CIRCT 21.0.0git
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cesi::AcceleratorConnectionAbstract class representing a connection to an accelerator
 Cesi::AcceleratorServiceThreadBackground thread which services various requests
 Ccirct::firrtl::AnnoRecord===-------------------------------------------------------------------—===// LowerAnnotations ===-------------------------------------------------------------------—===//
 Ccirct::firrtl::AnnoTargetAn annotation target is used to keep track of something that is targeted by an Annotation
 Ccirct::firrtl::AnnoTargetCacheCache AnnoTargets for a module's named things
 Ccirct::firrtl::AnnotationThis class provides a read-only projection of an annotation
 Ccirct::firrtl::AnnotationSetThis class provides a read-only projection over the MLIR attributes that represent a set of annotations
 Ccirct::esi::AppIDIndexAn index for resolving AppIDPaths to dynamic instances
 Ccirct::firrtl::ApplyStateState threaded through functions for resolving and applying annotations
 Ccirct::BackedgeBackedge is a wrapper class around a Value
 Ccirct::BackedgeBuilderInstantiate one of these and use it to build typed backedges
 CBlockControlTermHolds information about an handshake "basic block terminator" control operation
 Ccirct::pretty::BufferingPPBuffer tokens for clients that need to adjust things
 Cesi::BundleEngineMapSince engines can support multiple channels BUT not necessarily all of the channels in a bundle, a mapping from bundle channels to engines is needed
 Cesi::BundlePortServices provide connections to 'bundles' – collections of named, unidirectional communication channels
 CCallPrepPrecomputedBuild indexes to make lookups faster. Create the new argument types as well
 Ccirct::calyx::CalyxLoweringStateAn interface for conversion passes that lower Calyx programs
 Cesi::ChannelAssignmentDetails about how to connect to a particular channel
 Cesi::ChannelPortUnidirectional channels are the basic communication primitive between the host and accelerator
 Ccirct::chirrtl::CHIRRTLVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >CHIRRTLVisitor is a visitor for CHIRRTL operations
 Ccirct::firrtl::InstanceInfo::CircuitAttributesInformation about a circuit
 Ccirct::firrtl::CircuitTargetCacheCache AnnoTargets for a circuit's modules, walked as needed
 Ccirct::firrtl::Annotation::ClassIsaHelper struct to perform variadic class equality check
 Ccirct::comb::CombinationalVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >This helps visit Combinational nodes
 Ccirct::firrtl::ContainAliasableTypes< head, tail >A struct to check if there is a type derived from FIRRTLBaseType
 Ccirct::firrtl::ContainAliasableTypes< BaseTy >
 Ccirct::ImportVerilog::ContextA helper class to facilitate the conversion from a Slang AST to MLIR operations
 Cesi::ContextAcceleratorConnections, Accelerators, and Manifests must all share a context
 Ccirct::analysis::CyclicSchedulingAnalysisCyclicSchedulingAnalysis constructs a CyclicProblem for each AffineForOp by performing a memory dependence analysis and inserting dependences into the problem
 Ccirct::DebugAnalysisIdentify operations and values that are only used for debug info
 Ccirct::DebugInfoDebug information attached to an operation and the operations nested within
 Ccirct::detail::DebugInfoBuilderHelper to populate a DebugInfo with nodes
 Ccirct::firrtl::DeclVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >ExprVisitor is a visitor for FIRRTL declaration nodes
 Ccirct::firrtl::DeclVisitor< ConcreteType, void, ExtraArgs... >
 Ccirct::ssp::Default< ProblemT >Dummy struct to query a problem's default properties (i.e
 Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::ChainingCyclicProblem >
 Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::ChainingProblem >
 Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::CyclicProblem >
 Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::ModuloProblem >
 Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::Problem >
 Ccirct::ssp::Default< scheduling::SharedOperatorsProblem >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< T, Enable >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< bool >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::FieldRef >Allow using FieldRef with DenseMaps
