Circuit IR Compilers and Tools

Debug Dialect

This dialect provides operations and types to interleave debug information (DI) with other parts of the IR.


The main goal of the debug dialect is to provide a mechanism to track the correspondence between values, types, and hierarchy of a source language and the IR being compiled and transformed. This allows simulators, synthesizers, and other debugging tools to reconstruct a source language view into the processed hardware and allow for easier debugging by humans.

Debug information in CIRCT follows these principles:

  • It is best effort: DI is meant as a tool to aid humans in their debugging effort, not a contractual obligation to retain all source language semantics through the compilation pipeline. We preserve information as well as possible and reasonable, but accept the fact that certain optimizations may cause information to be discarded.

  • It affects the output: Enabling the tracking of DI is expected to block certain optimizations. We undertake an effort to minimize the impact of DI on the output quality, size, simulation speed, or synthesis results, but accept the fact that preserving visibility and observability of source language constructs may prevent certain optimizations from running.


There are two mechanisms in MLIR that lend themselves to conveying debug information:

  • Attributes attached to existing operations. This is similar to LLVM’s approach of tracking DI in the operation’s metadata. Translated to MLIR, an operation’s location would be an obvious choice to do this tracking, since locations are well-preserved by passes and difficult to accidentally drop. MLIR currently does not support custom location attributes, which would require DI attributes to be attached to a FusedLoc as metadata.

  • Operations interleaved with the rest of the IR. This makes DI a first-class citizen, but also causes debug information to potentially intefere with optimizations. For example, debug dialect ops introduce additional uses of values that might have otherwise been deleted by DCE. However, there may be alternative ways to dealing with such situations. For example, Verilog emission may simply ignore operations that are only used by debug ops, therefore achieving the same effect as DCE would have.

The debug dialect uses operations to represent debug info. This decision was based on discussions with various people in the LLVM and MLIR community, where DI was commonly quoted as one of LLVM’s weak points, with its living in metadata space making it more of a second-class citizen rather than a first-class concern. Since we want to represent source language types and constructs as accurately as possible, and we want to track if values are type-lowered, constant-folded, outlined, or adjusted in some other way, using operations seems like a natural choice. MLIR ops already have all the machinery needed to refer to values in the IR, and many passes will already do the right thing with them.

Representing Source Language Constructs 

The dbg.variable op is the key mechanism to establish a mapping between high-level source language values and low-level values in the IR that are transformed by the compiler. Consider the following source language pseudocode:

struct Req {
  data: i42,
  valid: i1,
  ready: &i1,
struct Resp {
  result: i42,
  done: i1,
module Foo {
  parameter Depth: uint;
  const Width: uint = 2**Depth;
  input req: Req;
  output resps: Resp[2];
  let x = req;

A frontend for this language could generate the following debug variables as part of the body of module Foo, in order to track the structs, arrays, parameters, constants, and local bindings present in the source language:

hw.module @Foo_Width12(
  in %req_data: i42,
  in %req_valid: i1,
  out req_ready: i1,
  out resps0_result: i42,
  out resps0_done: i1,
  out resps1_result: i42,
  out resps1_done: i1
) {
  // %req_ready = ...
  // %resps0_result = ...
  // %resps0_done = ...
  // %resps1_result = ...
  // %resps1_done = ...

  // parameter Depth
  %c12_i32 = hw.constant 12 : i32
  dbg.variable "Depth", %c12_i32 : i32

  // const Width
  %c4096_i32 = hw.constant 4096 : i32
  dbg.variable "Width", %c4096_i32 : i32

  // input req: Req
  %0 = dbg.struct {"data": %req_data, "valid": %req_valid, "ready": %req_ready} : i42, i1, i1
  dbg.variable "req", %0 : !dbg.struct

  // output resps: Resp[2]
  %1 = dbg.struct {"result": %resps0_result, "done": %resps0_done} : i42, i1
  %2 = dbg.struct {"result": %resps1_result, "done": %resps1_done} : i42, i1
  %3 = dbg.array [%1, %2] : !dbg.struct, !dbg.struct
  dbg.variable "resps", %3 : !dbg.array

  // let x = req
  dbg.variable "x", %0 : !dbg.struct

  hw.output %req_ready, %resps0_result, %resps0_done, %resps1_result, %resps1_done : i1, i42, i1, i42, i1

Despite the fact that the Req and Resp structs, and Resp[2] array were unrolled and lowered into separate scalar values in the IR, and the ready: &i1 input of Req having been turned into a ready: i1 output, the dbg.variable op accurately tracks how the original source language values can be reconstructed. Note also how monomorphization has turned the Depth parameter and Width into constants in the IR, but the corresponding dbg.variable ops still expose the constant values under the name Depth and Width in the debug info.

