►C_build | |
CPython.setup.CustomBuild | |
Csetup.CustomBuild | |
►Cesi::AcceleratorConnection | Abstract class representing a connection to an accelerator |
Cesi::backends::cosim::CosimAccelerator | Connect to an ESI simulation |
Cesi::backends::trace::TraceAccelerator | Connect to an ESI simulation |
Cesi::backends::xrt::XrtAccelerator | Connect to an ESI simulation |
Cesiaccel.accelerator.AcceleratorConnection | |
Cesi::AcceleratorServiceThread | Background thread which services various requests |
Ccomb.AddOp | |
Chwarith.AddOp | |
Ccomb.AndOp | |
Ccirct::firrtl::AnnoPathValue | |
Ccirct::firrtl::AnnoRecord | ===-------------------------------------------------------------------—===// LowerAnnotations ===-------------------------------------------------------------------—===// |
►Ccirct::firrtl::AnnoTarget | An annotation target is used to keep track of something that is targeted by an Annotation |
Ccirct::firrtl::OpAnnoTarget | This represents an annotation targeting a specific operation |
Ccirct::firrtl::PortAnnoTarget | This represents an annotation targeting a specific port of a module, memory, or instance |
Ccirct::firrtl::AnnoTargetCache | Cache AnnoTargets for a module's named things |
Ccirct::firrtl::detail::AnnoTargetImpl | |
Ccirct::firrtl::Annotation | This class provides a read-only projection of an annotation |
Ccirct::firrtl::AnnotationSet | This class provides a read-only projection over the MLIR attributes that represent a set of annotations |
►CCLI::App | |
Cesi::CliParser | Common options and code for ESI runtime tools |
Cesi::AppID | |
Ccirct::esi::AppIDIndex | An index for resolving AppIDPaths to dynamic instances |
Ccirct::firrtl::ApplyState | State threaded through functions for resolving and applying annotations |
Ccirct::arc::ArcCostModel | |
►COpAsmParser::Argument | |
Ccirct::hw::module_like_impl::PortParse | |
Chw.ArrayConcatOp | |
Chw.ArrayCreateOp | |
Chw.ArrayGetOp | |
Chw.ArraySliceOp | |
Csv.AssignOp | |
►Cmlir::AttributeStorage | |
Ccirct::smt::detail::BitVectorAttrStorage | |
Ccirct::Backedge | Backedge is a wrapper class around a Value |
Ccirct::BackedgeBuilder | Instantiate one of these and use it to build typed backedges |
Cesi::registry::internal::BackendRegistry | |
►Cmlir::DialectInterface::Base | |
►Ccirct::ReducePatternDialectInterface | A dialect interface to provide reduction patterns to a reducer tool |
Ccirct::arc::ArcReducePatternDialectInterface | A dialect interface to provide reduction patterns to a reducer tool |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRRTLReducePatternDialectInterface | A dialect interface to provide reduction patterns to a reducer tool |
Ccirct::hw::HWReducePatternDialectInterface | A dialect interface to provide reduction patterns to a reducer tool |
Ccirct::arc::RuntimeCostEstimateDialectInterface | A dialect interface to get runtime cost estimates of MLIR operations |
►Ccirct::firrtl::IntrinsicLoweringDialectInterface | A dialect interface to provide lowering conversions |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRRTLIntrinsicLoweringDialectInterface | |
►CBaseBasePath | |
Com.BasePath | |
►CBaseEvaluator | |
Com.Evaluator | |
►CBaseList | |
Com.List | |
►CBaseMap | |
Com.Map | |
►CBaseObject | |
Com.Object | |
►CBaseTuple | |
Com.Tuple | |
►Ccirct::calyx::BasicLoopInterface | |
►Ccirct::calyx::RepeatOpInterface< scf::ForOp > | |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::ScfForOp | |
►Ccirct::calyx::LoopInterface | |
►Ccirct::calyx::WhileOpInterface< LoopSchedulePipelineOp > | |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::PipelineWhileOp | |
►Ccirct::calyx::WhileOpInterface< scf::WhileOp > | |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::ScfWhileOp | |
Ccirct::calyx::WhileOpInterface< T > | |
Ccirct::calyx::RepeatOpInterface< T > | |
Chw.BitcastOp | |
CBlockControlTerm | Holds information about an handshake "basic block terminator" control operation |
Ccirct::pretty::BufferingPP | Buffer tokens for clients that need to adjust things |
Ccirct::esi::BundledChannel | |
Cesi::BundleEngineMap | Since engines can support multiple channels BUT not necessarily all of the channels in a bundle, a mapping from bundle channels to engines is needed |
►Cesi::BundlePort | Services provide connections to 'bundles' – collections of named, unidirectional communication channels |
►Cesi::services::ServicePort | Add a custom interface to a service client at a particular point in the design hierarchy |
Cesi::services::CallService::Callback | A function call which gets attached to a service port |
Cesi::services::FuncService::Function | A function call which gets attached to a service port |
Cesi::services::MMIO::MMIORegion | A "slice" of some parent MMIO space |
►Cesiaccel.types.BundlePort | |
Cesiaccel.types.FunctionPort | |
Cesiaccel.types.MMIORegion | |
►Ccirct::SymbolCacheBase::CacheIteratorImpl | |
Ccirct::SymbolCache::SymbolCacheIteratorImpl | |
Ccirct::hw::HWSymbolCache::HwSymbolCacheIteratorImpl | |
►Cesi::cosim::ChannelServer::CallbackService | |
Cesi::cosim::RpcServer::Impl | |
CCallPrepPrecomputed | Build indexes to make lookups faster. Create the new argument types as well |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::CallScheduleable | |
Ccirct::calyx::CalyxLoweringState | An interface for conversion passes that lower Calyx programs |
Ccirct::sv::CaseInfo | |
►Ccirct::sv::CasePattern | |
Ccirct::sv::CaseBitPattern | |
Ccirct::sv::CaseDefaultPattern | |
Ccirct::sv::CaseEnumPattern | |
Chwarith.CastOp | |
Cesi::ChannelAssignment | Details about how to connect to a particular channel |
►Cesi::ChannelPort | Unidirectional channels are the basic communication primitive between the host and accelerator |
►Cesi::ReadChannelPort | A ChannelPort which reads data from the accelerator |
Cesi::UnknownReadChannelPort | Instantiated when a backend does not know how to create a read channel |
►Cesi::WriteChannelPort | A ChannelPort which sends data to the accelerator |
Cesi::UnknownWriteChannelPort | Instantiated when a backend does not know how to create a write channel |
Cesi.ChannelSignaling | |
►Ccirct::firrtl::impl::CheckCombLoopsBase | |
CCheckCombLoopsPass | This pass constructs a local graph for each module to detect combinational cycles |
►Ccirct::firrtl::impl::CheckLayersBase | |
CCheckLayersPass | |
Ccirct::chirrtl::CHIRRTLVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | CHIRRTLVisitor is a visitor for CHIRRTL operations |
CCirctESIAppIDIndex | |
CCirctESIBundleTypeBundleChannel | |
CCirctMSFTPlacementDB | |
CCirctMSFTPrimitiveDB | |
CCirctMSFTWalkOrder | |
Ccirct::firrtl::InstanceInfo::CircuitAttributes | Information about a circuit |
Ccirct::firrtl::CircuitTargetCache | Cache AnnoTargets for a circuit's modules, walked as needed |
Ccirct::firrtl::ClassElement | |
Ccirct::firrtl::Annotation::ClassIsa | Helper struct to perform variadic class equality check |
Ccirct::comb::CombinationalVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | This helps visit Combinational nodes |
►Ccomb::CombinationalVisitor | |
CEmittedExpressionStateManager | This class handles information about AST structures of each expressions |
CCompileControlVisitor | |
►Ccirct::calyx::ComponentLoweringStateInterface | |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::ComponentLoweringState | Handles the current state of lowering of a Calyx component |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::ComponentLoweringState | Handles the current state of lowering of a Calyx component |
Cseq.CompRegClockEnabledOp | |
Cseq.CompRegLike | |
Cseq.CompRegOp | |
Ccomb.ConcatOp | |
Cesi::Constant | |
Chw.ConstantOp | |
Chwarith.ConstantOp | |
Ccirct::firrtl::ContainAliasableTypes< head, tail > | A struct to check if there is a type derived from FIRRTLBaseType |
Ccirct::firrtl::ContainAliasableTypes< BaseTy > | |
Ccirct::ImportVerilog::Context | A helper class to facilitate the conversion from a Slang AST to MLIR operations |
Cesi::Context | AcceleratorConnections, Accelerators, and Manifests must all share a context |
►Cmlir::ConversionPattern | |
Ccirct::TypeConversionPattern | Generic pattern which replaces an operation by one of the same operation name, but with converted attributes, operands, and result types to eliminate illegal types |
Ccirct::HWArithToHWTypeConverter::ConvertedType | |
Ccirct::analysis::CyclicSchedulingAnalysis | CyclicSchedulingAnalysis constructs a CyclicProblem for each AffineForOp by performing a memory dependence analysis and inserting dependences into the problem |