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::FirMemConfig >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::firrtl::AnnoTarget >Make AnnoTarget hash
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::firrtl::Annotation >Make Annotation hash just like Attribute
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::firrtl::FIRRTLType >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::firrtl::FModuleOp >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< circt::FVInt, void >Provide DenseMapInfo for FVInt
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< Dependence >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< DriveCondition >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< JValue >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< Key >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< LabelValue >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< ModuleInfo >A DenseMapInfo implementation for ModuleInfo that is a pair of llvm::SHA256 hashes, which are represented as std::array<uint8_t, 32>, and an array of string attributes
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< ModuleSummaryPass::KeyTy >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< ResetSignal >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< slang::BufferID >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< SmallVector< Value > >
 Cllvm::DenseMapInfo< std::pair< Value, SmallVector< int64_t, 4 > > >
 Ccirct::scheduling::detail::DependenceA wrapper class to uniformly handle def-use and auxiliary dependence edges
 Ccirct::rtg::DictEntryDefines an entry in an !rtg.dict
 Ccirct::ExportSystemC::EmissionPatternSet< PatternTy >This class collects a set of emission patterns with base type 'PatternTy'
 Ccirct::ExportSystemC::EmissionPrinterThis is intended to be the driving class for all pattern-based IR emission
 Ccirct::debug::EmitHGLDDOptionsOptions for HGLDD emission
 Cesi::EngineEngines implement the actual channel communication between the host and the accelerator
 CEquivalenceThis class is for reporting differences between two modules which should have been deduplicated
 Ccirct::om::EvaluatorAn Evaluator, which is constructed with an IR module and can instantiate Objects
 Ccirct::firrtl::ExprVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >ExprVisitor is a visitor for FIRRTL expression nodes
 Ccirct::firrtl::ExprVisitor< ConcreteType, void, ExtraArgs... >
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< DescribedSignal, Context >::FieldA one-to-one representation with a YAML representation of a signal/field
 Ccirct::hw::detail::FieldInfoStruct defining a field. Used in structs
 Cmlir::FieldParser<::BundledChannel, ::BundledChannel >
 Ccirct::FieldRefThis class represents a reference to a specific field or element of an aggregate value
 Ccirct::firrtl::FieldRefCacheCaching version of getFieldRefFromValue
 Ccirct::firrtl::FieldSourceTo use this class, retrieve a cached copy from the analysis manager: auto &fieldsource = getAnalysis<FieldSource>(getOperation());
 Ccirct::ExportVerilog::FileInfoInformation to control the emission of a list of operations into a file
 Ccirct::firrtl::FIRLexerThis implements a lexer for .fir files
 Ccirct::firrtl::FIRLexerCursorThis is the state captured for a lexer cursor
 Ccirct::FirMemConfigThe configuration of a FIR memory
 Ccirct::FirMemLoweringFIR memory lowering helper
 Ccirct::seq::FirMemoryHelper structure carrying information about FIR memory generated ops
 Ccirct::FirRegLoweringLower FirRegOp to sv.reg and sv.always
 CFIRRTLBundleFieldDescribes a field in a bundle type
 CFIRRTLClassElementDescribes an element in a class type
 Ccirct::firrtl::FIRTokenThis represents a specific token for .fir files
 Ccirct::firtool::FirtoolOptionsSet of options used to control the behavior of the firtool pipeline
 Ccirct::firrtl::FIRVersionThe FIRRTL specification version
 Ccirct::pretty::PrettyPrinter::FormattedTokenFormat token with tracked size
 Ccirct::ExportSystemC::FrozenEmissionPatternSet< PatternTy, KeyTy >This class intends to collect a set of emission patterns in a way to provide fast lookups, but does not allow to add more patterns after construction
 Ccirct::ExportSystemC::FrozenEmissionPatternSet< AttrEmissionPatternBase, TypeID >
 Ccirct::ExportSystemC::FrozenEmissionPatternSet< OpEmissionPatternBase, OperationName >
 Ccirct::ExportSystemC::FrozenEmissionPatternSet< TypeEmissionPatternBase, TypeID >
