EDA Tool Workarounds
This documents various bugs found in EDA tools and their workarounds in circt. Each but will have a brief description, example code, and the mitigation added (with links to the commit when possible).
Automatic Variables Cause Latch Warnings
Verilator issues a latch warning for fully-initialized, automatic variables. This precludes using locally scoped variables. https://github.com/verilator/verilator/issues/4022
Example ¶
module ALU(
input clock,
input [4:0] operation,
input [63:0] inputs_1,
input [16:0] immediate,
output [63:0] output_0
reg [63:0] casez_tmp_1;
always_comb begin
automatic logic [63:0] lowHigh;
casez (operation)
casez_tmp_1 = inputs_0 & inputs_1;
casez_tmp_1 = inputs_0 | inputs_1;
casez_tmp_1 = inputs_0 ^ inputs_1;
5'b01001: begin
automatic logic [16:0] _aluOutput_T_22 =
immediate >> {14'h0, inputs_2, inputs_1[0], inputs_0[0]};
casez_tmp_1 = {63'h0, _aluOutput_T_22[0]};
casez_tmp_1 = inputs_0;
$ verilator --version
Verilator 5.008 2023-03-04 rev v5.008
$ verilator --lint-only ALU.sv
%Warning-LATCH: ALU.sv:11:3: Latch inferred for signal 'ALU.unnamedblk1.unnamedblk2._aluOutput_T_22' (not all control paths of combinational always assign a value)
: ... Suggest use of always_latch for intentional latches
11 | always_comb begin
| ^~~~~~~~~~~
... For warning description see https://verilator.org/warn/LATCH?v=4.218
... Use "/* verilator lint_off LATCH */" and lint_on around source to disable this message.
%Error: Exiting due to 1 warning(s)
Workaround ¶
Flag added to promote all storage to the top level of a module. https://github.com/llvm/circt/commit/3c8b4b47b600ea6bcc6da56fe9b81d6fe4022e4c
Inline Array calculations can cause synthesis failures
Some tools have bugs (version dependent) in const prop in this case.
Example ¶
module Foo (input clock, input in, output [2:0] out);
reg [2:0] state;
wire [7:0][2:0] array = 24'h4 << 6;
wire [2:0] a = array[state];
wire [2:0] b = array[state + 3'h1 + 3'h1];
// works: array[state + (3'h1 + 3'h1)]
// works: array[state + 3'h2]
always @(posedge clock) state <= in ? a : b;
assign out = b;
Workaround ¶
Flag added to export verilog to force array index calculations to not be inline.
Memory semantics changed by synthesis
Read/Write forwarding behavior is dependent on memory size, since the synthesis tool changes it’s mapping based on that. The “optimized” mapping does not preserve the behavior of the verilog. This is a known issue reported on various forums by multiple people. There are some version dependencies on when this manifests.
Example ¶
module Qux:
input clock: Clock
input addr: UInt<1>
input r: {en: UInt<1>, flip data: {a: UInt<32>, b: UInt<32>}, addr: UInt<1>}
input w: {en: UInt<1>, data: {a: UInt<32>, b: UInt<32>}, addr: UInt<1>, mask: {a: UInt<1>, b: UInt<1>}}
mem m :
data-type => {a: UInt<32>, b: UInt<32>}
depth => 1
reader => r
writer => w
read-latency => 0
write-latency => 1
read-under-write => undefined
m.r.clk <= clock
m.r.en <= r.en
m.r.addr <= r.addr
r.data <= m.r.data
m.w.clk <= clock
m.w.en <= w.en
m.w.addr <= w.addr
m.w.data <= w.data
m.w.mask <= w.mask
Compile with either firtool -repl-seq-mem -repl-seq-mem-file=mem.conf Foo.fir and firrtl -i Foo.fir.
Workaround ¶
FIRRTL memory lowering has a flag to generate attributes on memory implementations that preserve the behavior described in the verilog. This is not a general solution, this bug could impact anyone making memory-looking things. It was decided not to try to reverse engineer the conditions which cause the bug to manifest (since they are version dependent), thus there isn’t a universal fix that can be applied in the generated verilog.
Clock Gates and Enables Not Recognized For Registers
Clock gates in some rtl-based power estimation tools are unable to recognize clock gates and enables if they are not generated as if statements in always blocks. This is a very narrow pattern match with significant implications for the tools lint results and quality of analysis results.
Example ¶
%count = seq.firreg %2 clock %clock sym @count : i2
 %1 = comb.mux %cond, %value, %count : i2  %1 = comb.mux bin %cond, %value, %count : i2
 %2 = comb.mux %reset, %c0_i2, %1 : i2  %2 = comb.mux bin %reset, %c0_i2, %1 : i2
The mux on cond
must become an if
in the output since it forms a self-loop
on the register count
Workaround ¶
Effort at several points in lowering make effort to find self-loops through
register read and write ports and muxes. These are generated as if
in the always block that updates the register.