Tracking Inlined Modules 

The dbg.scope op can be used to track debug information about inlined modules. By default, operations such as hw.module in conjunction with hw.instance introduce an implicit module scope. All debug operations within a module are added to that implicit scope, unless they have an explicit scope operand. This explicit scope operand can be used to group the DI of an inlined module. Consider the following modules:

hw.module @Foo(in %a: i42) {
  dbg.variable "a", %a : i42
  hw.instance "bar" @Bar(x: %a: i42)
hw.module @Bar(in %x: i42) {
  dbg.variable "x", %x : i42
  %0 = comb.mul %x, %x : i42
  dbg.variable "squared", %0 : i42

If we inline module Bar, we can introduce a dbg.scope operation to represent the original instance, and group all debug variables in Bar under this explicit scope:

hw.module @Foo(in %a: i42) {
  dbg.variable "a", %a : i42
  %0 = dbg.scope "bar", "Bar"
  dbg.variable "x", %a scope %0 : i42
  %1 = comb.mul %a, %a : i42
  dbg.variable "squared", %1 scope %0 : i42

Despite the fact that the instance op no longer exists, the explicit dbg.scope op models the additional levle of hierarchy that used to exist in the input.



The debug dialect does not precisely track the type of struct and array aggregate values. Aggregates simply return the type !dbg.struct and !dbg.array, respectively.

Extracting and emitting the debug information of a piece of IR involves looking through debug ops to find actually emitted values that can be used to reconstruct the source language values. Therefore the actual structure of the debug ops is important, but their return type is not instrumental. The distinction between struct and array types is an arbitrary choice that can be changed easily, either by collapsing them into one aggregate type, or by more precisely listing field/element types and array dimensions if the need arises.


Debug array aggregate

Syntax: !dbg.array

The result of a dbg.array operation.


Debug scope

Syntax: !dbg.scope

The result of a dbg.scope operation.


Debug struct aggregate

Syntax: !dbg.struct

The result of a dbg.struct operation.


dbg.array (circt::debug::ArrayOp) 

Aggregate values into an array

Creates an array aggregate from a list of values. The first operand is placed at array index 0. The last operand is placed at the highest array index. The dbg.array operation allows for array-like source language values to be captured in the debug info. This includes arrays, or in the case of SystemVerilog, packed and unpacked arrays, lists, sequences, queues, FIFOs, channels, and vectors.

See the rationale for examples and details.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait, SameTypeOperands

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


elementsvariadic of any type


resultdebug array aggregate

dbg.scope (circt::debug::ScopeOp) 

Define a scope for debug values


operation ::= `dbg.scope` $instanceName `,` $moduleName (`scope` $scope^)? attr-dict

Creates an additional level of hierarchy in the DI, a “scope”, which can be used to group variables and other scopes.

Operations such as hw.module introduce an implicit scope. All debug operations within a module are added to that implicit scope, unless they have an explicit scope operand. Providing an explicit scope can be used to represent inlined modules.

Scopes in DI do not necessarily have to correspond to levels of a module hierarchy. They can also be used to model things like control flow scopes, call stacks, and other source-language concepts.

The scope operand of any debug dialect operation must be defined locally by a dbg.scope operation. It cannot be a block argument. (This is intended as a temporary restriction, to be lifted in the future.)

Interfaces: InferTypeOpInterface


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
instanceName::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute
moduleName::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


scopedebug scope


resultdebug scope

dbg.struct (circt::debug::StructOp) 

Aggregate values into a struct

Creates a struct aggregate from a list of names and values. The dbg.struct operation allows for struct-like source language values to be captured in the debug info. This includes structs, unions, bidirectional bundles, interfaces, classes, and other similar structures.

See the rationale for examples and details.

Traits: AlwaysSpeculatableImplTrait

Interfaces: ConditionallySpeculatable, InferTypeOpInterface, NoMemoryEffect (MemoryEffectOpInterface)

Effects: MemoryEffects::Effect{}


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
names::mlir::ArrayAttrstring array attribute


fieldsvariadic of any type


resultdebug struct aggregate

dbg.variable (circt::debug::VariableOp) 

A named value to be captured in debug info


operation ::= `dbg.variable` $name `,` $value (`scope` $scope^)? attr-dict `:` type($value)

Marks a value to be tracked in DI under the given name. The dbg.variable operation is useful to represent named values in a source language. For example, ports, constants, parameters, variables, nodes, or name aliases can all be represented as a variable. In combination with dbg.array and dbg.struct, complex aggregate source language values can be described and reconstituted from individual IR values. The dbg.variable operation acts as a tracker that follows the evolution of its assigned value throughout the compiler’s pass pipelines. The debug info analysis uses this op to populate a module’s scope with named source language values, and to establish how these source language values can be reconstituted from the actual IR values present at the end of compilation.

See the rationale for examples and details. See the dbg.scope operation for additional details on how to use the scope operand.


AttributeMLIR TypeDescription
name::mlir::StringAttrstring attribute


valueany type
scopedebug scope