 Ccirct::ImportVerilog::FunctionLoweringFunction lowering information
 CFunctionRewriteA struct for maintaining function declarations which needs to be rewritten, if they contain memref arguments that was flattened
 Ccirct::FVIntFour-valued arbitrary precision integers
 Ccirct::firrtl::GenericIntrinsicHelper class for checking and extracting information from the generic instrinsic op
 Ccirct::ExportVerilog::GlobalNameResolverThis class keeps track of modules and interfaces that need to be renamed, as well as module ports, parameters, declarations and verif labels that need to be renamed
 Ccirct::ExportVerilog::GlobalNameTableThis class keeps track of global names at the module/interface level
 Cllvm::GraphTraits< circt::hw::detail::HWOperation * >
 Cllvm::GraphTraits< circt::igraph::InstanceGraphNode * >
 Cllvm::GraphTraits< llvm::Inverse< circt::igraph::InstanceGraphNode * > >
 Ccirct::handshake::HandshakeVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >HandshakeVisitor is a visitor for handshake nodes
 CHashTableStack< KeyT, ValueT >This is a stack of hashtables, if lookup fails in the top-most hashtable, it will attempt to lookup in lower hashtables
 Cmlir::OpTrait::HasParentInterface< InterfaceType >
 Ccirct::firrtl::HierPathCacheA cache of existing HierPathOps, mostly used to facilitate HierPathOp reuse
 Ccirct::ImportVerilog::HierPathInfoHierarchical path information
 Cesi::services::HostMem::HostMemRegionRAII memory region for host memory
 Cesi::HWClientDetailA description of a hardware client
 Cesi::HWModuleRepresents either the top level or an instance of a hardware module
 Ccirct::ExportSystemC::FrozenEmissionPatternSet< PatternTy, KeyTy >::ImplThe internal implementation of the frozen pattern set
 Ccirct::ImportVerilogOptionsOptions that control how Verilog input files are parsed and processed
 Ccirct::ExportSystemC::InlineEmitterThis class is returned to a pattern that requested inlined emission of a value
 Ccirct::hw::InnerRefNamespaceThis class represents the namespace in which InnerRef's can be resolved
 Ccirct::hw::InnerRefNamespaceLikeClassify operations that are InnerRefNamespace-like, until structure is in place to do this via Traits
 Ccirct::hw::InnerSymbolTableA table of inner symbols and their resolutions
 Ccirct::hw::InnerSymbolTableCollectionThis class represents a collection of InnerSymbolTable's
 Ccirct::hw::InnerSymTargetThe target of an inner symbol, the entity the symbol is a handle for
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< DescribedInstance, Context >::InstanceA YAML-serializable representation of an interface instantiation
 Ccirct::igraph::InstanceGraphThis graph tracks modules and where they are instantiated
 Ccirct::igraph::InstancePathAn instance path composed of a series of instances
 Ccirct::igraph::InstancePathCacheA data structure that caches and provides absolute paths to module instances in the IR
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< sv::InterfaceOp, Context >::InterfaceA YAML-serializable representation of an interface
 Ccirct::firrtl::IntrinsicConverterBase class for Intrinsic Converters
 Ccirct::firrtl::IntrinsicLoweringsLowering helper which collects all intrinsic converters
 CHashTableStack< KeyT, ValueT >::Iterator
 Ccirct::firrtl::InstanceInfo::LatticeValueA lattice value to record the value of a property
 Ccirct::firrtl::LegacyWiringProblemA representation of a legacy Wiring problem consisting of a signal source that should be connected to one or many sinks
 Ccirct::pretty::PrettyPrinter::ListenerListener to Token storage events
 CFIRParser::LocWithInfoThis helper class is used to handle Info records, which specify higher level symbolic source location, that may be missing from the file
 Ccirct::ImportVerilog::LoopFrameInformation about a loops continuation and exit blocks relevant while lowering the loop's body statements
 Ccirct::calyx::LoopLoweringStateInterface< Loop >
 Ccirct::calyx::LoopLoweringStateInterface< PipelineWhileOp >
 Ccirct::calyx::LoopLoweringStateInterface< ScfForOp >
 Ccirct::calyx::LoopLoweringStateInterface< ScfWhileOp >
 Ccirct::LoweringOptionsOptions which control the emission from CIRCT to Verilog
 Cesi::ManifestClass to parse a manifest
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< DescribedInstance, Context >Conversion from a DescribedInstance to YAML