Ccirct::DebugAnalysis | Identify operations and values that are only used for debug info |
Ccirct::DebugInfo | Debug information attached to an operation and the operations nested within |
Ccirct::detail::DebugInfoBuilder | Helper to populate a DebugInfo with nodes |
Cmsft.DeclPhysicalRegionOp | |
►Ccirct::firrtl::DeclVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | ExprVisitor is a visitor for FIRRTL declaration nodes |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRRTLVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | FIRRTLVisitor allows you to visit all of the expr/stmt/decls with one class declaration |
Ccirct::firrtl::DeclVisitor< ConcreteType, void, ExtraArgs... > | |
CDeduper | |
Ccirct::ssp::Default< ProblemT > | Dummy struct to query a problem's default properties (i.e |
Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::ChainingCyclicProblem > | |
Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::ChainingProblem > | |
Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::CyclicProblem > | |
Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::ModuloProblem > | |
Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::Problem > | |
Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::SharedOperatorsProblem > | |
►CDefaultDoCastIfPossible | |
Cllvm::CastInfo< To, From, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v<::circt::firrtl::AnnoTarget, From > > > | Add support for llvm style casts to AnnoTarget |
►Cllvm::DefaultDOTGraphTraits | |
Cllvm::DOTGraphTraits< circt::hw::HWModuleOp > | |
►Cllvm::DOTGraphTraits< circt::igraph::InstanceGraph * > | |
Cllvm::DOTGraphTraits< circt::firrtl::InstanceGraph * > | |
Cllvm::DOTGraphTraits< circt::hw::InstanceGraph * > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< T, Enable > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< bool > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::FieldRef > | Allow using FieldRef with DenseMaps |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::FirMemConfig > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::firrtl::AnnoTarget > | Make AnnoTarget hash |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::firrtl::Annotation > | Make Annotation hash just like Attribute |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::firrtl::FIRRTLType > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::firrtl::FModuleOp > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::FVInt, void > | Provide DenseMapInfo for FVInt |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< Dependence > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< DriveCondition > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< JValue > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< Key > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< LabelValue > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< ModuleInfo > | A DenseMapInfo implementation for ModuleInfo that is a pair of llvm::SHA256 hashes, which are represented as std::array<uint8_t, 32>, and an array of string attributes |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< ModuleSummaryPass::KeyTy > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< ResetSignal > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< slang::BufferID > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< SmallVector< Value > > | |
Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< std::pair< Value, SmallVector< int64_t, 4 > > > | |
Ccirct::scheduling::detail::Dependence | A wrapper class to uniformly handle def-use and auxiliary dependence edges |
►Cmlir::DialectInterfaceCollection | |
Ccirct::ReducePatternInterfaceCollection | |
Ccirct::firrtl::IntrinsicLoweringInterfaceCollection | |
Ccirct::rtg::DictEntry | Defines an entry in an !rtg.dict |
Ccirct::DIInstance | |
Ccirct::DIModule | |
CDiscoverLoops | |
Ccirct::DIVariable | |
Chwarith.DivOp | |
Ccomb.DivSOp | |
Ccomb.DivUOp | |
CDPICallLowering | |
Cmsft.DynamicInstanceOp | |
CPython.support.BackedgeBuilder.Edge | |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::EmissionPatternSet< PatternTy > | This class collects a set of emission patterns with base type 'PatternTy' |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::EmissionPrinter | This is intended to be the driving class for all pattern-based IR emission |
Ccirct::debug::EmitHGLDDOptions | Options for HGLDD emission |
CEmittedExpressionState | |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
►Ccirct::om::evaluator::EvaluatorValue | Base class for evaluator runtime values |
Ccirct::om::evaluator::AttributeValue | Values which can be directly representable by MLIR attributes |
Ccirct::om::evaluator::BasePathValue | A Basepath value |
Ccirct::om::evaluator::ListValue | A List which contains variadic length of elements with the same type |
Ccirct::om::evaluator::MapValue | A Map value |
Ccirct::om::evaluator::ObjectValue | A composite Object, which has a type and fields |
Ccirct::om::evaluator::PathValue | A Path value |
Ccirct::om::evaluator::ReferenceValue | Values which can be used as pointers to different values |
Ccirct::om::evaluator::TupleValue | Tuple values |
►Cesi::Engine | Engines implement the actual channel communication between the host and the accelerator |
Cesi::backends::cosim::CosimEngine | Implement the magic cosim channel communication |
CEquivalence | This class is for reporting differences between two modules which should have been deduplicated |
Cesi.ESIPureModuleOp | |
►Cesiaccel.types.ESIType | |
Cesiaccel.types.ArrayType | |
Cesiaccel.types.BitsType | |
►Cesiaccel.types.IntType | |
Cesiaccel.types.SIntType | |
Cesiaccel.types.UIntType | |
Cesiaccel.types.StructType | |
Cesiaccel.types.VoidType | |
Ccirct::om::Evaluator | An Evaluator, which is constructed with an IR module and can instantiate Objects |
►Ccirct::firrtl::ExprVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | ExprVisitor is a visitor for FIRRTL expression nodes |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRRTLVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | FIRRTLVisitor allows you to visit all of the expr/stmt/decls with one class declaration |
Ccirct::firrtl::ExprVisitor< ConcreteType, void, ExtraArgs... > | |
Ccomb.ExtractOp | |
►Cstd::false_type | |
CHasParameters< Properties, typename > | |
Ccirct::calyx::ComponentLoweringStateInterface::IsFloatingPoint< T, typename > | |
Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< DescribedSignal, Context >::Field | A one-to-one representation with a YAML representation of a signal/field |
Ccirct::hw::detail::FieldInfo | Struct defining a field. Used in structs |
Ccirct::ExportVerilog::FieldNameResolver | |
Cmlir::FieldParser<::BundledChannel, ::BundledChannel > | |
Ccirct::FieldRef | This class represents a reference to a specific field or element of an aggregate value |
Ccirct::firrtl::FieldRefCache | Caching version of getFieldRefFromValue |
Ccirct::firrtl::FieldSource | To use this class, retrieve a cached copy from the analysis manager: auto &fieldsource = getAnalysis<FieldSource>(getOperation()); |
CFileEmitter | |
Ccirct::ExportVerilog::FileInfo | Information to control the emission of a list of operations into a file |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRLexer | This implements a lexer for .fir files |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRLexerCursor | This is the state captured for a lexer cursor |
Ccirct::FirMemConfig | The configuration of a FIR memory |
Ccirct::FirMemLowering | FIR memory lowering helper |
Ccirct::firrtl::FirMemory | |
Ccirct::seq::FirMemory | Helper structure carrying information about FIR memory generated ops |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRParserOptions | |
Ccirct::FirRegLowering | Lower FirRegOp to sv.reg and sv.always |
CFIRRTLBundleField | Describes a field in a bundle type |
CFIRRTLClassElement | Describes an element in a class type |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRToken | This represents a specific token for .fir files |
Ccirct::firtool::FirtoolOptions | Set of options used to control the behavior of the firtool pipeline |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRVersion | The FIRRTL specification version |
