  }
717  void garbageCollect() {
718  // Now erase all the Ops and ports of RefType.
719  // This needs to be done as the last step to ensure uses are erased before
720  // the def is erased.
721  for (Operation *op : llvm::reverse(opsToRemove))
722  op->erase();
723  for (auto iter : refPortsToRemoveMap)
724  if (auto mod = dyn_cast<FModuleOp>(iter.getFirst()))
725  mod.erasePorts(iter.getSecond());
726  else if (auto mod = dyn_cast<FExtModuleOp>(iter.getFirst()))
727  mod.erasePorts(iter.getSecond());
728  else if (auto inst = dyn_cast<InstanceOp>(iter.getFirst())) {
729  ImplicitLocOpBuilder b(inst.getLoc(), inst);
730  inst.erasePorts(b, iter.getSecond());
731  inst.erase();
732  } else if (auto mem = dyn_cast<MemOp>(iter.getFirst())) {
733  // Remove all debug ports of the memory.
734  ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder(mem.getLoc(), mem);
735  SmallVector<Attribute, 4> resultNames;
736  SmallVector<Type, 4> resultTypes;
737  SmallVector<Attribute, 4> portAnnotations;
738  SmallVector<Value, 4> oldResults;
739  for (const auto &res : llvm::enumerate(mem.getResults())) {
740  if (isa<RefType>(mem.getResult(res.index()).getType()))
741  continue;
742  resultNames.push_back(mem.getPortName(res.index()));
743  resultTypes.push_back(res.value().getType());
744  portAnnotations.push_back(mem.getPortAnnotation(res.index()));
745  oldResults.push_back(res.value());
746  }
747  auto newMem = builder.create<MemOp>(
748  resultTypes, mem.getReadLatency(), mem.getWriteLatency(),
749  mem.getDepth(), RUWAttr::Undefined,
750  builder.getArrayAttr(resultNames), mem.getNameAttr(),
751  mem.getNameKind(), mem.getAnnotations(),
752  builder.getArrayAttr(portAnnotations), mem.getInnerSymAttr(),
753  mem.getInitAttr(), mem.getPrefixAttr());
754  for (const auto &res : llvm::enumerate(oldResults))
755  res.value().replaceAllUsesWith(newMem.getResult(res.index()));
756  mem.erase();
757  }
758  opsToRemove.clear();
759  refPortsToRemoveMap.clear();
760  dataflowAt.clear();
761  refSendPathList.clear();
762  }
764  bool isZeroWidth(FIRRTLBaseType t) { return t.getBitWidthOrSentinel() == 0; }
766  /// Return a HierPathOp for the provided pathArray. This will either return
767  /// an existing HierPathOp or it will create and return a new one.
768  hw::HierPathOp getOrCreatePath(ArrayAttr pathArray,
769  ImplicitLocOpBuilder &builder) {
770  assert(pathArray && !pathArray.empty());
771  // Return an existing HierPathOp if one exists with the same path.
772  auto pathIter = pathCache.find(pathArray);
773  if (pathIter != pathCache.end())
774  return pathIter->second;
776  // Reset the insertion point after this function returns.
777  OpBuilder::InsertionGuard guard(builder);
779  // Set the insertion point to either the known location where the pass
780  // inserts HierPathOps or to the start of the circuit.
781  if (pathInsertPoint.isSet())
782  builder.restoreInsertionPoint(pathInsertPoint);
783  else
784  builder.setInsertionPointToStart(getOperation().getBodyBlock());
786  // Create the new HierPathOp and insert it into the pathCache.
787  hw::HierPathOp path =
788  pathCache
789  .insert({pathArray,
790  builder.create<hw::HierPathOp>(
791  circuitNamespace->newName("xmrPath"), pathArray)})
792  .first->second;
793  path.setVisibility(SymbolTable::Visibility::Private);
795  // Save the insertion point so other unique HierPathOps will be created
796  // after this one.
797  pathInsertPoint = builder.saveInsertionPoint();
799  // Return the new path.
800  return path;
801  }
803 private:
804  /// Cached module namespaces.
805  DenseMap<Operation *, hw::InnerSymbolNamespace> moduleNamespaces;
807  DenseSet<Operation *> visitedModules;
808  /// Map of a reference value to an entry into refSendPathList. Each entry in
809  /// refSendPathList represents the path to RefSend.
810  /// The path is required since there can be multiple paths to the RefSend and
811  /// we need to identify a unique path.
812  DenseMap<Value, size_t> dataflowAt;
814  /// refSendPathList is used to construct a path to the RefSendOp. Each entry
815  /// is an XMRNode, with an InnerRefAttr or indexing op, and a pointer to the
816  /// next node in the path. The InnerRefAttr can be to an InstanceOp or to the
817  /// XMR defining op, the index op records narrowing along path. All the nodes
818  /// representing an InstanceOp or indexing operation must have a valid
819  /// NextNodeOnPath. Only the node representing the final XMR defining op has
820  /// no NextNodeOnPath, which denotes a leaf node on the path.
821  SmallVector<XMRNode> refSendPathList;
823  /// llvm::EquivalenceClasses wants comparable elements. This comparator uses
824  /// uses pointer comparison on the Impl.
826  bool operator()(const Value &lhs, const Value &rhs) const {
827  return lhs.getImpl() < rhs.getImpl();
828  }
829  };
831  llvm::EquivalenceClasses<Value, ValueComparator> *dataFlowClasses;
832  // Instance and module ref ports that needs to be removed.