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< DescribedSignal, Context >Conversion from a DescribedSignal to YAML
 Cllvm::yaml::MappingContextTraits< sv::InterfaceOp, Context >Conversion from an sv::InterfaceOp to YAML
 Ccirct::ExportSystemC::MatchResultThis class allows a pattern's match function for inlining to pass its result's precedence to the pattern that requested the expression
 Ccirct::analysis::MemoryDependenceMemoryDependence captures a dependence from one memory operation to another
 Ccirct::analysis::MemoryDependenceAnalysisMemoryDependenceAnalysis traverses any AffineForOps in the FuncOp body and checks for affine memory access dependences
 Cesi::MessageDataA logical chunk of data representing serialized data
 Ccirct::arc::ModelInfoGathers information about a given Arc model
 CAppIDIndex::ModuleAppIDsHelper class constructed on a per-HWModuleLike basis
 Ccirct::firrtl::InstanceInfo::ModuleAttributesInformation about a module
 Ccirct::ImportVerilog::ModuleLoweringModule lowering information
 Ccirct::firrtl::ModuleModificationsA store of pending modifications to a FIRRTL module associated with solving one or more WiringProblems
 Ccirct::hw::ModulePortInfoThis holds a decoded list of input/inout and output ports for a module or instance
 CModuleSizeCacheUtility to track the transitive size of modules
 Ccirct::NamespaceA namespace that is used to store existing names and generate new names in some scope within the IR
 CNLARemoverA tracker for track NLAs affected by a reduction
 Ccirct::firrtl::NLATableThis table tracks nlas and what modules participate in them
 Ccirct::hw::detail::OffsetFieldInfoStruct defining a field with an offset. Used in unions
 COMEvaluatorA value type for use in C APIs that just wraps a pointer to an Evaluator
 COMEvaluatorValueA value type for use in C APIs that just wraps a pointer to an Object
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< SourceOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< AffineLoadOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< AffineStoreOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< BoolConstantOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< calyx::AssignOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< ClassFieldsOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< ComponentOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< ControlOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< DoubleConstantOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< FIntegerConstantOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::IntegerAddOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::IntegerMulOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::IntegerShlOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::IntegerShrOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::ListConcatOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::ListCreateOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::ObjectSubfieldOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< firrtl::PathOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< IfOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< ObjectAnyRefCastOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< ObjectFieldOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< om::ClassExternOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< om::ClassOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< om::ObjectOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< OpTy >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< scf::IndexSwitchOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< StringConstantOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< WireOp >
 Cmlir::OpConversionPattern< WiresOp >
 Cmlir::OperationPass< T >
 Ccirct::ExportVerilog::OpFileInfoInformation to control the emission of a single operation into a file
 Ccirct::ExportVerilog::OpLocMapTrack the output verilog line,column number information for every op