Ccirct::pretty::PrettyPrinter::FormattedToken | Format token with tracked size |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::ForScheduleable | |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::FrozenEmissionPatternSet< PatternTy, KeyTy > | This class intends to collect a set of emission patterns in a way to provide fast lookups, but does not allow to add more patterns after construction |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::FrozenEmissionPatternSet< AttrEmissionPatternBase, TypeID > | |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::FrozenEmissionPatternSet< OpEmissionPatternBase, OperationName > | |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::FrozenEmissionPatternSet< TypeEmissionPatternBase, TypeID > | |
Chandshake.FuncOp | |
Ccirct::ImportVerilog::FunctionLowering | Function lowering information |
CFunctionRewrite | A struct for maintaining function declarations which needs to be rewritten, if they contain memref arguments that was flattened |
Ccirct::FVInt | Four-valued arbitrary precision integers |
►Cesiaccel.codegen.Generator | |
Cesiaccel.codegen.CppGenerator | |
Ccirct::firrtl::GenericIntrinsic | Helper class for checking and extracting information from the generic instrinsic op |
Ccirct::ExportVerilog::GlobalNameResolver | This class keeps track of modules and interfaces that need to be renamed, as well as module ports, parameters, declarations and verif labels that need to be renamed |
Ccirct::ExportVerilog::GlobalNameTable | This class keeps track of global names at the module/interface level |
►Cllvm::GraphTraits< circt::hw::detail::HWOperation * > | |
Cllvm::GraphTraits< circt::hw::HWModuleOp > | |
►Cllvm::GraphTraits< circt::igraph::InstanceGraphNode * > | |
►Cllvm::GraphTraits< circt::igraph::InstanceGraph * > | |
Cllvm::GraphTraits< circt::firrtl::InstanceGraph * > | |
Cllvm::GraphTraits< circt::hw::InstanceGraph * > | |
Cllvm::GraphTraits< llvm::Inverse< circt::igraph::InstanceGraphNode * > > | |
Ccirct::handshake::HandshakeLowering | |
Ccirct::handshake::HandshakeVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | HandshakeVisitor is a visitor for handshake nodes |
CHashTableStack< KeyT, ValueT > | This is a stack of hashtables, if lookup fails in the top-most hashtable, it will attempt to lookup in lower hashtables |
Cmlir::OpTrait::HasParentInterface< InterfaceType > | |
Ccirct::firrtl::HierPathCache | A cache of existing HierPathOps, mostly used to facilitate HierPathOp reuse |
Ccirct::ImportVerilog::HierPathInfo | Hierarchical path information |
►Cesi::services::HostMem::HostMemRegion | RAII memory region for host memory |
CTraceHostMem::TraceHostMemRegion | |
Cesi::HWClientDetail | A description of a hardware client |
►Ccirct::sv::impl::HWExportModuleHierarchyBase | |
CHWExportModuleHierarchyPass | |
►Cesi::HWModule | Represents either the top level or an instance of a hardware module |
Cesi::Accelerator | Top level accelerator class |
Cesi::Instance | Subclass of HWModule which represents a submodule instance |
►Cesiaccel.accelerator.HWModule | |
Cesiaccel.accelerator.Accelerator | |
Cesiaccel.accelerator.Instance | |
Chw.HWModuleExternOp | |
Chw.HWModuleOp | |
CHWModulePort | |
Ccirct::hw::HWModulePortAccessor | |
CHWStructFieldInfo | |
Ccirct::HWToLLVMEndianessConverter | |
Chwarith.ICmpOp | |
Csv.IfDefOp | |
►Ccirct::scftocalyx::IfLoweringStateInterface | |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::ComponentLoweringState | Handles the current state of lowering of a Calyx component |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::IfScheduleable | |
►Cllvm::ilist_node | |
Ccirct::igraph::InstanceGraphNode | This is a Node in the InstanceGraph |
►Cllvm::ilist_node_with_parent | |
Ccirct::igraph::InstanceRecord | This is an edge in the InstanceGraph |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::FrozenEmissionPatternSet< PatternTy, KeyTy >::Impl | The internal implementation of the frozen pattern set |
Ccirct::lsp::VerilogServer::Impl | |
Cesi::AcceleratorServiceThread::Impl | |
Cesi::backends::trace::TraceAccelerator::Impl | |
Cesi::backends::xrt::XrtAccelerator::Impl | |
CLocationEmitter::Impl | |
CManifest::Impl | |
Ccirct::ImportVerilogOptions | Options that control how Verilog input files are parsed and processed |
►Cllvm::indexed_accessor_iterator | |
Ccirct::firrtl::AnnotationSetIterator | |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::InlineEmitter | This class is returned to a pattern that requested inlined emission of a value |
Ccirct::hw::InnerRefNamespace | This class represents the namespace in which InnerRef's can be resolved |
Ccirct::hw::InnerRefNamespaceLike | Classify operations that are InnerRefNamespace-like, until structure is in place to do this via Traits |
►Ccirct::firrtl::impl::InnerSymbolDCEBase | |
CInnerSymbolDCEPass | |
Ccirct::hw::InnerSymbolNamespaceCollection | |
Ccirct::hw::InnerSymbolTable | A table of inner symbols and their resolutions |
Ccirct::hw::InnerSymbolTableCollection | This class represents a collection of InnerSymbolTable's |
Ccirct::hw::InnerSymTarget | The target of an inner symbol, the entity the symbol is a handle for |
Ccirct::calyx::PredicateInfo::InputPorts | |
Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< DescribedInstance, Context >::Instance | A YAML-serializable representation of an interface instantiation |
►Ccirct::igraph::InstanceGraph | This graph tracks modules and where they are instantiated |
Ccirct::firrtl::InstanceGraph | This graph tracks modules and where they are instantiated |
Ccirct::hw::InstanceGraph | HW-specific instance graph with a virtual entry node linking to all publicly visible modules |
Cmsft.InstanceHierarchyOp | |
Ccirct::firrtl::InstanceInfo | |
Ccirct::igraph::InstancePath | An instance path composed of a series of instances |
Ccirct::igraph::InstancePathCache | A data structure that caches and provides absolute paths to module instances in the IR |
Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< sv::InterfaceOp, Context >::Interface | A YAML-serializable representation of an interface |
►Ccirct::firrtl::IntrinsicConverter | Base class for Intrinsic Converters |
Ccirct::firrtl::IntrinsicOpConverter< OpTy > | |
Ccirct::firrtl::IntrinsicLowerings | Lowering helper which collects all intrinsic converters |
►Cstd::is_same | |
Ccirct::calyx::ComponentLoweringStateInterface::IsFloatingPoint< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().getFloatingPointStandard())> > | |
Ccirct::hw::HWSymbolCache::Item | |
CHashTableStack< KeyT, ValueT >::Iterator | |
►Cllvm::iterator_facade_base | |
Ccirct::SymbolCacheBase::Iterator | |
Ccirct::igraph::InstanceGraphNode::UseIterator | Iterator for module uses |
Ccirct::scheduling::detail::DependenceIterator | An iterator to transparently surface an operation's def-use dependences from the SSA subgraph (induced by the registered operations), as well as auxiliary, operation-to-operation dependences explicitly provided by the client |
Ccirct::firrtl::InstanceInfo::LatticeValue | A lattice value to record the value of a property |
Ccirct::firrtl::LegacyWiringProblem | A representation of a legacy Wiring problem consisting of a signal source that should be connected to one or many sinks |
Ccirct::ExportVerilog::OpLocMap::LineColPair | |
►Ccirct::pretty::PrettyPrinter::Listener | Listener to Token storage events |
►Ccirct::pretty::TokenStringSaver | PrettyPrinter::Listener that saves strings while live |
Ccirct::pretty::PrintEventAndStorageListener< CallableType, DataType > | |
Ccirct::pretty::PrintEventAndStorageListener< CallableTy, DataTy > | Note: Callable class must implement a callable with signature: void (Data) |
CLocationEmitter | |
Ccirct::ExportVerilog::OpLocMap::LocationRange | |
CFIRParser::LocWithInfo | This helper class is used to handle Info records, which specify higher level symbolic source location, that may be missing from the file |
►Cesi::Logger | |
Cesi::NullLogger | A logger that does nothing |
►Cesi::TSLogger | A thread-safe logger which calls functions implemented by subclasses |
Cesi::ConsoleLogger | A logger that writes to the console. Includes color support |
Cesi::StreamLogger | A logger that writes to a C++ std::ostream |
Ccirct::ImportVerilog::LoopFrame | Information about a loops continuation and exit blocks relevant while lowering the loop's body statements |
Ccirct::calyx::LoopLoweringStateInterface< Loop > | |
►Ccirct::calyx::LoopLoweringStateInterface< PipelineWhileOp > | |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::ComponentLoweringState | Handles the current state of lowering of a Calyx component |