833  DenseMap<Operation *, llvm::BitVector> refPortsToRemoveMap;
835  /// RefResolve, RefSend, and Connects involving them that will be removed.
836  SmallVector<Operation *> opsToRemove;
838  /// Record the internal path to an external module or a memory.
839  DenseMap<size_t, SmallString<128>> xmrPathSuffix;
843  /// A cache of already created HierPathOps. This is used to avoid repeatedly
844  /// creating the same HierPathOp.
845  DenseMap<Attribute, hw::HierPathOp> pathCache;
847  /// The insertion point where the pass inserts HierPathOps.
848  OpBuilder::InsertPoint pathInsertPoint = {};
849 };
851 std::unique_ptr<mlir::Pass> circt::firrtl::createLowerXMRPass() {
852  return std::make_unique<LowerXMRPass>();
853 }
assert(baseType &&"element must be base type")
static std::vector< mlir::Value > toVector(mlir::ValueRange range)
Builder builder
hw::InnerSymbolNamespace & getModuleNamespace(FModuleLike module)
Get the cached namespace for a module.
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:660
LogicalResult resolveReference(mlir::TypedValue< RefType > refVal, ImplicitLocOpBuilder &builder, FlatSymbolRefAttr &ref, StringAttr &xmrAttr)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:444
DenseMap< Operation *, hw::InnerSymbolNamespace > moduleNamespaces
Cached module namespaces.
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:805
DenseMap< size_t, SmallString< 128 > > xmrPathSuffix
Record the internal path to an external module or a memory.
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:839
InnerRefAttr getInnerRefTo(Value val)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:664
size_t addReachingSendsEntry(Value atRefVal, XMRNode::SymOrIndexOp info, std::optional< size_t > continueFrom=std::nullopt)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:708
hw::HierPathOp getOrCreatePath(ArrayAttr pathArray, ImplicitLocOpBuilder &builder)
Return a HierPathOp for the provided pathArray.
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:768
LogicalResult resolveReferencePath(mlir::TypedValue< RefType > refVal, ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder, mlir::FlatSymbolRefAttr &ref, SmallString< 128 > &stringLeaf)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:374
DenseMap< Value, size_t > dataflowAt
Map of a reference value to an entry into refSendPathList.
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:812
void setPortToRemove(Operation *op, size_t index, size_t numPorts)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:512
llvm::EquivalenceClasses< Value, ValueComparator > * dataFlowClasses
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:831
void markForRemoval(Operation *op)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:682
void garbageCollect()
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:717
LogicalResult handlePublicModuleRefPorts(FModuleOp module)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:605
void getRefABIPrefix(FModuleLike mod, SmallVectorImpl< char > &prefix)
Generate the ABI ref_<module> prefix string into prefix.
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:356
void runOnOperation() override
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:76
DenseMap< Attribute, hw::HierPathOp > pathCache
A cache of already created HierPathOps.
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:845
LogicalResult handleRefResolve(RefResolveOp resolve)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:488
DenseMap< Operation *, llvm::BitVector > refPortsToRemoveMap
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:833
SmallVector< XMRNode > refSendPathList
refSendPathList is used to construct a path to the RefSendOp.
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:821
LogicalResult handleInstanceOp(InstanceOp inst, InstanceGraph &instanceGraph)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:519
LogicalResult handleForceReleaseOp(Operation *op)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:461
DenseSet< Operation * > visitedModules
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:807
InnerRefAttr getInnerRefTo(Operation *op)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:675
StringAttr getRefABIMacroForPort(FModuleLike mod, size_t portIndex, const Twine &prefix, bool backTick=false)
Get full macro name as StringAttr for the specified ref port.
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:368
CircuitNamespace * circuitNamespace
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:841
bool isZeroWidth(FIRRTLBaseType t)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:764
std::optional< size_t > getRemoteRefSend(Value val, bool errorIfNotFound=true)
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:684
SmallVector< Operation * > opsToRemove
RefResolve, RefSend, and Connects involving them that will be removed.
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:836
int32_t getBitWidthOrSentinel()
If this is an IntType, AnalogType, or sugar type for a single bit (Clock, Reset, etc) then return the...
This graph tracks modules and where they are instantiated.
def connect(destination, source)
Direction get(bool isOutput)
Returns an output direction if isOutput is true, otherwise returns an input direction.
Definition: CalyxOps.cpp:54
FieldRef getFieldRefFromValue(Value value, bool lookThroughCasts=false)
Get the FieldRef from a value.
hw::InnerRefAttr getInnerRefTo(const hw::InnerSymTarget &target, GetNamespaceCallback getNamespace)
Obtain an inner reference to the target (operation or port), adding an inner symbol as necessary.
T & operator<<(T &os, FIRVersion version)
Definition: FIRParser.h:116
std::pair< std::string, bool > getFieldName(const FieldRef &fieldRef, bool nameSafe=false)
Get a string identifier representing the FieldRef.
std::unique_ptr< mlir::Pass > createLowerXMRPass()
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:851
std::optional< int64_t > getBitWidth(FIRRTLBaseType type, bool ignoreFlip=false)
IntegerAttr getIntZerosAttr(Type type)
Utility for generating a constant zero attribute.
The InstanceGraph op interface, see for more details.
Definition: DebugAnalysis.h:21
llvm::EquivalenceClasses wants comparable elements.
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:825
bool operator()(const Value &lhs, const Value &rhs) const
Definition: LowerXMR.cpp:826
The namespace of a CircuitOp, generally inhabited by modules.
Definition: Namespace.h:24