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< SourceOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< calyx::CombGroupOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< calyx::GroupDoneOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< calyx::GroupOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< calyx::ParOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< calyx::StaticParOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< CtrlOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< ForkOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< func::ReturnOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< IfOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< JoinOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< mlir::affine::AffineLoadOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< mlir::affine::AffineStoreOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< scf::ExecuteRegionOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< SelectOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< StaticIfOp >
 Cmlir::OpRewritePattern< UnpackOp >
 Cesi::services::HostMem::OptionsOptions for allocating host memory
 Ccirct::firrtl::OwningModuleCacheThis implements an analysis to determine which module owns a given path operation
 Cmlir::OwningOpRef< OpTy >
 Ccirct::om::PathElementA module name, and the name of an instance inside that module
 Ccirct::ExportSystemC::PatternBaseThis is indented to be the base class for all emission patterns
 Ccirct::msft::PlacementDB::PlacementCellA memory slot
 Ccirct::msft::PlacementDBA data structure to contain both the locations of the primitives on the device and instance assignments to said primitives locations, aka placements
 Ccirct::esi::PlatformThis should eventually become a set of functions to define the various platform-specific lowerings
 Cpybind11::polymorphic_type_hook< ChannelPort >Pybind11 needs a little help downcasting with non-bound instances
 Cpybind11::polymorphic_type_hook< Service >
 Ccirct::hw::PortConversionBase class for the port conversion of a particular port
 Ccirct::calyx::PortInfoThis holds information about the port for either a Component or Cell
 Ccirct::firrtl::PortInfoThis holds the name and type that describes the module's ports
 Ccirct::systemc::detail::PortInfoA struct containing minimal information for a systemc module port
 Ccirct::ImportVerilog::PortLoweringPort lowering information
 Ccirct::pretty::PPExtStringString wrapper to indicate string has external storage
 Ccirct::pretty::PPSaveStringString wrapper to indicate string needs to be saved
 Ccirct::calyx::PredicateInfoPredicate information for the floating point comparisons
 Ccirct::msft::PrimitiveDBA data structure to contain locations of the primitives on the device
 Ccirct::pretty::PrettyPrinter::PrintEntryPrinting information for active scope, stored in printStack
 Ccirct::scheduling::ProblemThis class models the most basic scheduling problem
 Ccirct::python::PyFileAccumulatorTaken from NanobindUtils.h in MLIR
 Ccirct::firrtl::RecursiveTypePropertiesA collection of bits indicating the recursive properties of a type
 Ccirct::ReductionAn abstract reduction pattern
 Cesi::services::MMIO::RegionDescriptorDescribe a region (slice) of MMIO space
 Cesi::registry::internal::RegisterAccelerator< TAccelerator >
 Cesi::registry::internal::RegisterEngine< TEngine >Helper struct to register engines
 CReservedWordsCreatorReturn a StringSet that contains all of the reserved names (e.g
 Cesi::cosim::RpcServerTODO: make this a proper backend (as much as possible)
 Ccirct::rtg::RTGOpVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >This helps visit TypeOp nodes
 Ccirct::rtg::RtgToolOptionsThe set of options used to control the behavior of the RTG tool
 Ccirct::rtg::RTGTypeVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >This helps visit TypeOp nodes
 Ccirct::calyx::SchedulerInterface< T >Holds common utilities used for scheduling when lowering to Calyx
 Ccirct::calyx::SchedulerInterface< Scheduleable >
 Cesi::services::ServiceParent class of all APIs modeled as 'services'
 Ccirct::esi::ServiceGeneratorDispatcherClass which "dispatches" a service implementation request to its specified generator
 CServiceGenFuncContainer for a Python function that will be called to generate a service
 Cesi::ServicePortDescA description of a service port
 Ccirct::esi::ServicePortInfoDescribes a service port
 Cesi::services::ServiceRegistryRegistry of services which can be instantiated directly by the Accelerator class if the backend doesn't do anything special with a service
 Ccirct::ExportVerilog::SharedEmitterStateThis class tracks the top-level state for the emitters, which is built and then shared across all per-file emissions that happen in parallel