►Ccirct::calyx::LoopLoweringStateInterface< ScfForOp > | |
►Ccirct::scftocalyx::ForLoopLoweringStateInterface | |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::ComponentLoweringState | Handles the current state of lowering of a Calyx component |
►Ccirct::calyx::LoopLoweringStateInterface< ScfWhileOp > | |
►Ccirct::scftocalyx::WhileLoopLoweringStateInterface | |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::ComponentLoweringState | Handles the current state of lowering of a Calyx component |
►Ccirct::impl::LoopScheduleToCalyxBase | |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::LoopScheduleToCalyxPass | |
CLowerDPIFunc | |
Ccirct::LoweringOptions | Options which control the emission from CIRCT to Verilog |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::LoopScheduleToCalyxPass::LoweringPattern | |
►Ccirct::firrtl::impl::LowerLayersBase | |
CLowerLayersPass | |
►Cimpl::LowerSeqToSVBase | |
Ccirct::SeqToSVPass | |
►Ccirct::firrtl::impl::LowerXMRBase | |
CLowerXMRPass | |
Cfsm.MachineOp | |
Cesi::Manifest | Class to parse a manifest |
►Cllvm::mapped_iterator | |
Ccirct::igraph::detail::AddressIterator< It > | This just maps a iterator of references to an iterator of addresses |
Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< DescribedInstance, Context > | Conversion from a DescribedInstance to YAML |
Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< DescribedSignal, Context > | Conversion from a DescribedSignal to YAML |
Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< sv::InterfaceOp, Context > | Conversion from an sv::InterfaceOp to YAML |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::MatchResult | This class allows a pattern's match function for inlining to pass its result's precedence to the pattern that requested the expression |
Ccirct::handshake::MemLoadInterface | |
Ccirct::analysis::MemoryDependence | MemoryDependence captures a dependence from one memory operation to another |
Ccirct::analysis::MemoryDependenceAnalysis | MemoryDependenceAnalysis traverses any AffineForOps in the FuncOp body and checks for affine memory access dependences |
Ccirct::calyx::MemoryInterface | |
Ccirct::calyx::MemoryPortsImpl | |
Ccirct::handshake::MemStoreInterface | |
Ccirct::handshake::HandshakeLowering::MergeOpInfo | |
Cesi::MessageData | A logical chunk of data representing serialized data |
Ccirct::arc::ModelInfo | Gathers information about a given Arc model |
Ccomb.ModSOp | |
CAppIDIndex::ModuleAppIDs | Helper class constructed on a per-HWModuleLike basis |
Ccirct::firrtl::InstanceInfo::ModuleAttributes | Information about a module |
CEquivalence::ModuleData | |
Cesi::ModuleInfo | |
CModuleInfo | |
Chw.ModuleLike | |
Ccirct::ImportVerilog::ModuleLowering | Module lowering information |
Ccirct::firrtl::ModuleModifications | A store of pending modifications to a FIRRTL module associated with solving one or more WiringProblems |
►Ccirct::hw::ModulePort | |
Ccirct::hw::PortInfo | This holds the name, type, direction of a module's ports |
Ccirct::hw::ModulePortInfo | This holds a decoded list of input/inout and output ports for a module or instance |
Ccirct::hw::ModulePortLookupInfo | |
CModuleSizeCache | Utility to track the transitive size of modules |
Ccomb.ModUOp | |
Ccomb.MulOp | |
Chwarith.MulOp | |
Ccomb.MuxOp | |
Ccirct::ExportVerilog::NameCollisionResolver | |
CPython.support.NamedValueOpView | |
►Csupport.NamedValueOpView | |
Chw.InstanceBuilder | |
►Ccirct::Namespace | A namespace that is used to store existing names and generate new names in some scope within the IR |
Ccirct::firrtl::CircuitNamespace | The namespace of a CircuitOp , generally inhabited by modules |
Ccirct::hw::InnerSymbolNamespace | |
CNLARemover | A tracker for track NLAs affected by a reduction |
Ccirct::firrtl::NLATable | This table tracks nlas and what modules participate in them |
►CNullableValueCastFailed | |
Cllvm::CastInfo< To, From, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v<::circt::firrtl::AnnoTarget, From > > > | Add support for llvm style casts to AnnoTarget |
Ccirct::hw::detail::OffsetFieldInfo | Struct defining a field with an offset. Used in unions |
COMEvaluator | A value type for use in C APIs that just wraps a pointer to an Evaluator |
COMEvaluatorValue | A value type for use in C APIs that just wraps a pointer to an Object |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< SourceOp > | |
Ccirct::esi::detail::RemoveOpLowering< OpTy > | Generic pattern for removing an op during pattern conversion |
Ccirct::msft::RemoveOpLowering< OpTy > | Generic pattern for removing an op during pattern conversion |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< AffineLoadOp > | |
CAffineLoadLowering | Apply the affine map from an 'affine.load' operation to its operands, and feed the results to a newly created 'memref.load' operation (which replaces the original 'affine.load') |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< AffineStoreOp > | |
CAffineStoreLowering | Apply the affine map from an 'affine.store' operation to its operands, and feed the results to a newly created 'memref.store' operation (which replaces the original 'affine.store') |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< BoolConstantOp > | |
CBoolConstantOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< calyx::AssignOp > | |
CConvertAssignOp | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< ClassFieldsOp > | |
CClassFieldsOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< ComponentOp > | |
CConvertComponentOp | ConversionPatterns |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< ControlOp > | |
CConvertControlOp | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< DoubleConstantOp > | |
CDoubleConstantOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< FIntegerConstantOp > | |
CFIntegerConstantOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::IntegerAddOp > | |
CIntegerAddOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::IntegerMulOp > | |
CIntegerMulOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::IntegerShlOp > | |
CIntegerShlOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::IntegerShrOp > | |
CIntegerShrOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::ListConcatOp > | |
CListConcatOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::ListCreateOp > | |
CListCreateOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::ObjectSubfieldOp > | |
CObjectSubfieldOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::PathOp > | |
CPathOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< IfOp > | |
CIfOpHoisting | Helper to hoist computation out of scf::IfOp branches, turning it into a mux-like operation, and exposing potentially concurrent execution of its branches |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< ObjectAnyRefCastOp > | |
CAnyCastOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< ObjectFieldOp > | |
CObjectFieldOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< om::ClassExternOp > | |
CClassExternOpSignatureConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< om::ClassOp > | |
CClassOpSignatureConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< om::ObjectOp > | |
CObjectOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< OpTy > | |
Ccirct::TypeOpConversionPattern< OpTy > | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< scf::IndexSwitchOp > | |
CSwitchToIfConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< StringConstantOp > | |
CStringConstantOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< WireOp > | |
CWireOpConversion | |
►Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< WiresOp > | |
CConvertWiresOp | |
Ccirct::analysis::OpCountAnalysis | |
Ccirct::arc::OperationCosts | |
Cmlir::OperationPass< T > | |
Ccirct::ExportVerilog::OpFileInfo | Information to control the emission of a single operation into a file |
►COpInterfaceConversionPattern | |
CConvertCellOp | |
►Cmlir::OpInterfaceRewritePattern | |
►Ccirct::calyx::PartialLoweringPattern< calyx::GroupInterface, mlir::OpInterfaceRewritePattern > | |
Ccirct::calyx::InlineCombGroups | This pass recursively inlines use-def chains of combinational logic (from non-stateful groups) into groups referenced in the control schedule |
Ccirct::ExportVerilog::OpLocMap | Track the output verilog line,column number information for every op |