 CSimulatorStopLowering< FromOp, ToOp >
 Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< KeyT, ValueT, InlineBuckets, KeyInfoT, BucketT >
 Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< AlwaysKeyType, std::pair< sv::AlwaysOp, sv::IfOp > >
 Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< APInt, hw::ConstantOp >
 Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< IfKeyType, sv::IfOp >
 Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< Operation *, StringAttr >
 Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< slang::BufferID, StringRef >
 Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< std::pair< Value, unsigned >, Value >
 Cllvm::SmallDenseMap< StringAttr, EvaluatorValuePtr >
 Cllvm::SmallSet< T, N, C >
 Ccirct::ExportSMTLIB::SMTEmissionOptionsEmission options for the ExportSMTLIB pass
 Ccirct::SMTGlobalsHandlerA symbol cache for LLVM globals and functions relevant to SMT lowering patterns
 Ccirct::smt::SMTOpVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >This helps visit SMT nodes
 Ccirct::smt::SMTTypeVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >This helps visit SMT types
 Ccirct::SSAMaximizationStrategyStrategy class to control the behavior of SSA maximization
 Ccirct::arc::StateInfoGathers information about a given Arc state
 Cmlir::StdExprVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >StdExprVisitor is a visitor for standard expression nodes
 Ccirct::firrtl::StmtExprVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >StmtExprVisitor is a visitor for FIRRTL operation that has an optional result
 Ccirct::firrtl::StmtExprVisitor< ConcreteType, void, ExtraArgs... >
 Ccirct::firrtl::StmtVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >ExprVisitor is a visitor for FIRRTL statement nodes
 Ccirct::hw::StmtVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >This helps visit TypeOp nodes
 Ccirct::firrtl::StmtVisitor< ConcreteType, void, ExtraArgs... >
 Ccirct::StringAttrOrRefA helper union that can represent a StringAttr, StringRef, or Twine
 Ccirct::ExportVerilog::StringOrOpToEmitThis class wraps an operation or a fixed string that should be emitted
 Ccirct::moore::StructLikeMemberA member of a struct
 CStructuralHasherSharedConstantsThis struct contains constant string attributes shared across different threads
 Cesi::backends::cosim::CosimAccelerator::StubContainerHack around C++ not having a way to forward declare a nested class
 Cdetail::SymbolCacheA utility doing lazy construction of SymbolTables and SymbolUserMaps, which is handy for reductions that need to look up a lot of symbols
 Ccirct::SymbolCacheBaseBase symbol cache class to allow for cache lookup through a pointer to some abstract cache
 Ccirct::firrtl::TargetTokenStores an index into an aggregate
 Ccirct::msft::TclEmitterInstantiate for all Tcl emissions
 Ccirct::TestCaseA single test case to be run by a tester
 Ccirct::TesterA testing environment for reduction attempts
 Ccirct::firrtl::TokenAnnoTargetThe parsed annotation path
 Ccirct::pretty::TokenBuilder< PPTy >Add convenience methods for generating pretty-printing tokens
 Ccirct::pretty::TokenBuilder< PrettyPrinter >
 Cesi::utils::TSQueue< T >Thread safe queue
 Cesi::TypeRoot class of the ESI type system
 Cpybind11::detail::type_caster< std::any >Pybind11 doesn't have a built-in type caster for std::any (
 Ccirct::hw::TypeOpVisitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >This helps visit TypeOp nodes
 CLowerXMRPass::ValueComparatorLlvm::EquivalenceClasses wants comparable elements
 Ccirct::ValueMapperFacilitates the definition and connection of SSA def-use chains between two location - a 'from' location (defining use-def chains) and a 'to' location (where new operations are created based on the 'from' location)
 Ccirct::lsp::VerilogServerThis class implements all of the Verilog related functionality necessary for a language server
 Ccirct::ltl::Visitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >
 Ccirct::sv::Visitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >
 Ccirct::verif::Visitor< ConcreteType, ResultType, ExtraArgs >
 Ccirct::firrtl::WiringProblemA representation of a deferred Wiring problem consisting of a source that should be connected to a sink
 CCallableType &
 Cqueue< DataType >