CPython.support.OpOperand | |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< SourceOp > | |
Ccirct::dc::EliminateBranchToSelectPattern | |
Ccirct::dc::EliminateForkOfSourcePattern | |
Ccirct::dc::EliminateForkToForkPattern | |
Ccirct::dc::EliminateRedundantUnpackPattern | |
Ccirct::dc::JoinOnBranchPattern | |
Ccirct::dc::RemoveDuplicateJoinOperandsPattern | |
Ccirct::dc::RemoveJoinOnSourcePattern | |
Ccirct::dc::StaggeredJoinCanonicalization | |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::InlineExecuteRegionOpPattern | Inlines Calyx ExecuteRegionOp operations within their parent blocks |
►COpRewritePattern | |
►Ccirct::calyx::PartialLoweringPattern< mlir::func::FuncOp > | |
►Ccirct::calyx::FuncOpPartialLoweringPattern | FuncOpPartialLoweringPatterns are patterns which intend to match on FuncOps and then perform their own walking of the IR |
Ccirct::calyx::BuildBasicBlockRegs | Builds registers for each block argument in the program |
Ccirct::calyx::BuildCallInstance | Builds instance for the calyx.invoke and calyx.group in order to initialize the instance |
Ccirct::calyx::BuildReturnRegs | Builds registers for the return statement of the program and constant assignments to the component return value |
Ccirct::calyx::ConvertIndexTypes | Converts all index-typed operations and values to i32 values |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::BuildControl | Builds a control schedule by traversing the CFG of the function and associating this with the previously created groups |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::BuildOpGroups | Iterate through the operations of a source function and instantiate components or primitives based on the type of the operations |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::BuildPipelineGroups | Builds groups for assigning registers for pipeline stages |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::BuildPipelineRegs | Builds registers for each pipeline stage in the program |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::BuildWhileGroups | In BuildWhileGroups, a register is created for each iteration argumenet of the while op |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::CleanupFuncOps | Erases FuncOp operations |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::FuncOpConversion | Creates a new Calyx component for each FuncOp in the program |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::LateSSAReplacement | LateSSAReplacement contains various functions for replacing SSA values that were not replaced during op construction |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::BuildControl | Builds a control schedule by traversing the CFG of the function and associating this with the previously created groups |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::BuildForGroups | In BuildForGroups, a register is created for the iteration argument of the for op |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::BuildIfGroups | |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::BuildOpGroups | Iterate through the operations of a source function and instantiate components or primitives based on the type of the operations |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::BuildWhileGroups | In BuildWhileGroups, a register is created for each iteration argumenet of the while op |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::CleanupFuncOps | Erases FuncOp operations |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::FuncOpConversion | Creates a new Calyx component for each FuncOp in the program |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::LateSSAReplacement | LateSSAReplacement contains various functions for replacing SSA values that were not replaced during op construction |
►Ccirct::calyx::PartialLoweringPattern< calyx::AssignOp > | |
Ccirct::calyx::RewriteMemoryAccesses | This pass rewrites memory accesses that have a width mismatch |
Ccirct::calyx::PartialLoweringPattern< OpType, RewritePatternType > | Base class for partial lowering passes |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< calyx::CombGroupOp > | |
Ccirct::calyx::EliminateUnusedCombGroups | Removes calyx::CombGroupOps which are unused |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< calyx::GroupDoneOp > | |
Ccirct::calyx::NonTerminatingGroupDonePattern | GroupDoneOp's are terminator operations and should therefore be the last operator in a group |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< calyx::GroupOp > | |
Ccirct::calyx::MultipleGroupDonePattern | When building groups which contain accesses to multiple sequential components, a group_done op is created for each of these |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< calyx::ParOp > | |
Ccirct::calyx::DeduplicateParallelOp | Removes duplicate EnableOps in parallel operations |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< calyx::StaticParOp > | |
Ccirct::calyx::DeduplicateStaticParallelOp | Removes duplicate EnableOps in static parallel operations |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< CtrlOp > | |
CCollapseUnaryControl< CtrlOp > | This pattern collapses a calyx.seq or calyx.par operation when it contains exactly one calyx.enable operation |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< ForkOp > | |
Ccirct::dc::EliminateUnusedForkResultsPattern | |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< func::ReturnOp > | |
CBankReturnPattern | |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< IfOp > | |
CEmptyIfBody | This pattern checks for one of two cases that will lead to IfOp deletion: (1) Then and Else bodies are both empty |
Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< JoinOp > | |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< mlir::affine::AffineLoadOp > | |
CBankAffineLoadPattern | |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< mlir::affine::AffineStoreOp > | |
CBankAffineStorePattern | |
Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< scf::ExecuteRegionOp > | |
Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< SelectOp > | |
►Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< StaticIfOp > | |
CEmptyStaticIfBody | This pattern checks for one of two cases that will lead to StaticIfOp deletion: (1) Then and Else bodies are both empty |
Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< UnpackOp > | |
►Cllvm::cl::opt | |
Ccirct::LoweringOptionsOption | |
Cesi::services::HostMem::Options | Options for allocating host memory |
Ccirct::OpUserInfo | |
Ccomb.OrOp | |
Cfsm.OutputOp | |
Ccirct::firrtl::OwningModuleCache | This implements an analysis to determine which module owns a given path operation |
Cmlir::OwningOpRef< OpTy > | |
Ccomb.ParityOp | |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::ParScheduleable | |
►Cllvm::cl::parser | |
Ccirct::LoweringOptionsParser | Commandline parser for LoweringOptions |
►Cmlir::PassInstrumentation | |
Ccirct::VerbosePassInstrumentation< LoggedOpTypes > | |
Ccirct::om::PathElement | A module name, and the name of an instance inside that module |
Ccirct::firrtl::FieldSource::PathNode | |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::PatternBase | This is indented to be the base class for all emission patterns |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::AttrEmissionPatternBase | This is intended to be the base class for all emission patterns matching on attributes |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::AttrEmissionPattern< A > | This is a convenience class providing default implementations for attribute emission patterns |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::OpEmissionPatternBase | This is intended to be the base class for all emission patterns matching on operations |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::OpEmissionPattern< VariableOp > | |
CVariableEmitter | Emit a systemc.cpp.variable operation |
CVariableEmitter | Emit a systemc.cpp.variable operation |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::OpEmissionPattern< AssignOp > | |
CAssignEmitter | Emit a systemc.cpp.assign operation |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::OpEmissionPattern< BindPortOp > | |
CBindPortEmitter | Emit a systemc.instance.bind_port operation using the operator() rather than .bind() variant |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::OpEmissionPattern< CallOp > | |
CCallEmitter | Emit a systemc.cpp.call operation |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::OpEmissionPattern< CallIndirectOp > | |
CCallIndirectEmitter | Emit a systemc.cpp.call_indirect operation |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::OpEmissionPattern< FuncOp > | |
CFuncEmitter | Emit a systemc.cpp.func function |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::OpEmissionPattern< MemberAccessOp > | |
CMemberAccessEmitter | Emit a systemc.cpp.member_access operation |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::OpEmissionPattern< ReturnOp > | |
CReturnEmitter | Emit a systemc.cpp.return operation |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::OpEmissionPattern< Op > | This is a convenience class providing default implementations for operation emission patterns |
►Ccirct::ExportSystemC::TypeEmissionPatternBase | This is intended to be the base class for all emission patterns matching on types |
Ccirct::ExportSystemC::TypeEmissionPattern< Ty > | This is a convenience class providing default implementations for type emission patterns |
Cmsft.PDPhysLocationOp | |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::PipelineScheduleable | |
Ccirct::msft::PlacementDB::PlacementCell | A memory slot |
Ccirct::msft::PlacementDB | A data structure to contain both the locations of the primitives on the device and instance assignments to said primitives locations, aka placements |
CPlacementDB | |
Ccirct::esi::Platform | This should eventually become a set of functions to define the various platform-specific lowerings |
CPlusArgsTestLowering | |
CPlusArgsValueLowering | |
►CPointerLikeTypeTraits | |
Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< circt::firrtl::Annotation > | Make Annotation behave like a Attribute in terms of pointer-likeness |
Cllvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits< mlir::ArrayAttr > | |
Cpybind11::polymorphic_type_hook< ChannelPort > | Pybind11 needs a little help downcasting with non-bound instances |
Cpybind11::polymorphic_type_hook< Service > | |
►Cesiaccel.types.Port | |
Cesiaccel.types.ReadPort | |
Cesiaccel.types.WritePort | |
Ccirct::hw::PortConversion | Base class for the port conversion of a particular port |
Ccirct::hw::PortConversionBuilder | |
►Ccirct::hw::PortConverterImpl | |
Ccirct::hw::PortConverter< PortConversionBuilderImpl > | |
Ccirct::calyx::PortInfo | This holds information about the port for either a Component or Cell |
Ccirct::firrtl::PortInfo | This holds the name and type that describes the module's ports |
Ccirct::systemc::detail::PortInfo | A struct containing minimal information for a systemc module port |
Ccirct::ImportVerilog::PortLowering | Port lowering information |
Ccirct::pretty::PPExtString | String wrapper to indicate string has external storage |
Ccirct::pretty::PPSaveString | String wrapper to indicate string needs to be saved |
Ccirct::calyx::PredicateInfo | Predicate information for the floating point comparisons |
Ccirct::pretty::PrettyPrinter | |
Ccirct::msft::PrimitiveDB | A data structure to contain locations of the primitives on the device |
CPrimitiveDB | |
Ccirct::pretty::PrettyPrinter::PrintEntry | Printing information for active scope, stored in printStack |
►Ccirct::scheduling::Problem | This class models the most basic scheduling problem |
►Ccirct::scheduling::ChainingProblem | This class models the accumulation of physical propagation delays on combinational paths along SSA dependences |
Ccirct::scheduling::ChainingCyclicProblem | This class models the accumulation of physical propagation delays on combinational paths along SSA dependences on a cyclic scheduling problem |
►Ccirct::scheduling::CyclicProblem | This class models a cyclic scheduling problem |
Ccirct::scheduling::ChainingCyclicProblem | This class models the accumulation of physical propagation delays on combinational paths along SSA dependences on a cyclic scheduling problem |
Ccirct::scheduling::ModuloProblem | This class models the modulo scheduling problem as the composition of the cyclic problem and the resource-constrained problem with fully-pipelined shared operators |
►Ccirct::scheduling::SharedOperatorsProblem | This class models a resource-constrained scheduling problem |
Ccirct::scheduling::ModuloProblem | This class models the modulo scheduling problem as the composition of the cyclic problem and the resource-constrained problem with fully-pipelined shared operators |
CPyAppIDIndex | |
Ccirct::python::PyFileAccumulator | Taken from NanobindUtils.h in MLIR |
CPyLocationVecIterator | |
Cesi.RandomAccessMemoryDeclOp | |
Ccirct::ReachableMuxes | |
Csv.ReadInOutOp | |
Ccirct::firrtl::RecursiveTypeProperties | A collection of bits indicating the recursive properties of a type |
Ccirct::ReducePatternSet | |
►Ccirct::Reduction | An abstract reduction pattern |
►Ccirct::OpReduction< firrtl::InstanceOp > | |
CEagerInliner | A sample reduction pattern that eagerly inlines instances |
CExtmoduleInstanceRemover | A sample reduction pattern that replaces instances of firrtl.extmodule with wires |
CInstanceStubber | A sample reduction pattern that maps firrtl.instance to a set of invalidated wires |
►Ccirct::OpReduction< firrtl::FModuleOp > | |
CFIRRTLModuleExternalizer | A sample reduction pattern that maps firrtl.module to firrtl.extmodule |
CRootPortPruner | A sample reduction pattern that removes ports from the root firrtl.module if the port is not used or just invalidated |
►Ccirct::OpReduction< firrtl::MemOp > | |
CMemoryStubber | A sample reduction pattern that maps firrtl.mem to a set of invalidated wires |
►Ccirct::OpReduction< HWModuleOp > | |
CModuleExternalizer | A sample reduction pattern that maps hw.module to hw.module.extern |
CModuleInputPruner | Remove all input ports of the top-level module that have no users |
CModuleOutputPruner< Front > | Remove the first or last output of the top-level module depending on the 'Front' template parameter |
►Ccirct::OpReduction< firrtl::CircuitOp > | |
CModuleNameSanitizer | Psuedo-reduction that sanitizes module, instance, and port names |
►Ccirct::OpReduction< firrtl::NodeOp > | |
CNodeSymbolRemover | This reduction removes symbols on node ops |
►Ccirct::OpReduction< StateOp > | |
CStateElimination | A sample reduction pattern that converts arc.state operations to the simpler arc.call operation and removes clock, latency, name attributes, enables, and resets in the process |
CAnnotationRemover | A sample reduction pattern that removes FIRRTL annotations from ports and operations |
CConnectForwarder | A sample reduction pattern that pushes connected values through wires |
CConnectInvalidator | A sample reduction pattern that replaces the right-hand-side of firrtl.connect and firrtl.matchingconnect operations with a firrtl.invalidvalue |
CConnectSourceOperandForwarder< OpNum > | A sample reduction pattern that replaces a single-use wire and register with an operand of the source value of the connection |
CDetachSubaccesses | A sample reduction pattern that tries to remove aggregate wires by replacing all subaccesses with new independent wires |
CFIRRTLConstantifier | A sample reduction pattern that replaces FIRRTL operations with a constant zero of their type |
CFIRRTLOperandForwarder< OpNum > | A sample reduction pattern that replaces all uses of an operation with one of its operands |
CHWConstantifier | A sample reduction pattern that replaces integer operations with a constant zero of their type |
CHWOperandForwarder< OpNum > | A sample reduction pattern that replaces all uses of an operation with one of its operands |
CModuleInternalNameSanitizer | Psuedo-reduction that sanitizes the names of things inside modules |
COperationPruner | A sample reduction pattern that removes operations which either produce no results or their results have no users |
Ccirct::OpReduction< OpTy > | |
Ccirct::PassReduction | A reduction pattern that applies an mlir::Pass |
Cesi::services::MMIO::RegionDescriptor | Describe a region (slice) of MMIO space |
Cesi::registry::internal::RegisterAccelerator< TAccelerator > | |
Cesi::registry::internal::RegisterEngine< TEngine > | Helper struct to register engines |
Ccirct::FirRegLowering::RegLowerInfo | |
Csv.RegOp | |
Cesi.RequestConnectionOp | |
CReservedWordsCreator | Return a StringSet that contains all of the reserved names (e.g |
►Ccirct::firrtl::impl::ResolveTracesBase | |
CResolveTracesPass | |
Cesi::cosim::RpcServer | TODO: make this a proper backend (as much as possible) |
Ccirct::rtg::RTGOpVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | This helps visit TypeOp nodes |
Ccirct::rtg::RtgToolOptions | The set of options used to control the behavior of the RTG tool |
Ccirct::rtg::RTGTypeVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | This helps visit TypeOp nodes |
►CRuntimeError | |
►CPython.support.ConnectionError | |
CPython.support.UnconnectedSignalError | |
Ccirct::calyx::SchedulerInterface< T > | Holds common utilities used for scheduling when lowering to Calyx |
►Ccirct::calyx::SchedulerInterface< Scheduleable > | |
►Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::PipelineScheduler | Holds additional information required for scheduling Pipeline pipelines |
Ccirct::pipelinetocalyx::ComponentLoweringState | Handles the current state of lowering of a Calyx component |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::ComponentLoweringState | Handles the current state of lowering of a Calyx component |
►Cesi::services::Service | Parent class of all APIs modeled as 'services' |
Cesi::services::CallService | Service for servicing function calls from the accelerator |
Cesi::services::CustomService | A service for which there are no standard services registered |
Cesi::services::FuncService | Service for calling functions |
►Cesi::services::HostMem | |
CTraceHostMem | |
►Cesi::services::MMIO | |
CTraceMMIO | |
►Cesi::services::SysInfo | Information about the Accelerator system |
Cesi::services::MMIOSysInfo | Implement the SysInfo API for a standard MMIO protocol |
Ccirct::esi::ServiceGeneratorDispatcher | Class which "dispatches" a service implementation request to its specified generator |
CServiceGenFunc | Container for a Python function that will be called to generate a service |
Cesi::ServicePortDesc | A description of a service port |
Ccirct::esi::ServicePortInfo | Describes a service port |
Cesi::services::ServiceRegistry | Registry of services which can be instantiated directly by the Accelerator class if the backend doesn't do anything special with a service |
►Ccirct::firrtl::impl::SFCCompatBase | |
CSFCCompatPass | |
Ccirct::ExportVerilog::SharedEmitterState | This class tracks the top-level state for the emitters, which is built and then shared across all per-file emissions that happen in parallel |
Ccomb.ShlOp | |
Ccomb.ShrSOp | |
Ccomb.ShrUOp | |
►Cesi-cosim.Simulator | |
Cesi-cosim.Questa | |
Cesi-cosim.Verilator | |
CSimulatorStopLowering< FromOp, ToOp > | |
Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< KeyT, ValueT, InlineBuckets, KeyInfoT, BucketT > | |
Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< AlwaysKeyType, std::pair< sv::AlwaysOp, sv::IfOp > > | |
Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< APInt, hw::ConstantOp > | |
Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< IfKeyType, sv::IfOp > | |
Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< Operation *, StringAttr > | |
Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< slang::BufferID, StringRef > | |
Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< std::pair< Value, unsigned >, Value > | |
Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< StringAttr, EvaluatorValuePtr > | |
Cllvm::SmallSet< T, N, C > | |
Ccirct::ExportSMTLIB::SMTEmissionOptions | Emission options for the ExportSMTLIB pass |
Ccirct::SMTGlobalsHandler | A symbol cache for LLVM globals and functions relevant to SMT lowering patterns |
Ccirct::smt::SMTOpVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | This helps visit SMT nodes |
Ccirct::smt::SMTTypeVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | This helps visit SMT types |
Cesi-cosim.SourceFiles | |
Ccirct::SSAMaximizationStrategy | Strategy class to control the behavior of SSA maximization |
Ccirct::arc::StateInfo | Gathers information about a given Arc state |
Cfsm.StateOp | |
Cmlir::StdExprVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | StdExprVisitor is a visitor for standard expression nodes |
►Ccirct::firrtl::StmtExprVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | StmtExprVisitor is a visitor for FIRRTL operation that has an optional result |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRRTLVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | FIRRTLVisitor allows you to visit all of the expr/stmt/decls with one class declaration |
Ccirct::firrtl::StmtExprVisitor< ConcreteType, void, ExtraArgs... > | |
►Ccirct::firrtl::StmtVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | ExprVisitor is a visitor for FIRRTL statement nodes |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRRTLVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | FIRRTLVisitor allows you to visit all of the expr/stmt/decls with one class declaration |
Ccirct::hw::StmtVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | This helps visit TypeOp nodes |
Ccirct::firrtl::StmtVisitor< ConcreteType, void, ExtraArgs... > | |
Ccirct::StringAttrOrRef | A helper union that can represent a StringAttr , StringRef , or Twine |
Ccirct::ExportVerilog::StringOrOpToEmit | This class wraps an operation or a fixed string that should be emitted |
Chw.StructCreateOp | |
Chw.StructExtractOp | |
Ccirct::moore::StructLikeMember | A member of a struct |
CStructuralHasher | |
CStructuralHasherSharedConstants | This struct contains constant string attributes shared across different threads |
Cesi::backends::cosim::CosimAccelerator::StubContainer | Hack around C++ not having a way to forward declare a nested class |
Ccomb.SubOp | |
Chwarith.SubOp | |
Cdetail::SymbolCache | A utility doing lazy construction of SymbolTable s and SymbolUserMap s, which is handy for reductions that need to look up a lot of symbols |
►Ccirct::SymbolCacheBase | Base symbol cache class to allow for cache lookup through a pointer to some abstract cache |
Ccirct::SymbolCache | Default symbol cache implementation; stores associations between names (StringAttr's) to mlir::Operation's |
Ccirct::hw::HWSymbolCache | This stores lookup tables to make manipulating and working with the IR more efficient |
Ccirct::firrtl::TargetToken | Stores an index into an aggregate |
Ccirct::msft::TclEmitter | Instantiate for all Tcl emissions |
Ccirct::llhd::TemporalRegionAnalysis | |
Ccirct::TestCase | A single test case to be run by a tester |
Ccirct::Tester | A testing environment for reduction attempts |
►Ccirct::pretty::Token | |
►Ccirct::pretty::TokenBase< BeginToken, Token::Kind::Begin > | |
Ccirct::pretty::BeginToken | |
►Ccirct::pretty::TokenBase< BreakToken, Token::Kind::Break > | |
Ccirct::pretty::BreakToken | |
►Ccirct::pretty::TokenBase< CallbackToken, Token::Kind::Callback > | |
Ccirct::pretty::CallbackToken | |
►Ccirct::pretty::TokenBase< EndToken, Token::Kind::End > | |
Ccirct::pretty::EndToken | |
►Ccirct::pretty::TokenBase< StringToken, Token::Kind::String > | |
Ccirct::pretty::StringToken | Token types |
Ccirct::pretty::TokenBase< DerivedT, DerivedKind > | Helper class to CRTP-derive common functions |
Ccirct::firrtl::TokenAnnoTarget | The parsed annotation path |
►Ccirct::pretty::TokenBuilder< PPTy > | Add convenience methods for generating pretty-printing tokens |
Ccirct::pretty::TokenStream< PrettyPrinter > | |
►Ccirct::pretty::TokenStream< PPTy > | Wrap a PrettyPrinter with TokenBuilder features as well as operator<<'s |
Ccirct::pretty::TokenStreamWithCallback< CallableType, DataType, PPTy > | Wrap the TokenStream with a helper for CallbackTokens, to record the print events on the stream |
Ccirct::pretty::TokenBuilder< PrettyPrinter > | |
►Ccirct::pretty::Token::TokenInfo | |
Ccirct::pretty::Token::BeginInfo | |
Ccirct::pretty::Token::BreakInfo | |
Ccirct::pretty::Token::CallbackInfo | |
Ccirct::pretty::Token::EndInfo | |
Ccirct::pretty::Token::StringInfo | |
►Cmlir::OpTrait::TraitBase | |
Ccirct::calyx::Combinational< ConcreteType > | Signals that the following operation is combinational |
Ccirct::calyx::ControlLike< ConcreteType > | Signals that the following operation is "control-like." |
Ccirct::firrtl::SameOperandsIntTypeKind< ConcreteOp > | A binary operation where the operands have the same integer kind |
Ccirct::rtg::InstructionOpAdaptorTrait< ConcreteType > | |
Ccirct::sv::NonProceduralOp< ConcreteType > | This class verifies that the specified op is not located in a procedural region |
Ccirct::sv::ProceduralOp< ConcreteType > | This class verifies that the specified op is located in a procedural region |
Ccirct::sv::ProceduralRegion< ConcreteType > | Signals that an operations regions are procedural |
Ccirct::sv::VendorExtension< ConcreteType > | This class provides a verifier for ops that are expecting their parent to be one of the given parent ops |
Cmlir::OpTrait::HasClock< ConcreteType > | |
Cmlir::OpTrait::HasParentInterface< InterfaceType >::Impl< ConcreteType > | |
Cmlir::OpTrait::InnerRefNamespace< ConcreteType > | This trait is for operations that define a scope for resolving InnerRef's, and provides verification for InnerRef users (via InnerRefUserOpInterface) |
Cmlir::OpTrait::InnerSymbolTable< ConcreteType > | A trait for inner symbol table functionality on an operation |
►Cmlir::TypeTrait::TraitBase | |
►Ccirct::firrtl::WidthQualifiedTypeTrait< IntType > | |
Ccirct::firrtl::IntType | This is the common base class between SIntType and UIntType |
Ccirct::firrtl::WidthQualifiedTypeTrait< ConcreteType > | Trait for types which have a width |
Cfsm.TransitionOp | |
►Cstd::true_type | |
CHasParameters< Properties, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< Properties >().parameters)> > | |
Cesi::utils::TSQueue< T > | Thread safe queue |
CTVpiVecval | |
►Cesi::Type | Root class of the ESI type system |
Cesi::AnyType | The "any" type is a special type which can be used to represent any type, as identified by the type id |
Cesi::ArrayType | Arrays have a compile time specified (static) size and an element type |
►Cesi::BitVectorType | Bit vectors include signed, unsigned, and signless integers |
Cesi::BitsType | Bits are just an array of bits |
►Cesi::IntegerType | Integers are bit vectors which may be signed or unsigned and are interpreted as numbers |
Cesi::SIntType | Signed integer |
Cesi::UIntType | Unsigned integer |
Cesi::BundleType | Bundles represent a collection of channels |
Cesi::ChannelType | Channels are the basic communication primitives |
Cesi::StructType | Structs are an ordered collection of fields, each with a name and a type |
Cesi::VoidType | The "void" type is a special type which can be used to represent no type |
Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< std::any > | Pybind11 doesn't have a built-in type caster for std::any (https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues/1590) |
►CFIRRTLType::TypeBase | |
►Ccirct::firrtl::FIRRTLBaseType | |
Ccirct::firrtl::IntType | This is the common base class between SIntType and UIntType |
►Cmlir::Type::TypeBase | |
Ccirct::firrtl::BaseTypeAliasOr< BaseTy > | |
Ccirct::hw::TypeAliasOr< BaseTy > | |
Ccirct::hw::TypeVariant< Types > | Utility type that wraps a type that may be one of several possible Types |
►CType::TypeBase | |
Ccirct::systemc::BigIntType | Represents a finite word-length signed integer in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.6.5 |
Ccirct::systemc::BigUIntType | Represents a finite word-length unsigned integer in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.6.6 |
Ccirct::systemc::BitVectorBaseType | Represents a finite word-length bit vector in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.9.3 |
Ccirct::systemc::BitVectorType | Represents a finite word-length bit vector in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.9.5 |
Ccirct::systemc::IntBaseType | Represents a limited word-length signed integer in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.5.2 |
Ccirct::systemc::IntType | Represents a limited word-length signed integer in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.5.4 |
Ccirct::systemc::LogicVectorBaseType | Represents a finite word-length bit vector in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.9.4 |
Ccirct::systemc::LogicVectorType | Represents a finite word-length bit vector (of four-state values) in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.9.6 |
Ccirct::systemc::SignedType | Represents a finite word-length signed integer in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.6.3 |
Ccirct::systemc::UIntBaseType | Represents a limited word-length unsigned integer in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.5.3 |
Ccirct::systemc::UIntType | Represents a limited word-length unsigned integer in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.5.5 |
Ccirct::systemc::UnsignedType | Represents a finite word-length unsigned integer in SystemC as described in IEEE 1666-2011 §7.6.4 |
►Cmlir::TypeConverter | |
Ccirct::HWArithToHWTypeConverter | A helper type converter class that automatically populates the relevant materializations and type conversions for converting HWArith to HW |
Chw.TypedeclOp | |
Ccirct::hw::TypeOpVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | This helps visit TypeOp nodes |
►Chw::TypeOpVisitor | |
CEmittedExpressionStateManager | This class handles information about AST structures of each expressions |
Chw.TypeScopeOp | |
►Cmlir::TypeStorage | |
Ccirct::firrtl::detail::ClassTypeStorage | |
►Ccirct::firrtl::detail::FIRRTLBaseTypeStorage | |
Ccirct::firrtl::detail::BaseTypeAliasStorage | |
Ccirct::firrtl::detail::BundleTypeStorage | |
Ccirct::firrtl::detail::FEnumTypeStorage | |
Ccirct::firrtl::detail::FVectorTypeStorage | |
Ccirct::firrtl::detail::WidthTypeStorage | |
Ccirct::firrtl::detail::OpenBundleTypeStorage | |
Ccirct::firrtl::detail::OpenVectorTypeStorage | |
►Cllvm::detail::TypeSwitchBase | |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRRTLTypeSwitch< T, ResultT > | This class implements the same functionality as TypeSwitch except that it uses firrtl::type_dyn_cast for dynamic cast |
Ccirct::firrtl::FIRRTLTypeSwitch< T, void > | Specialization of FIRRTLTypeSwitch for void returning callables |
CLowerXMRPass::ValueComparator | Llvm::EquivalenceClasses wants comparable elements |
Ccirct::ValueMapper | Facilitates the definition and connection of SSA def-use chains between two location - a 'from' location (defining use-def chains) and a 'to' location (where new operations are created based on the 'from' location) |
►Cstd::vector | |
Cesi::AppIDPath | |
Ccirct::lsp::VerilogServer | This class implements all of the Verilog related functionality necessary for a language server |
Ccirct::lsp::VerilogServerOptions | |
Ccirct::ltl::Visitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | |
Ccirct::sv::Visitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | |
Ccirct::verif::Visitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs > | |
►Csv::Visitor | |
CEmittedExpressionStateManager | This class handles information about AST structures of each expressions |
Ccirct::msft::PlacementDB::WalkOrder | |
Ccirct::scftocalyx::WhileScheduleable | |
CWireLowering | |
Csv.WireOp | |
Ccirct::firrtl::WiringProblem | A representation of a deferred Wiring problem consisting of a source that should be connected to a sink |
Ccomb.XorOp | |
►CAbstractContextManager | |
CPython.support.BackedgeBuilder | |
►Cbuild_ext | |
CPython.setup.NoopBuildExtension | |
Csetup.NoopBuildExtension | |
►Cbuild_py | |
CPython.setup.CMakeBuild | |
Csetup.CMakeBuild | |
CCallableType & | |
►CConversionPattern | |
CPartialLowerRegion | Allows to partially lower a region by matching on the parent operation to then call the provided partial lowering function with the region and the rewriter |
►CConversionTarget | |
CLowerRegionTarget | |
►CExtension | |
CPython.setup.CMakeExtension | |
Csetup.CMakeExtension | |
CForOp | |
►CFuture | |
Cesiaccel.types.MessageFuture | |
►CImplicitLocOpBuilder | |
Ccirct::esi::detail::ESIHWBuilder | Assist the lowering steps for conversions which need to create auxiliary IR |
CLoopSchedulePipelineOp | |
►CNamedValueOpView | |
Ccomb.BinaryOpBuilder | |
Ccomb.ICmpOpBuilder | |
►Ccomb.UnaryOpBuilder | |
Ccomb.ExtractOpBuilder | |
Chwarith.BinaryOpBuilder | |
►Cseq.CompRegLikeBuilder | |
Cseq.CompRegBuilder | |
Cseq.CompRegClockEnabledBuilder | |
►COpView | |
Ccomb.EqOp | |
Ccomb.GeSOp | |
Ccomb.GeUOp | |
Ccomb.GtSOp | |
Ccomb.GtUOp | |
Ccomb.LeSOp | |
Ccomb.LeUOp | |
Ccomb.LtSOp | |
Ccomb.LtUOp | |
Ccomb.NeOp | |
Cqueue< DataType > | |
►CType | |
►Ccirct::firrtl::FIRRTLType | |
Ccirct::firrtl::PropertyType | |
►Ccirct::moore::UnpackedType | An unpacked SystemVerilog type |
Ccirct::moore::PackedType | A packed SystemVerilog type |
Ccirct::systemc::ValueBaseType | This provides a common base class for all SystemC integers |
►CTypeStorage | |
Ccirct::hw::detail::ModuleTypeStorage | |
Ccirct::systemc::detail::IntegerWidthStorage | Integer Type Storage and Uniquing |
CWhileOp | |